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Question: 1
What is cell fractionation?
Answer: 1
By using the modern technology various component of cell including its organelles can be isolated by a process of cell fractionation.During cell fractionation the tissues are homogenized or disrupted with special instruments and the various parts of the cells are separated by density gradient centrifugation.
Question: 2
What is division of labour?
Answer: 2
In multicellular organisms there is a division of labour among cells,Different cells are specialized for different function,For example in plants xylem cells conduct water,phloem cell translocate food,sclerenchyma cells give support etc.
Question: 3
Define semi-permeable membrane.
Answer: 3
The membrane which allow passing only selective substance to pass through it is called selectively or semi permeable membrane e.g plasma membrane.
Question: 4
How magnification power of compound microscope is determined?
Answer: 4
The magnification power of microscope is determined by multiplying X value of ocular lens and X value of objective lens.Therefore a microscope with a 10X ocular lens and 40X objective lens will have(10X40=400X) 400X magnifying power.
Question: 5
Give salient features of cell theory.
Answer: 5
1.Cell is structural and functional unit of living organism.
2.All organism are composed of cell and cell products,some of them are unicellular and some are multicellular.
3.New cell arise from pre-existing cell.
Question: 6
What is "Ominis Cella a Cellula" who proposed it?
Answer: 6
It is a german term which means "New cells are formed from pre existing living cells "Rudolf Virchow proposed it.
Question: 7
What is meant by resolution of microscope?
Answer: 7
The minimum distance at which two objects can be seen as separate objects is called resolution.
Question: 8
Give name of Robert Hooke's publication on cell discovery.
Answer: 8
Question: 9
Differentiate between endocytosis and exocytosis.
Answer: 9
Endocytosis:In many animals cells the cells membrane helps to take in materials by infolding in the form of vacuoles.This type of intake of material is called endocytosis.
Question: 10
Define cell.Who discovered cell?
Answer: 10
The cell can be define as the structural and function unit of life.It is smallest unit that can carry out all activities of life.Robert Hooke discovered the cell for the first time.
Question: 11
Give a chemical composition of plasma membrane.
Answer: 11
Cell membrane is chemically composed of proteins (60%-80%) and lipids.A small quantity of carbohydrates is also present.
Question: 12
What is function of parenchyma and xylem cell?
Answer: 12
Function of parenachyma is to store food and function of xylem cell is to transport water and mineral to plant body.
Question: 13
Give important functions of cytoplasm.
Answer: 13
1.It is center of great metabolic activities like proteins synthesis and glycolysis.
2.It acts as strong house of chemicals.
3.Several cell organelles are present in the cytoplasm.
Question: 14
Give two functions of smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
Answer: 14
Lipid Synthesis:The SER is involved in the metabolism of lipid formation.
Detoxify drugs: SER helps to detoxify the harmful effect of drugs.

Question: 15
How many types of endoplasmic reticulum are presents?
Answer: 15
There are two types of ER.
1.Rough endoplasmic reticulum
2.Smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
Question: 16
Define fluid mosaic model of cell membrane.
Answer: 16
The modern technology has revealed that lipid bilayer is not sandwiched between two proteins layers.Instead proteins are embedded in the liquid bilayer in a mosaic manner.According to this model,cell membrane also contain charged pores through which movement of materials takes place both by active and passive transport.
Question: 17
Differentiate between phagocytosis and pinocytosis.
Answer: 17
Phagocytosis: Phagocytosis is to engulf solid food particles.
Question: 18
Give two function of cytoplasm.
Answer: 18
Storage house of biomolecule:The most important function of cytoplasm id act as storage house of biomolecule.
Site for metabolic process: it also site for metabolic process like glycolysis.
Question: 19
Give chemical composition of primary and secondary cell wall.
Answer: 19
Primary cell wall basically composed of cellulose and some deposition of lignin and hemicellulose.
Secondary wall is composed of inorganic salts,silica,waxes,cutin lignin etc.
Question: 20
Compare primary cell with secondary wall.
Answer: 20
Primary wall: The primary wall is composed of cellulose and some deposition of pectin and hemicellulose.Cellulose molecule are arranged in a criss cross manner,The primary wall is true and develops in newly growing cells.
Question: 21
Write three function of endoplasmic reticulum.
Answer: 21
Proteins synthesis: RER is involved in the synthesis of proteins.After synthesis the proteins are either stored in the cytoplasm or exported out of the cell through channels.
1.The SER is involved in the metabolism of lipid formation.
2.SER helps to detoxify the harmful effect of drugs
3.In some cells SER is responsible for the transmission of impulses e.g muscles cell,and nerve cell.

Question: 22
What is cytosol?
Answer: 22
The soluble part of cytoplasm is called cytosol.It forms ground substance of cytoplasm.Chemically it is about 90% of water.if forms a solution containing all fundamentals molecules.
Question: 23
How smooth endoplasmic reticulum is different from rough endoplasmic reticulum?
Answer: 23
SER: SER has Ribosomes on its surface and its surface is rough.It is involved protein synthesis
Question: 24
What is plasma membrane?Give its chemical composition.
Answer: 24
Plasma membrane is the outermost boundary of the cell.However in most plant cell,it is covered by cell wall.
Cell membrane is chemically composed of lipids and proteins;60-80% are proteins,while 20-40% are lipids.
Question: 25
Define Tay-sach's disease.
Answer: 25
It is caused by the absence of an enzyme that mainly involved in catabolism of lipids.The accumulation of lipids in brains cells leads to mental retardation and even death.
