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An important facility for 11th class students preparing for short questions english 11th class chapter 14 of BISE. Get hundreds of questions to prepare and get better marks in 11th english
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Question: 1
Who took the young man after accident to the hospital.
Answer: 1
The accident took place at night. Some of the passers -by and one of the traffic inspectors loaded his body into a car and shifted it to a nearby hospital
Question: 2
What was the youngman wearining.
Answer: 2
The youngman was wearing a brown overcoat with a creatn coloured half opened rose in his button hole. A white silk scarf was knotted at this neck. the shoes were old but brightly polished. Socks were different from each other.
Question: 3
How did the young man die.
Answer: 3
The young man died of a road accident. He was hit by a truck.
Question: 4
Why did the people come out on the Mall?
Answer: 4
Almost people of all walks of life came on the mall to spend their leisure time. They include students, office worker, drivers, labourers, beggars and vendors. They came there to amuse themselves.
Question: 5
Draw a Character sketch of young man.
Answer: 5
The young man looked a well-dressed person. His hair was sleek and shinging and thin moustache. He was wearing a overcoat. By appearacne he looked a dandy man.
Question: 6
Why was the cat shivering.
Answer: 6
The cat was shivering because of the cold wind and chilly weather.
Question: 7
How did the young man follow the young coupie.
Answer: 7
The young man followed the couple because he wanted to get a glimpse of their face. He also wanted to hear their talks during the walk.
Question: 8
What was the condition of the coat he wearing.
Answer: 8
The coat was old enought but its cut and stuff was fine. The lapels were stiff and the sleeves were well creased. It had big and shiny buttons.
Question: 9
Why did the driver of the truck speed away after the accident.
Answer: 9
The driver escaped from the site of the accident taking the advantage of the darkness around him.
Question: 10
What was there in the pockets of young man's overcoat.
Answer: 10
A small comb, a handkerchief six annas and a few pies a half smoked cigarette and a little diary a list of gramophone recorda and a few handbills were found inside the pockets of the young man overcoat.
Question: 11
What was the condition of the dead-body of the young man when his clothes were taken off.?
Answer: 11
When the clothes of theyoung man were removed, there were layers of dirt over his body. He could not have had a bath for a least two months. Only the upper part of his neck was clean and well powdered.
Question: 12
What was the condition of the young man after te accident.
Answer: 12
The young man was badly hurt in the accident. He was in a very critical state when he was taken to the hospital.
Question: 13
How did the nurses of the hospital comment on the youngman.
Answer: 13
The nurse of the hospital commented that the young man seemed tobe quite well -to -do
Question: 14
What is the moral of the story" overcoat"?
Answer: 14
Every man wants to be a respectable citizen but poverty is a great enemy to human happines. It also makes some virtues impracticable and others extremely difficult.
Question: 15
What were the factors that induced people of different professions to converge on the Mall.
Answer: 15
It was the cold that induced people to seek comfort to please.So people emerged ont he Mall to amuse themselve among variety of hotels and snack bars, each according to his means.
Question: 16
What kind of music was layed in one of the restuaurants.
Answer: 16
An orchestra was being played in one of the restaurants.
Question: 17
What did the coat of the young man symbolize in the lesson, " Overcoat"?
Answer: 17
The coat of the young man symbolized social status of the white-collared class of the society. The young man of this story is also such a person who concealed his poverty under his overcoat.
Question: 18
How did the young man treat the cat in story" Over coat".
Answer: 18
Thy young man treated the cat nicely. He stroked the cat and smoothed its fur.
Question: 19
What was found beneath the overcoal of the young man.
Answer: 19
When overcoat was remoed, it was found that the young man was wearing underneath only on old cotton sweater which was all in holes.