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Question: 1
Write two distinguished character of kingdom protista.
Answer: 1
Two distinguishing character of protista are :Mode of nutritionMode of reproduction
Question: 2
Name six group of animals like protists.
Answer: 2
Question: 3
Name four major groups of kingdom protista.
Answer: 3
Protozoans: Animals like protista.
Unicellular Algae: Plants like protista.
Multicellular Algae: Plants like protista.
Slim molds and water molds: Fungi like protista.

Question: 4
Why pelomyxa palustris may be the most primitive off all eukaryotic like forms?
Answer: 4
The giant amoeba Pelomyxa palustris may be the most primitive eukaryote.This species has multiple membrane bounded nuclei but none of the other organelles found in all other eukaryotes,The giant amoeba obtains energy from methanogenic bacteria,which reside inside them.
Question: 5
Name a parasite amoeba.What disease does it cause?
Answer: 5
Entamoeba histolytica cause amoebic dysentery.
Question: 6
Basically kingdom protista is defined by exclusion.How?
Answer: 6
It is defined by exclusion all member have the characteristics that excludes (separate) them from the other four kingdoms.Like mode of reproduction ,variety of habits,mode of nutrition,and body structure.
Question: 7
Name any three phylum of protoctista.
Answer: 7
Three phyla of protoctista are
  1. Protozoa
  2. Algae
  3. Fungi like protists
Question: 8
Write down any two characteristics of protists.
Answer: 8
  1. Protists are unicellular,colonial or simple multicellular organisms.
  2. They possess a eukaryotic organization.
Question: 9
What are protists,how they differs from planet and animal?
Answer: 9
The protists are unicellular,colonial or simple multicellular organisms that possess a eukaryotic organization.Unlike plants and animals,protists do not develop from a blastula or embryo.
Question: 10
On what principle protists are classified together?
Answer: 10
  • Size and structure
  • Means of locomotion
  • Habitat
  • Modes of reproduction
  • Ways of obtaining nutrition
Question: 11
From where do giant amoebas get energy?
Answer: 11
Giant amoebas obtains energy from methanogenic bacteria,which resides inside them.
Question: 12
Why kingdom protista is regarded as a polyphyletic group of organisms?
Answer: 12
Based on diversity most biologists regard the protist kingdom as a polyphyletic group of organisms; that is the protists probably do not share a single common ancestor.
Question: 13
What are trichonymphas? Give its important.
Answer: 13
Trichonymphas are complex,specialized flagellated with many flagella which live as symbionts in the gut of termites and help in the digestion of dry wood.
Question: 14
Give two characteristics of ciliates.
Answer: 14
They are unicellular organisms with a flexible outer covering called a pellicle that gives them a definite shape but changeable shape.
Paramecium is one of the most complex ciliate.In parameters the surface of the cell is covered with several thousands fine,short hairs like structure called cilia.
Question: 15
What are ciliates? Give two examples.
Answer: 15
Ciliates have cilia on their outer body surface and pellicle as outer body covering e.g paramecium and Vorticella.
Question: 16
What is the function of pellicle in ciliates?
Answer: 16
Pellicle that gives ciliates a definite but changeable shape.
Question: 17
Name the nuclei of ciliates.
Answer: 17
Question: 18
What are choanoflagellates?
Answer: 18
Choanoflagellates are sessile marine or freshwater flagellates.They are attached by a stalk and surrounded by a delicate collar.They are of special interest because of their striking resemblance to collar cells in sponges.
Question: 19
How do ciliates differs from other protozoans?
Answer: 19
Ciliates differs from other protozoans because they have other covering called pellicle and two nuclei.One is called macronucleus and other is called macronucleus.
Question: 20
What is trypanosoma? What disease does it cause?
Answer: 20
Parasitic flagellates cause diseases.For example Trypanosoma is a human parasite causing African sleeping sickness.It is transmitted by the bite of Tsete fly.
Question: 21
What is sleeping sickness?
Answer: 21
Trypanosoma is the cause of sleeping sickness which is transmitted by Tsetse fly.
Question: 22
What is zooflagellates? Give one example.
Answer: 22
The protists are mostly unicellular organisms with spherical or elongated bodies with single central nucleus.They possess from one to many whip-like flagella.Example are trichonymphas
Question: 23
Define conjugation.
