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Question: 1
Define photosynthesis.
Answer: 1
The process in which energy poor inorganic oxidized compounds of carbons and hydrogen are reduces to energy-rich carbohydrate using the light energy that is absorbed and converted into chemical energy by chlorophyll and some other photosynthetic pigments.
Question: 2
Differentiate between respiration and photosynthesis.
Answer: 2
Respiration : It is an energy releasing process.
It is raw material in glucose and oxygen.
It occurs day and night
Question: 3
What is the function of Mg in chlorophyll molecule?
Answer: 3
An atom of magnesium is present in the center of porphyrin ring and is coordinated with the nitrogen of each porphyrin ring.
Question: 4
Define biogeneratics.Does it obey laws of thermodynamics?
Answer: 4
Bioenergetics is the quantitative study of energy relationships and energy conversion in biological system.Yes biological energy transformation obeys the laws of thermodynamics.
Question: 5
What are carotenoids?
Answer: 5
Carotenoids are yellow and red to orange pigments that absorbs strongly the blue-violet wavelength of light,which is different wavelengths,than the chlorophyll absorbs,So they broaden the spectrum of light that provides energy for photosynthesis.
Question: 6
What is compensation point?
Answer: 6
At dawn and dusk oxygen released from photosynthesis is just the amount required for cellular respiration.Also the carbon dioxide released from respiration just equals the quantity required by photosynthesizing cells,at this moment there is no net gas exchange between leaves and atmosphere.This is termed as compensation point.
Question: 7
Name the process which acts as energy capture and energy releasing process.
Answer: 7
Photosynthesis is energy capturing while respiration is energy releasing process.
Question: 8
Define redox process.Give example
Answer: 8
Oxidation reduction reaction collectively called redox reaction or redox process,Removal of hydrogen is called oxidation and addition of hydrogen is called reduction.
Question: 9
Define accessory pigments and its role n transferring of energy,
Answer: 9
Carotenoids and chlorophyll are accessory pigments because they absorb light and transfer the energy to chlorophyll a which then initiated the light reactions.
Question: 10
What are acessary pigments?State their role.
Answer: 10
Acessary pigments are the substance which are additional present in the leaves they are orange,red or yellow colour.
They absorb light and transfer the energy to chlorophyll a,which then starts the light reaction.It is generally believed that the order of energy transfer.
Question: 11
How it was proved that oxygen released during photosynthesis comes from water and not from CO2?
Answer: 11
Water and carbon dioxide contain heavy isotope O18 were prepared in the Laboratory Experimental green plants in one group were supplied with water containing O18and with CO2 containing only common oxygen O16.
Plants in the second group were supplied with water containing common oxygen O16 but with CO2containing O18.
Question: 12
What are similarities between the chlorophyll and haemoglobin?
Answer: 12
  1. Heme portion of hemoglobin is also porphyrin ring which is similar to porphyrin ring of chlorophyll but heam contains an iron atom instead of magnesium atom in the center
Question: 13
What is action spectrum?
Answer: 13
The plots show relative effectiveness of different wavelength of light in arriving photosynthesis is called action spectrum of photosynthesis.
Question: 14
How action spectrum can be obtain?
Answer: 14
Action spectrum can be obtained by illuminating plant with light of different wavelength or color and then estimating relative CO2consumption or oxygen release during photosynthesis.
Question: 15
What is porphyrin ring of a chlorophyll molecule?
Answer: 15
Chlorophyll molecule has two parts head and tail.The head is complex porphyrin ring which is made up of four joined smaller pyrrole ring composed of carbon and nitrogen atoms,An atoms of magnesium is present in the central of porphyrin ring and is coordinated with the nitrogen of each pyrrole ring.
Question: 16
Define antenna complex of reaction center.
Answer: 16
.The antenna complex has many molecule of chlorophyll a and b and carotenoids most of them are channeling the energy to reaction center,while carotenoids most of them channeling the energy to reaction center.While reaction center has one or more molecule of chlorophyll a along with a primary electron acceptor and associated electron carrier of electron transport system.
Question: 17
What is the use of spectrophotometer?
Answer: 17
An instruments called spectrophotometer is used to measure relative abilities of different pigments to absorb different wavelength of light.
Question: 18
What is photosystem?Name of its two parts or components.
Answer: 18
In chloroplast photosynthetic pigments are organized into cluster called photosystem.Photosystem is the place in the thylakoid membrane where the chlorophyll molecules and accessory pigments are arranged in a specific way and form system called photosystem where the reaction of photosynthesis occur.
It components are :
  1. Antena complex
  2. Reaction center
Question: 19
Differentiate between action spectrum and absorption spectrum,
Answer: 19
Action spectrum: a graph plotting absorption of light of different wavelengths by a pigments is called absorption spectrum of pigment.
