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Question: 1
State a role of algae and fungi in lichens.
Answer: 1
Fungus protect the algal partner from strong light and desiccation and it get food from algae while synthesis food for itself and also provide it to fungi.
Question: 2
Name method of asexual reproduction in fungi?
Answer: 2
Fungi can be produced asexually by following method.
  1. By means of budding
  2. By conidia formation
  3. By spore formation
  4. By fragmentation
Question: 3
How do fungi resemble animals?
Answer: 3
Both animals and fungi are heterotrophic.Both have chitin in them
Question: 4
What are aflatoxins?
Answer: 4
Some strains of aspergillus produce mycotoxins called aflatoxins.Aspergillus produce mycotoxins called aflatoxins.
Question: 5
What do you know about Armillaria?
Answer: 5
A circular clone of Armillaria,a pathogenic fungus afflicting conifers,growing out from a central focus,has been measured upto 15 hectors.It is the world largest organisms.
Question: 6
Discuss sexual reproduction in Rhizopus.
Answer: 6
Sexual reproduction in Rhizopus takes place by means of gametangial contact.First of all opposite mating types comes close to each other and they contact each other.The wall between them is dissolved and plasmography takes place,After plasmography fusion of nuclei occurs and diploid zygote is formed.
Question: 7
Write down two difference between animals and fungi.
Answer: 7
Fungi: In fungi cell wall is present.
Fungi can not move.
Question: 8
name some edible fungi.
Answer: 8
Question: 9
Why non septate hyphae are called coenocytic hyphae?
Answer: 9
Aseptate hyphae lack septa and are not divided into individual cell.Instead these are in the form of elongated multinucleate large cell.Aseptate hyphae are called coenocytic hyphae,in which cytoplasm moves effectively.
Question: 10
What do you know about fragmentation in fungi?
Answer: 10
Fragmentation is simple breaking of mycelium of some hyphal fungi.Each broken fragments gives rise to a new mycelium.
Question: 11
Differentiate between aseptate and septate hyphae.
Answer: 11
Aseptate Hyphae: These hyphae lack septa and are not divided into individual cells,Instead these are in the form of elongated multinucleated large cells.Such hyphae are called coenocytic hyphae,in which cytoplasm moves effectively,distributing the material throughout.
Question: 12
Give two medical importance of fungi?
Answer: 12
Some fungi are the source of antibiotics and some other drugs.
  1. Penicillin,to be ever discovered in 1929 is obtained from penicillium notatum.
  2. Lovastatin is used for lowering blood cholesterol.
Question: 13
What is parasexuality?
Answer: 13
Desipte absense of sexuall reproduction,imperfect fungi show special kind of genetic recombination called parasexuality in which portion of chromosomes of two nuclei laying in the same hyphae are exchanged.
Question: 14
What is nuclear mitosis?Give example.
Answer: 14
During nuclear mitosis.nuclear envelope does not break instead mitotic spindle are formed within nucleus and nuclear membrane constrict between the two cluster of daughter chromosomes.
Question: 15
Name any four antibiotics obtain from the fungi.
Answer: 15
Penicillin,lovastatin ,cyclosporine and graseoflavin.
Question: 16
Write resembles of fungi with plants?
Answer: 16
1.Like plants fungi also have cell wall.
2.Both plants and fungi don't have centrioles.
3.Plants and fungi both are non-motile.
Question: 17
Differentiate between Septate hyphaeand coenocytic hyphae.
Answer: 17
Septate hyphae:These hyphae are divided by cross walls called septa into individual cells containing one or more nuclei.
Question: 18
Differentiate between hyphae and mycelium.
Answer: 18
Hyphae : It consists of long slender,branched tubular thread like filamentous structure called hyphae.
Question: 19
Differentiate between plasmogamy and karyogamy.
Answer: 19
Karyogamy : Fusion of two nuclei is karyogamy.
Question: 20
What is major component of fungai cell wall?
Answer: 20
Chitin in their cell wall is major component.
Question: 21
Name method of asexual reproduction in fungi.
Answer: 21
Budding,spore formation ,conidia formation and fragmentation.
Question: 22
Differentiate between ectomycorrhiza and endomycorrhiza.