Answer: 23
Two bacteria joined by side and tube like structure called conjugation tube is formed between them and then they exchange their genetic material this process is called conjugation.
Question: 24
Differentiate between Pseudopodiaand Flagella.
Answer: 24
Pseudopodia : Amoeba move by forming specialized cytoplasmic projections called pseudopodia.
Question: 25
Write down two characteristics of foraminiferans?
Answer: 25
They are marine protozoans.
They have external shell or test.
Question: 26
Write example of parasitic apicomplexan.Give symptoms of malaria.
Answer: 26
They are large group of parasitic Protozoans which cause serious diseases like malaria in human.They lack structure of locomotion but move by flexing.
Question: 27
Write two characteristics of Apicomplexans.
Answer: 27
They are large group of parasitic protozoa.Some cause serious disease such as malaria in human.
They lack specific structure for locomotions but move by flexing.
Question: 28
What are Apicomplexans? How do they move?
Answer: 28
Apicomplexans are a large group of parasitic protozoans which cause serious like malaria in human .They lack specific structure of locomotion but move by flexing.
Question: 29
Write down phylum,form,pigments and example of red algae.
Answer: 29
Phylum Rhodophyta,forma is multicellular ,pigments phycoerythrin,example polysiphonia.
Question: 30
Differentiate between test of actinopods and foraminifera.
Answer: 30
Actinopods : Shell of foraminiferans are made of calcium.
Question: 31
Give composition of shells of foraminiferans and actinopods.
Answer: 31
These marins protozoans produce shell(also called as tests).
Tests of foraminiferans are made of calcium whereas those of actinopods are made of silica.
Question: 32
What are actinopods?
Answer: 32
Question: 33
How foraminiferans are source of limestone?
Answer: 33
Dead foraminiferans sink to the bottom of the oceans where their shells form a grey mud that is gradually transformed into chalk.Foraminiferans of the past have created vast limestone deposits.
Question: 34
How is chalk formed?
Answer: 34
Dead foraminiferans sink to the bottom of the oceans where their shells form a grey mud that is gradually transformed into chalk.
Question: 35
What is Plasmodium?Give name of its host?
Answer: 35
Plasmodium: is a type of apicomplexans that cause malaria in humans.Its hosts are as follows :
  • Human beings
  • Female mosquito Anopheles
Question: 36
Differentiate between foraminiferans and actinopods.
Answer: 36
Foraminiferans : These marine protozoans produce shell (also called as tests).
Question: 37
What kind of chlorophylls are found in photosynthetic plants and algae?
Answer: 37
They are photosynthetic with chlorophyll a,chlorophyll b and carotenoids present in the chloroplast.
Question: 38
What are red tides?
Answer: 38
Dianoflagellates exhibit occasional population explosions or blooms.These blooms frequently color the water orange,red or brown and are called red tides.
Question: 39
Write down two characteristics of dinoflagellates.
Answer: 39
It is one of the most unusual protists phyla.
Most dianoflagellates are unicellular.
Their cells are often covered with shells of interlocking cellulose plates,impregnated with silica.
Question: 40
What are Dinoflagellates? Give example.
Answer: 40
It is unusual protist phylum.Most of the Dinoflagellates are unicellular.Their cells are often covered with shells of interlocking cellulose plates impregnated with silicates.For example Ceratium and Gonyaulax.
Question: 41
Name two plants like protists group.
Answer: 41
Two plants like protists are green algae and red algae.
Question: 42
Highlight evolutionary significance of euglenoids.
Answer: 42
Euglenoids dianoflagellates are one of the most important group of procedures in marine ecosystem.They also cause red tides.
Question: 43
Name four Phyla of Algae.
Answer: 43
Chlorophyta,Rhodophyta,Phaeophyta and Euglenophyta.
Question: 44
What is thallus?
Answer: 44
The plant body which is not differentiated into root ,stem and leaves and xylem phloem are absent is called thallus.
Question: 45
How algae differs from plants?
Answer: 45
Plants: Reproductive organs are multicellular.Embryo formation occur.
Plants is different in to root,stem and leaves with xylem and phloem
Question: 46
What are pigments found in algae?
Answer: 46
Chlorophyll Carotenoids,Xanthophylls,Phycoerythrin