Question: 20
Different between light independent and light dependent reaction of photosynthesis.
Answer: 20
Light reaction: It require light.
It products are ATP and NADPH.
Photolysis of water occurs in light reaction and oxygen is also released.
Question: 21
Differentiate between photosystem-I and photosystem-II?
Answer: 21
Photosystem-I: photosystem-I is named so because it is discovered first.Photosystem - 1 has chlorophyll a molecule which absorb maximum light of 700 nm and is called P700.
Question: 22
Define photolysis of water.
Answer: 22
Break down of water molecules in the presence of light during photosynthesis is called photolysis of water.
Question: 23
What are photosystems?
Answer: 23
Photosynthetic pigments are organized into clusters,called photosystems ,for efficient absorption and utilization of solar energy in the thylakoid membranes.
Question: 24
What are products of light reaction of photosynthesis.
Answer: 24
NADPH2 and ATP are products of light reaction.
Question: 25
What is cyclic phosphorylation? Give cause of its occurrence.
Answer: 25
In cyclic ETC electron cycle back from primary electron acceptor to ferredoxin to the cytochrome complex and from there continue on the P700 chlorophyll.
Cause Cyclic electron flow takes place when the chloroplasts runs low on ATP for calvin cycle,the cycle slows down and NADPH accumulates in the chloroplast.
Question: 26
What is "Z" scheme?Why it is called so?
Answer: 26
Flow of electron in noncyclic electron chain is called Z-scheme.The path of electrons through the two photosystems during non-cyclic photophosphorylation is known as Z scheme from its shape.
Question: 27
What is lactic acid fermentation reaction?
Answer: 27
In lactic acid fermentation .each pyruvic acid molecule is converted into lactic acid in the absence of oxygen
Question: 28
Define photolysis and photophosphorylation.
Answer: 28
Photolysis : The water splitting step photosynthesis that release oxygen is called photolysis.
Question: 29
Give function of NADP reductase?
Answer: 29
An enzyme called NADP reductase that transfer the electrons from Fd to NADP.This is the redox reaction that stores the high energy electrons in NADPH,The NADPH will provide reducing power for the synthesis of sugar in Calvin cycle.
Question: 30
What is fermentation? Name its two types.
Answer: 30
Fermentation is a process in which pyruvic acid is oxidized in the absence of oxygen.Its types are alcoholic fermentation and lactic fermentation.
Question: 31
What is calvin Benson cycle?
Answer: 31
The reaction of photosynthesis which takes place in the absence of light is called dark reaction.This reaction reduces the CO2 by using products of light reaction i.e ATP and NADPH and carbohydrates are produces.
Question: 32
How organisms respiration is different from cellular respiration?
Answer: 32
Organismic respiration: The exchange of respiratory gases between the organisms and its environment is called external respiration.
Question: 33
What is rubisco?State its function.
Answer: 33
The Calvin cycle starts when CO2 molecule reacts with highly reactive phosphorylated 5- carbon sugar molecule called ribulose biphosphate.This reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme called ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase also called Rubisco.
Question: 34
Define glycolysis.Where it takes place?
Answer: 34
Glycolysis means breakdown of sugar.This is the first step of respiration and it take place in the cytoplasm
Question: 35
Define chemiosmosis.
Answer: 35
Process during cycle and non-cyclic phosphorylation by using membranes to couple redox reaction to synthesis ATP is called chemiosmosis.
Question: 36
Differentiate between internal respiration and external respiration.
Answer: 36
External respiration: The exchange of respiratory gases between the organism and its environment is called external respiration.
Question: 37
How NADH & ATP inhibit cellular respiration?
Answer: 37
Glucokinase enzyme activity is inhibited by high concentration ATP and NADH due to which process of glycolysis is blocked and cellular respiration is inhabited not.
Question: 38
Write down the name of main phases of glycolysis.
Answer: 38
Two main phases of glycolysis are:
  1. Preparatory phase
  2. Oxidation phase
Question: 39
What is pay off phase of glycolysis?
Answer: 39
It is the second main phase of glycolysis in which oxidation of three carbon compound is oxidized and converted in to pyruvic acid along with step wise release of energy.
Question: 40
What is biological oxidation?
Answer: 40
Addition of oxygen or removal of electron or hydrogen from a compound is called biological oxidation.
Question: 41
What are cytochromes?Give its role.
Answer: 41
Synthesis of ATP in the presence of oxygen is called oxidative phosphorylation.
Question: 42
Define Krebs cycle.
Answer: 42
It is a series , reaction,which was discovered by Hans Krebs ,so it is called Krebs cycle.In it acetyle Co-A oxidized by series of reaction and energy is called released step wise.