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Question: 1
What is rubisco? Give its function.
Answer: 1
Rubisco is an enzyme which is the most abundant protein in the chloroplast and probably in the world.
In calvin cycle when a molecule of carbon dioxide reacts with RuBP this reaction is catalyst by the enzyme called rubisco.But in PHotorespiration rubisco can act as both carboxylase as well as oxygenase.
Question: 2
How rubisco decide either oxygenase or carboxylase?
Answer: 2
The most important factor which decides that when rubisco will work as carboxylase or oxygenase is the relative concentration of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the leaf.
Question: 3
What is photorespiration?Name organelles involved in it.
Answer: 3
The respiration which takes place during day time is called photorespiration.The pathway in which RuBP is converted into the serine is called photorespiration.Peroxisomes and mitochondria,chloroplast are involved in photorespiration.
Question: 4
Differentiate between organisms and cellular respiration.
Answer: 4
Organisms respiration: The exchange of respiratory gasses between the organisms and its environment is called external respiration/organisms respiration.
Question: 5
How respiration does take place through cork tissues.
Answer: 5
In older stem cork tissues are present which is formed of dead cells.The cork tissues has special pores called lenticels which are also involved in gaseous exchange.
Question: 6
Write down the disadvantage of gas exchange in water environment ?
Answer: 6
Water medium has less oxygen contech than air.A liter of water can not contain even 10ml or oxygen whereas oxygen content of fresh air is about 200 ml per liter.
In water oxygen diffuse 8000 times more dense than air.
Question: 7
How does inspiration differ from expiration?
Answer: 7
Inspiration: Intercostal muscles contract and raise the chest cavity upwards and onwards.
Diaphragm contracts and it becomes less dome shape.Volume of chest cavity increased.
Question: 8
Write gaseous exchange in plants?
Answer: 8
Gaseous exchange in plants takes place by means of following method.
  • By stomata
  • By lenticels
  • By roots
Question: 9
What is serine and who it is formed?
Answer: 9
Serine is hydrophilic amino acid that is used is biosynthesis of proteins.In the pathway of photorespiration ,pyruvate is converted into serine when glycine is absorbed by the mitochondria,two glycine molecule are converted into serine and CO2is formed.
Question: 10
How does breathing differ from cellular respiration?
Answer: 10
Breathing : Organismic respiration is also known as breathing or ventilation,Breathing is a process in which fresh air containing more oxygen is pumped into the lungs and air with more carbon dioxide is pumped out of the lungs.
Question: 11
How carbon dioxide absorbed by the cell wall of the mesophyll cells?
Answer: 11
The carbon dioxide reaches to the mesophyll cells by passing through the intercellular spaces and then absorbed by the moist cell surface or mesophyll cells.
Question: 12
What is external respiration?
Answer: 12
The exchange of respiratory gasses between the organisms and its environment is called external respiration/organisms respiration.
Question: 13
Differentiate between cutaneous and pulmonary respiration in frog.
Answer: 13
Pulmonaryrespiration: The gaseous exchange through the lungs in known Pulmonary respiration.
Question: 14
Differentiate between spiracles and tracheoles.
Answer: 14
Spiracles : The trachea open to exterior by pores on the surface called spiracles,There are ten pairs of spiracles present on the lateral sides of the body.
Question: 15
Discuss respiratory mechanism in cockroach.
Answer: 15
Cockroach has ten pairs of spiracles,When abdomen contracts the first four pairs of spiracles open ,air rushed in through these four pairs of spiracles into tracheoles.Abdomen contracts the anterior four pairs of spiracles close and posterior six parts of spiracles open.In this way inhalation and exhalation takes place.
Question: 16
In hot and dry season,level of O2rises inside the leaf.Give its reasons.
Answer: 16
In hot and dry day the level of oxygen inside the leaf rises,This is because the stomata close to prevent the loss of water.The level of oxygen rises because closed stomata do not let it go out.
Question: 17
What factors keep the skin of earthworm moist for gaseous exchange?
