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Question: 1
Define symbiotic nutrition with example.
Answer: 1
It is an association between two organisms in which both the organisms get their nutrition from each other.E.g mycorrhiza ,Lichens etc.
Lichens: They are mutualistic symbiotic association between certain fungi and certain photo-autotrophs algae,Fungus protects the algae partner from stronge light and desiccation and it get food from algae,While algae prepare food for the fungi as well as for itself.
Question: 2
What is saprophytic nutrition?
Answer: 2
Feeding on dead and decaying matter such as dead leaves in the soil or rotting tree trunk is called saprophytic nutrition and derives its nutrients from host plants.
Question: 3
Write down the effect of nitrogen and potassium deficiency on plants.
Answer: 3
Nitrogen deficiency in the soil result in the stunted growth of plant and chlorosis particularly in the leaves.Magnesium deficiency also cause chlorosis in plants.
Question: 4
What are detritivores?
Answer: 4
The animals which feed on detritus(organic matter or debris of plants and animals) are called detritivores.
Earthworms is most common example of detritivores.It ingests pieces of decaying organic matter especially vegetative either at the soil surface or during the burrowing activity.
Question: 5
What are ungulates?Give their two examples.
Answer: 5
Ungulates like horse,cow,goat,camel,zebra etc.These mammals walk on the tips of toes.Toes are modifies into hooves
Question: 6
Write down symptoms in plants caused by deficiency of phosphorus and potassium.
Answer: 6
Deficiency of phosphorus in the soil stunted growth of the roots of plants.
Potassium deficiency in soil leaf margin yellow and premature death of the plant.
Question: 7
How sun dew show its insectivorous activity?
Answer: 7
  1. Multicellular reducer are called fungi,which are heterotrophic ,with different species is called parasite nutrition,The organisms which feed on the living host is called parasite,For example Puccinia is parasite fungus that destroys the wheat plants,Dodder is also leafless angiospermic plant that lives on the other plants and gets its nutrition from the host plants
Question: 8
What is chlorosis?What is it cause?
Answer: 8
Magnesium and Nitrogen deficiency also cause chlorosis in plants particularly in the leaves because these elements are important part of chlorophyll without them chlorophyll reduced and chlorosis occurs.
Question: 9
Define the term heterotrophic.
Answer: 9
Mode of nutrition in which organisms can not prepare its food but gem from other organisms.
Question: 10
What are insectivorous plants?How they get their carbohydrates?
Answer: 10
These are the plants which capture the insects and digest them to full fill their sulphur and nitrogen deficiencies are called insectivorous plants.They are autotrophic they do photosynthesis to ful fill their carbohydrate requirements.
Question: 11
Differentiate between Nutrition and Nutrient.
Answer: 11
Nutrition : Some of all process involved in the taking an utilization of elements by which growth,repair and maintenance of activities in the organisms are accomplished is called Nutrition.
Question: 12
Differentiate between detritivores and omnivores.
Answer: 12
Detritivores: The animals which feed on detritus(organic matter or debris of plants and animals) are called detritivores.
Earthworms is most common example of detritivores.It ingests pieces of decaying organic matter especially vegetative either at the soil surface or during the burrowing activity.
Question: 13
What is meant by fluid and macrophagous feeders with examples?
Answer: 13
When food is ingested in liquid from the animals are classed as fluid feeders,Aphids and mosquitoes are the example.
Animals which take in food in the form of large pieces are microphagous feeders.
Question: 14
What is radula?
Answer: 14
Garden snail feeds by using rasping organ,the radula.Leaves are held by the lips of the snail.The radula moves back and forth over the leaves and its teeth scrape the food.
Question: 15
What do you know about fluid feeders?
Answer: 15
The animals which feed upon liquid or suck the fluid materials are called fluid feeders.
Examples are mosquito and aphids.Aphids suck the juice or nectar from the plants by the help of its long stylet.Mosquitoes suck the blood by inserting the mouth part into site of blood capillaries.
Question: 16
What is the advantage of digestive tract as compared with a digestive cavity?
Answer: 16
Advantage of digestive tract is that,it is modified in to various structures which play their role in digestion of food in various ways i.e. both chemically and mechanically but in case of gastrovascular cavity there is no modification,there is only one chamber where food is digested.
Question: 17
Differentiate between ingestion and egestion.
Answer: 17
Ingestion : Intake of food in oral cavity is called ingestion.
