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Question: 1
Differentiate between anabolism and catabolism.
Answer: 1
Anabolism: The reaction in which simpler substance are combined to from complex substance are called anabolism or anabolism reaction Anabolic reaction need energy.
Question: 2
Write two protective function of water.
Answer: 2
Water is effective lubricant which provides protection against damage from friction e.g tears protect eye surface from the rubbing of eyelids.
Water also from fluid cushion around organs and protect them from trauma.
Question: 3
Define Protective role of water.
Answer: 3
Water is effective lubricant that provide a protection against damages resulting from fiction,For Example tears protect the surface of eye from rubbing of eyelids. Water also forms a fluid cushion around organs that helps to protect them from trauma.
Question: 4
Write a note on glycogen.
Answer: 4
It is also called animals starch.It is the chief form of carbohydrates store in animal body,It is found abundantly in liver muscle,though found in all animals cells.It is in soluble in water.It gives red color with iodine,It also yields glucose on hydrolysis.
Question: 5
What is heat capacity of water?
Answer: 5
Water has great ability of absorbing heat with minimum change in its own temperature. The specific heat capacity of water - The number of calories required to raise the temperature of 1 g of water from 15 to 16 Degree is 1.0.
Question: 6
Differentiate between amylase and amylopectin starches.
Answer: 6
Amylose Starch: Amylose starches have un-branched chains of glucose and are soluble in hot water.
Question: 7
Name two reducing sugars,also mention name of most familiar disaccharide.
Answer: 7
Reducing sugars are glucose and galatose most familiar disaccharide is sucrose.
Question: 8
Define heat capacity and gives its advantage,
Answer: 8
The specific heat capacity of water is the number of calories required to raise the temperature of 1 gm of water from 15-16 Degree and it is 1 Degree.This is because much of the heat energy is used to break hydrogen bonds.Water work as temperature stabilizer for organisms in the environment and hence protects living materials against sudden thermal changes.
Question: 9
Define Metabolism.Name its process.
Answer: 9
All the chemical reaction taking place within a cell are collectively called as metabolism.
Question: 10
Differentiate between glycosidic and peptide bond.
Answer: 10
Glycosidic Bond:When two carbohydrates molecules react with each other and from bond with release of water molecule it is called glycoside bind.
Question: 11
Define Heat of vaporization,what is heat of vaporization of water?
Answer: 11
Water absorb much as of heat as changes from liquid to gas.Heat of vaporization is expressed as calories absorbed per gram of vaporized water.
The specific heart of vaporization of water 574 k cal/kg.
Question: 12
What is glycosidic bond?
Answer: 12
A covalent bond between monosaccharide molecules is called glycosidic bond.During formation of glycoside bond hydroxyl group of one glucose unit and hydrogen of second glucose molecules react to from water and resulting bond is called glycoside bond.
Question: 13
Define monosaccharides with examples.
Answer: 13
Monosaccharides are simplest,more sweet sugars,which can not be hydrolyzed into simpler sugars.example are Ribose,Glucose.
Question: 14
Give difference between saturated and unsaturated fatty acid.
Answer: 14
Saturated fatty acids: Fatty acids which have no double covalent bond in them are called saturated fatty acetic acid.
Question: 15
What are terpenoids?
Answer: 15
Terpenoids are very large and important group of compound which are made up of repeating units called isoprenopid units.This unit by condensation in different ways gives rise to compound such as rubber,carotenoids,steroids and terpens.
Question: 16
How amino acids differs from each other?
Answer: 16
All the amino acids have an amino group and a carboxyl group attached to the same carbon atom called alpha carbon.
Question: 17
What are lipids?Write its one importance
Answer: 17
Lipids are heterogeneous group if compounds related to fatty acids.The are insoluble in water and the soluble in organic solvents like ether,alcohols ,chloroforms and benzene etc.Importance of lipids are constitute major source of energy & play an important role in the structure of membranes of the cell.
Question: 18
How fibrous proteins differs from globular proteins?
Answer: 18
Fibrous Proteins:They consist of molecule having one or more polypeptide chains in the form of fibrill
They are insoluble in aqueous media.
Question: 19
Compare alpha helix with beta pleated sheet in proteins.
Answer: 19
The polypetide chain in a protein do not lie flat,they usually coil into a helix or in to beta sheet like form.
One of the basic common structure is the alpha helix,It involves a spiral formation of the basic polypetide chain.The alpha helix is very uniform geometric structure with 3.6 amino acids in each turn of the helix.The helical structure turns of spiral.Beta pleated sheet is formed by folding back of polypetide.
Question: 20
Why lipids are considered as high energy molecules as compared to the carbohydrates.
Answer: 20
Lipids are also used to store energy e.g triglyceride. Because of high proportion pf C--H bonds ad very low proportion of oxygen,lipid store double amount if energy as compared to the same amount of carbohydrates.
Question: 21
What are Waxes?
Answer: 21
Chemically waxes are mixture of long chains of alkanes and alcohols,ketones and esters of long chain fatty acids.
Question: 22
Name four functions of proteins.
Answer: 22
2.Building Function
Question: 23
What are Lipids?Give two function of waxes.
Answer: 23
The lipids are the heterogeneous group of compounds related to fatty acids is insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents such as ether,alcohol,chloroform and benzene etc.
Waxes are wide spread as protective coating on fruits and leaves.
Waxes protect plants from water loss and abrasive damage.
Question: 24
How many chains of amino acids are present in hemoglobin,also mention number of amino acids in hemoglobin.
Answer: 24
There are four chains in hemoglobin two alpha and two beta chains,amino acids are 574.
Question: 25
How a peptide bond is formed.
Answer: 25
The linkage between hydrooxyl group of carboxylic group of one amino acid and the hydrogen of amino group of another amino acid release water and C-N link to form peptide bond.
Question: 26
What are conjugated molecules?Give one example.
Answer: 26
Two different molecule of two different categories usually combine together to form conjugate molecule.
For example carbohydrates may combine with proteins to form glycoproteins.
Question: 27
What is function of ribosomal RNA?
Answer: 27
Ribosomal RNA is a part of ribosmes.It is used to make ribosomes in the cell.
Question: 28
What are nucleohistones?
Answer: 28
The nucleochistones are present in chromosomes.These conjugated proteins are not only of structural,but also are of functional significance. They play an important role in regulation of gene expression.
Question: 29
Differentiate between Nucleoside and Nucleotide.
Answer: 29
Nucleoside : When nitrogen base and pentose sugar react it forms nucleoside.
Question: 30
What F,Sanger concluded about insulin?
Answer: 30
Sanger;s principle conclusion was that the two polypetide claims of the proteins insulin has precise amino acid sequences and by extension that every protein has a unique sequence.
Question: 31
What are purines and pyrimidines?
Answer: 31
Purines are nitrogen bases which have double ring structure in their molecular formula like adenine and guanine.