Answer: 17
The skin is richly supplied with blood capillaries and remain moist with the secretion of the skin and bu coelomic fluid.
Question: 18
How does respiration occur in Hydra?
Answer: 18
Hydra has no specialized organs for respiration,Exchange of gases i.e., intake of oxygen and removal of CO2take place through whole body surface which remain in contact with water.Exchange of O2 in and CO2out also occurs in cells lining the digestive cavity.In this way the surface lining of the entern acts ad efficient respiratory surface.
Question: 19
Mention at least two properties of respiratory surface in animals.
Answer: 19
  1. The surface area should be extremely large and kept moist as it is seen in the lungs in land vertebrates and in the gills in the case of fishes.
  2. The distance across which diffusion has to take place should be little,In most animals the epithelium which separates air and blood in only in two cell thick.As a result the distance for diffusion is very short.
Question: 20
How in earthworm respiration takes place?
Answer: 20
Respiration in earthworm take place through moist or wet skin,which is kept moist due to secretion of the skin,Oxygen from air is directly diffused into thin epithelium and into blood,where it combine with oxygen to all body parts.CO2is removed from the body by same path but in reverse order.
Question: 21
Name the structure involved in gaseous exchange in frog.
Answer: 21
Nostrils,trachea,bronchi,alveoli,skin and buccal cavity.
Question: 22
Write down the properties of respiratory surface in animals.
Answer: 22
Respiratory surface in most animals exhibit the following characteristics.
  1. The surface should be very large.
  2. Thin epithelium for fast diffusion and short distance.
  3. Ventilation for steep diffusion gradient.
  4. Capillary network for blood flow.
Question: 23
What are spiracles? Give their function.
Answer: 23
The trachea open to exterior by pores on the surface called sporacles,There are ten pairs of spiracles,present on the lateral side of the body.These are in ten pairs,Two pairs are located in the thorax and eight pairs are located in the abdomen.
Question: 24
Enlist properties of respiratory surface in animals.
Answer: 24
  1. Large surface and moisture.
  2. Ventilation
  3. Thin epithelium
  4. Capillary network
Question: 25
Point out location and function of vocal cord.
Answer: 25
In the glottis the mucous membrane stretched across into two thin membranes of fibrous bands called vocal cords,which helps in production of voice when vibrated by air.
Question: 26
Write at least two different states of CO2transportation in blood.
Answer: 26
  1. Some of the carbon dioxide about 20% is carried as carboxyhemoglobin.
  2. Other plasma proteins also carry about 5% carbon dioxide from the body fluids to the capillaries of lungs.
Question: 27
What is rate of breathing at rest during exercise?
Answer: 27
During rest breathing occurs rhythmically at the frequency of 15 to 20 times per minute in humans.During exercise of breathing may rise to 30 times per minute.
Question: 28
Name the most common fuel used by the cell to provide energy by cellular respiration.
Answer: 28
The name of the most common fuel used by the cell to provide energy by cellular respiration is glucose.
Question: 29
What is diving reflex? How is it generated?
Answer: 29
Diving mammals can stay in the depth of the oceans for about two hours without coming up for air due to activation of the process called diving reflex.
Question: 30
Give % age of CO2in venous and arterial blood.
Answer: 30
The percentage of CO2in venous blood is 54 ml per 100 ml of blood while percentage of CO2 in arterial blood is 50 ml per 100 ml of blood.
Question: 31
What is emphysema?Give its effects and cause.
Answer: 31
Emphysema is breakdown of alveoli.In the result of constant coughing the absorbing surface of the lungs is greatly reduced.
Question: 32
What is normal rate of breathing at rest in human?
Answer: 32
Normally a men during the rest take 15-20 breaths per minute.
Question: 33
Give two symptoms of emphysema.
Answer: 33
Weight loss.Shortness of breath.
Question: 34
Describe the CO2concentration in artery and venous blood.
Answer: 34
Arterial blood contain about 50 ml of CO2per 100 ml of blood where as venous blood contain 54 ml of CO2per 100 ml of blood.