Question: 18
What is macrophagous feedings?
Answer: 18
The animals which feed in large food particles or pieces are macrophagous include
Tentacular feeding for example as in hydra.

Scraping :it is a type of feeding in which large food particles is cut down into smaller food particles.In snail the rasping tongue is used for cutting the large leaves into smaller leaves.The radula moves over the leaves which are hold by the lips of the snails.The smaller pieces are then pushed back towards the pharynx
Question: 19
What is holozoic nutrition?
Answer: 19
Mode of animals nutrition is called holozoic nutrition.In this method food is ingested into oral cavity and then digestion takes place intracellularly or inside the digestive system.
Question: 20
Mention different mode of nutrition in animals.
Answer: 20
Following are the animal mode of nutrition.
  • Parasitic
  • Fluid feeders
  • Herbivores
  • Omnivores
  • Carnivores
  • Detritivores
  • Filter feeders.
Question: 21
What type of harms is caused by endoparasites to humans? Give any two.
Answer: 21
Hook worms is a parasite of human small intestine.It is very dangerous because it holds the villi of intestine and sucks the blood,It can cause anemia.Pin worms are parasitic in human caecum,colon and appendix.Their movement cause intense itching of anus,inflammation of mucous membrane of colon and appendix resulting insomnia and loss of appetite.
Question: 22
Differentiate between Absorption and assimilation.
Answer: 22
Absorption : The uptake of the diffusible food molecule from the digestive region across the membrane in to the cell or into the blood stream.
Question: 23
Define microphagous feeding with example.
Answer: 23
The animals which feed on large food particles or pieces are macrophagous feeders.In includes.
Tentacular feeding for example as in hydra.
Scraping :it is a type of feeding in which large food particles is cut down into smaller food particles.In snail the rasping tongue is used for cutting the large leaves into smaller leaves.The radula moves over the leaves which are hold by the lips of the snails.The smaller pieces are then pushed back towards the pharynx.
Question: 24
Name ingredients of salvia.
Answer: 24
  1. Water and mucous
  2. Sodium carbonate
  3. Salivary amylase breaks down starch into maltose
Question: 25
Define digestion?
Answer: 25
Breakdown of complex organic compounds of food into simpler diffusible molecule by the action of enzymes is called digestion e.g proteins (meat,fish,eggs) etc into amino acids.
Question: 26
Write a note on peristalsis.
Answer: 26
It is a special type of movement by which food moves along the alimentary canal.It consists of alternate contraction of circular and longitudinal muscles followed by the wave of relaxation which squeeze the food down along the alimentary canal.
Question: 27
What is gastrovascular cavity in coelenterates?
Answer: 27
There is a cavity in the center which acts as digestive cavity,There is a simple opening for the ingestion and egestion of the food which is called mouth and is surrounded by the tentacles such type of body cavity is called coeleontron.
Question: 28
Define peristalsis and antiperistalsis.
Answer: 28
Peristalsis : It consists of wave of contraction of the circular and longitudinal muscle of digestive tract processed by the wave of relaxation thus squeezing the food down along the canal.
Question: 29
Write names of parts of digestive system of cockroach system of cockroach.
Answer: 29
The digestive system of cockroach is of tubular type. It can be divided into three parts.Foregut ,Midget,Hindgut
Name of parts of digestive system of cockroach are
Mouth,crop,gizzard rectum,cloaca.
Question: 30
Name three pairs of salivary glands and also mention their location.
Answer: 30
Sublingual Gland : it is situated below the tongue.
Submaxillary gland : It is situated behind the jaws.
Parotid gland: It is situated in the front of ears.

Question: 31
What are cnidocytes?
Answer: 31
A cnidocyte is an explosive cell containing one giant secretary organelle or cbida that defines the phylum cnidaria.Cnidae are used for prey capture and defense from predators.
Question: 32
What is the role of crop and gizzard in cockroach?
Answer: 32
Crop stores partly digested fodd.Food leaves the croup chunk by chunk and enters in gizzard.
Gizzard cause grinding of food and food in transported to midgut.
Question: 33
What is Saliva? Give its composition.
Answer: 33
Saliva is secreted by pairs of salivary glands.
Composition : Saliva contains three important ingredients.
Water and mucous,Sodium bicarbonate and some salts,Amylase or ptyalin.
Question: 34
Enlist steps involved in holozoic nutrition.
Answer: 34