Question: 26
What are autophagosomes?
Answer: 26
Sometimes under abnormal circumstance e.g starvation or a physiological process the part of the cell are engulfed by a primary lysosomes and digested to generate energy.The lysosomes which are part of their own cell are known as autophagosomes.
Question: 27
Write the role of glyoxysomes.
Answer: 27
In plants glyoxysomes play an important role in both catabolic and anabolic pathways.In seeds rich in lipids such as caster beans and soybeans,glyoxysomes are suit for breakdown of fatty acids to succinate.
Question: 28
Define polysomes.
Answer: 28
A group of ribosomes attached to mRNA is called polysome.
Question: 29
Give three functions of smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
Answer: 29
1.It helps in metabolism of a number of different types of molecule particularly lipids.
2.It also helps of detoxify the harmful drugs.
3.It also play an important role in transport of material from one part of cell to other.
Question: 30
What are Golgi apparatus?Give its functions.
Answer: 30
It consists of stack of flattened membrane bound sacs called cisternae,These cisternae together with associated vesicles are called Golgi complex.Golgi complex is concerned with cell secretions.The most important function of Golgi apparatus is to modify the proteins and lipid by adding carbohydrates and converting them into glycoproteins and glycolipids.
Question: 31
Write down function of Golgi complex.
Answer: 31
1.The proteins or enzymes,which have to be transported out of the cells,pass through the Golgi complex.
2.The most important function is to modify the proteins and lipids by adding carbohydrates by converting them into glycoproteins and glycolipids.
3.Golgi body is also concerned with cell secretions.
Question: 32
Where new ribosomes are assembled?
Answer: 32
New ribosomes are assembled in nucleolus.From nucleolus they move to cytoplasm via nuclear pores.
Question: 33
What are peroxisomes and its functions?
Answer: 33
Peroxisomes have oxidation enzymes which are mainly peroxidase,catalase glycolic acid oxidase and some other enzymes,They are mainly involved in formation and decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in the cell.
Question: 34
What are storage diseases?Give name of two storage disease in man.
Answer: 34
Several congenital disease have been found to be due to accumulation within the cell of substance such as glycogen or various glycolipids;These are also called storage diseases.Name of storage disease are:
Glycogenosis type 2 disease,Tay-Sach's diseases.
Question: 35
What do you mean by lipid rich and poor lipid seeds?
Answer: 35
Seeds which have high contents of lipids in them than other material are called lipid rich seeds and those having low lipid content are called lipid poor seeds.
Question: 36
What are ribosomal sub units?How their attachment is controlled?
Answer: 36
Each eukaryotic ribosome consists of two subunits.The larger subunits sediments at 60S,while smaller subunit sediments at 40S.The two subunits on attachment with each other forms 80A particle.This attachment controlled by the presence of magnesium ions.
Question: 37
How prokaryotic cell differ from eukaryotic cell with two points.
Answer: 37
Prokaryotic Cell:Prokaryotic cell has no definite nucleus.Membrane bonded organelles are absent in prokaryotic cell.
Question: 38
What are chromoplasts?Give one example.
Answer: 38
They impart colors other than green.They are present in petals of the flowers and in the ripened fruit.They help in pollination.
Question: 39
What do you know by intergranum?
Answer: 39
Each granum is inter-connected with others by the non-green part is called intergranum.
Function: Membranes of the grana are the site where sun light energy is trapped and where ATP is formed.Thus main function of chloroplast is photosynthesis.
Question: 40
Differentiate between microfilaments and microtubules.
Answer: 40
Microtubules:They are the long unbranched slender formed by self assembly of globular proteins called tubulin.
Once very important function of microtubules is their role in the assembly and disassembly of spindle structure during the mitosis.
Question: 41
Give the significance of vacuole in plant cell.
Answer: 41
Significance of vacuole in plant cells is that it provides turgor pressure which maintain cell shape and give support to plant parts.
Question: 42
What are centromere and its role?
Answer: 42
Centromere is the place on the chromosome where the spindle fibres are attached during cell division.
Question: 43
When nucleus of cell is visible?
Answer: 43
Nucleus of cell is visible in non dividing cells.
Question: 44
What is the role of centriole?
Answer: 44
Just before a cell divides,its centroides duplicate and one pair migrates to the opposite side of the nucleus.The spindle form between them.Centrioles play important role in the location of furrowing during cell division and help in the formation of cilia and flagella.
Question: 45
What are chromosomes?why they are important?
Answer: 45
Chromosomes are thread like structure present in nucleus composed of DNA and histone proteins,They contain genes which control function of the cell.
Question: 46
What is nucleolus?Give its function.
Answer: 46
It is darkly stained body within the nucleus and is without any membranous boundary to separate it from the rest of the nuclear material.
The ribosomal RNA is synthesized and stored in the n.
Question: 47
Describe two regions of nucleus.
Answer: 47
Nucleolus is composed of two regions:
1.The peripheral granular area composed of precursors of ribosomal subunits and central fibrillar region consisting of a large molecular weight RNA and rDNA.
Question: 48
What are intermediate filaments?
Answer: 48
They have diameters in b/w those of microtubules and microfilaments,They play important role in maintenance of cell shape.
Question: 49
Why mitochondria is called self replicating organelle?
Answer: 49
Mitochondrion is self replicating organelle because it contains its own DNA and ribosomes,so it is also produced some proteins which are essential for replication process.