Answer: 22
Endomycorrhiza: In this type the fungal hyphae penetrate only in to the cell walls forming,coils,swellings and minute branches and also extent out in to the surrounding soil.
Question: 23
Why some fungi called as predators?
Answer: 23
The oyster mushroom paralyses the nematodes penetrate them and absorb their nutritional content.primarily to fulfill its nitrogen requirments.It fulfill its glucose requirement by breaking the wood.Some species of Arthrobotrys traps soil nematodes by forming constricting rung, their hyphae invading and digesting the unlucky victim.
Question: 24
Write down importance of yeast.
Answer: 24
Yeats are heavily used in genetics biological researchers because of their rapid generation and rapidly increasing pool of genetic and biochemical information.
Years was first eukaryote to be used by genetic engineers.
Question: 25
Differentiate between Obligate parasite and facultative parasite.
Answer: 25
Obligate Parasite : These parasite grow only on their living host and can not be grown on available defined growth medium in lab.
Question: 26
Give importance of lichens.
Answer: 26
Lichens growing on rocks break them,setting stage for other organisms during the course of ecological succession.Lichen are very good bioindicators of air quality as they are very sensitive to pollution.
Question: 27
What are mycorrhizae? Give its types.
Answer: 27
Mycorrhiza are a mutualistic association between roots of vascular plants and fungi(about 95% of all kind of vascular plants.)
Question: 28
How budding differs from fragmentation?
Answer: 28
Budding: Unicellular yeasts reproduce by budding an asymmetric division in which tiny out growth or bud is produced which may separate and grow i into new cell or by simple relatively equal cell division.
Question: 29
What is dikaryotic hyphae?
Answer: 29
A fungal hyphae/cell having two nuclei of different genetic types is called dikaryotic hyphae.
Question: 30
Differentiate between rust and Smut?
Answer: 30
Rust : Rust is called so because of numerous rusty orange-yellow colored disease spots on their host surface,later revealing brick/rust-red spores of the fungus.
Question: 31
What are carnivorous Fungi? Give one example.
Answer: 31
Carnivorous fungi are active predators.They paralyze the nematodes,penetrate them and also absorb their nutritional content,primarily to fulfil its nitrogen contents,Example Oyster mushroom.
Question: 32
Differentiate between Ascocarp and Basidiocarp group.
Answer: 32
Ascocarp : Most sac fungi have ascii inside the macroscopic fruiting body called ascocarp.Their hyphae are septate.They have lengthy dikaryotic phase that form ascocarp.
Question: 33
Name the type of hyphae and sexual spores in sac fungi.
Answer: 33
Sac fungi has two types of hyphae i.e monokaryotic and dikaryotic hyphae.The sexual spores in sac fungi are called ascospores.
Question: 34
What is ringworm? Which fungus is the cause of this disease?
Answer: 34
It is a skin disease.Fungus attack superficial layer of this skin and grows in a ring like form so called ringworm disease.It is caused by imperfect fungi.
Question: 35
Enlist six plants diseases caused to fungi.
Answer: 35
Rust,smut,apple scab,root rot of cotton.
Question: 36
How Penicillium can reproduce?
Answer: 36
Penicillium reproduces by means of naked spores called conidia,These are found in chains at the tip of special hyphae called conidiophores,which are branched.These conidia give color to the mycelia colony,which is circular.
Question: 37
What are hyphae and mycelium?
Answer: 37
The body of fungus is called mycelium,consists of long slender,branched tubular thread like filaments called the hyphae.Hyphae spread extensively on the surface of substratum.
Question: 38
Compare ascus with basidium.
Answer: 38
Ascus : Ascus is a sac like structure of ascomycetes in which haploid sexual spores called ascospores are formed by meiosis.
Question: 39
What are toadstools? Give example.
Answer: 39
Toadstools are poisonous mushroom such as death cap/death angel and jack-O lantern mushroom.
Question: 40
What is histoplasmosis? Give its reasons.
Answer: 40
Histoplasmosis is a serious infection disease of lungs caused by inhaling spores fungus which is common in soil contaminated with bird feces.If infection spread into bloodstream and them to other organs,It can be serious and even fatal.