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Question: 1
What are fundamental features of insects?
Answer: 1
Insects have joint legs,two pairs of wings and three pairs of legs and body is segmented which is divided into three parts called head,thorax and abdomen.
Question: 2
Differentiate between diploblastic and triploblastic animals.
Answer: 2
Diploblastic : These animals have two germinal layers i.e ectoderm and endoderm.
Question: 3
Differentiate between parazoa and metazoa.
Answer: 3
Parazoa : These animals lack tissues organised into organs and have intermediate shape and are asymmetrical.
Question: 4
What is coelom?
Answer: 4
Coelom is cavity present between the body wall and the alimentary canal and is lined by mesoderm.
Question: 5
What is pseudoelom?
Answer: 5
In members of phylum platyhelminthes,the space between the body wall and the digestive tube is called pseoudo coelom.
Question: 6
Differentiate between schizocoelous and enterocoelous coelome.
Answer: 6
Schizocoelous coelom: Coelom found due to splitting of mesoderm is called Schizocoelous coelome.
Question: 7
Differentiate between spiral and radial cleavage.
Answer: 7
  1. Spiral Cleavage: Cleavage is that in which lines or planes cleavage are not symmetrical between poles instead are diagonal to the polar axis and produce unequal cells around the axis of polarity,The fate of blastomeres is foretold
Question: 8
Differentiate between Coelomates and Acoelomates.
Answer: 8
Acoelomates: In phylum platyhelminthes there is no body cavity or coelom and mesoderm from a loose cellular tissue called mesenchyma or parenchymal which fills the space between ectoderm and endoderm.
Question: 9
Differentiate between protostome and deuterostome.
Answer: 9
Protostome : Cleavage of the zygote is spiral or determinate.
Mesoderm is derived from cells on lips of blastopore.
Question: 10
What is blastocoel?
Answer: 10
In early embryonic development a fluid filled cacity which develops in the mass of cell formed at blastula stage is called blastocoel,
Question: 11
What are series of protostomia?
Answer: 11
Protostomia series include phylum aschelminthes,annelid,mollusca and arthropoda.
Question: 12
What are triploblastic animals?
Answer: 12
Triploblastic animals are included in phyla which have been places in grade bilateria,The body of these animals is made from three layers ectoderm,mesoderm and endoderm.
Question: 13
Define protandrous,
Answer: 13
When an organism develops male sex organ and gametes earlier than female sex organ or gametes it is called protandrous .
Question: 14
Define spongocoel.
Answer: 14
There is a single cavity inside the body of sponges,the spongocoel.In most sponges the spongocoel may be divided into flagellated chambers or canals,lined by flagellated choanocytes.
Question: 15
Differentiate between ostia and osculum.
Answer: 15
Ostia : In sponges numerous pores are present through these pores water enters in the body of sponges.
Question: 16
Give two example of sponge.
Answer: 16
Question: 17
Differentiate between polyp and medusa,
Answer: 17
Polyp is sessile living and asexually reproducing of phylum and coelenterata.
Question: 18
How coral reefs are formed?Give their importance.
Answer: 18
Coolenterates are called corals.Living polyps are found on the surface layers of corals wheares underneath the masses are dead stoney structure only and there are no polyps inside,The stoney mass formed is called corals,
Question: 19
What is importance of sponges?
Answer: 19
Sponges have following importance:
  1. They are used as sound absorber.
  2. They are used in surgery to absorb blood and fluid.
  3. They are used for washing and bathing.
Question: 20
What is polymorphism in Coelenterata?
Answer: 20
The occurrence of structure and functionally more than two different forms of individual called zooids within same organism is called polymorphism,e.g in Obelia there are feeding individual,the gastrozooids,the individual capable of asexual reproduction only the gonozooids and the free living sexuallt reproducinh indivuals the medusae.
Question: 21
How sponges reproduce asexually?
Answer: 21
Sponges reproduce by budding.The buds may be internal or external;the internal buds are ca;ed gemmules.Both type of buds develop into nre sponge.
Question: 22
What are gemmules?
Answer: 22
In sponges asexual reproduction takes place by budding.Buds may be internal or external.The internal buds are called gemmules.
Question: 23
Define the term protandrous and gemmule.
Answer: 23
Protandrous mean male sex cell mature first.
Internal buds of sponges are called gemmules.
Question: 24
Write two basic forms of Cnidarians.
Answer: 24
The two basic forms of coelenterates are polyp and medusa.
Question: 25
Differentiate between corals and coral reefs.
Answer: 25
Corals: Corals are formed from the secretion produced by specialized polyp that are present in certain coelenterates.
Question: 26
Give two parasite adaptation of Platyhelminthes.
Answer: 26
Two parasite adaptations are
  1. reduced digestive system
  2. highly developed reproduction system
Question: 27
Give any two parasitic adaptation of flatworms.
Answer: 27
They have highly developed reproductive system.
Their digestive system is properly developed or os on degenerative fform
Question: 28
Write down the scientific name of pinworm and hookworm?
Answer: 28
Scientific name for hookworm is Ancylostoma duodenale and for pinworm is Enterobius vermicularis.
Question: 29
Define ecdysis.
Answer: 29
The process in which arthropods shed their older exoskeleton and form a new exoskeleton this process is called ecdysis.
Question: 30
What is metameric segmentation?In which phylum it is present?
Answer: 30
The body becomes divided transversely into number of similar parts or segments.This is called metameric segmentation.It is found in annelids.
Question: 31
What are hermaphrodite animal?
Answer: 31
An organism having both sex organs in it is said to be hermaphrodite or bisexual .
Question: 32
Name three classes of phylum annelids.
Answer: 32
1.Class Polychaeta2.Class oligochaeta
Question: 33
What is flame cell?Write its function.
Answer: 33
The excretory organ of platyhelminthes are called flame cell.Its consists of branching tuve ending in bulb like cell called flame cell.
Question: 34
How reproduction occur in platyhelminthes?
Answer: 34
The platyhelminthes reproduce both sexuallt as well as asexually.Asexually reproduction is by fission in which the animal constricts in the middle into two pieces,each of which regenerates its missing part.The sexually reproducing species are hermaphrodite.
Question: 35
Compare infestation with disinfestation.
Answer: 35
infestation : Process of entering and causing infection in the host body by the parasite is called infestation.
Question: 36
How insects are beneficial to man?
Answer: 36
Insect plays an important role in pollination
  1. They provide us Honey.
  2. Many insects are source of wax.
  3. Silk worm provide silk thread.

Question: 37
Give salient features of Myriapods and phylum arthropoda.
Answer: 37
Nymph: It is a stage of incomplete metamorphosis,in which new born resembles to adult but it do not has reproductive organs and wings.
Metamorphosis: Arthropods passes through developmental changes before reaching the adult stage ,this process is called metamorphosis.
Question: 38
How does transport of gases may take place in Arthropods?
Answer: 38
Most arthropods possess an extensive system formed of air tubes called trachea for the exchange of gases.Many tracheal tubes open to the exterior through opening called spiracles.
Question: 39
Name four harmful effects of insect.
Answer: 39
Harmful insect include Anopheles mosquito,House fly,Tsetse fly,Aphids.
Question: 40
What are harm caused by insects?
Answer: 40
Many types of mosquito ,flies ,fleas,lice and bugs transmit disease causing organisms to men.Some are as follow.
Females of genus anopheles mosquito transmits plasmodium that cause malaria in men.The teste fly of African countries transmit trypanosoma,the cause of sleeping sickness and skin disease.Some insects damage crops.Some insects like wasps can sting or bite to human.