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Question: 1
Explain the relation between total energy potential energy and kinetic energy for a body oscillating with SHM.
Answer: 1
The total energy for boyd oscillatingwith SHM always remain constant.;
At extrme positon, the whole energy is in form of P.E.
At mean position , the whole energy is the form of K.E.
At any point between mean. and exteme position, totla energy of simple harmoic oscillator in sum of P.E. and K.E.
Question: 2
Define the following tems related to SHM
Wave form of S.H.M
Instantaneous displacement
Time PeriodF
Angular Frequency

Answer: 2
Question: 3
If a mass spring system a hung vertically and set into oscillation, why does motion eventually stop?
Answer: 3
It eventually stopes due to domoing.
Reason: When a mass spring system vibrates, It gradually loses its energy in doeing work against fricnitoal force. So amplitude of vibration becomes smaller and smaller and hance the motion evenually stopes.
Question: 4
Describe some common phonoomena in which the responce plays an important role?
Answer: 4
Question: 5
Name two charactieristics of simple harmonic motion.
Answer: 5
Characterisitc of SHM
* Restoring force is directly proportionalto displacemnt frommean position.
* Acceleration is directly proportional to displacemntfrom mean positionand is directed towards the mean position
* Total energy of system is conserved in SHM
Question: 6
Under what condition does the additionof two simple harmonic motion produce a reslut which is also simple harmonic?
Answer: 6
Question: 7
Can we realize an ideal simple pendulum?
Answer: 7
No we can not relaize an ideal simple pendulum
Reason: An ideal simple pendulum consists of of point mass suspended by massicss and inextensible string in practice, it is not possibe.
Question: 8
Does the accleration of a simple harmonic oscillator remain constnat durng its motion? Is the acceleration every zero? Explain.
Answer: 8
Question: 9
Does frequency depends on amplitude for harmonic oscillators?
Answer: 9
Question: 10
What is meant by phase angle? Does it define the angle between maximum displacemnt and the driving force?
Answer: 10
Phase Angle: It is the angel which givne the displacemnt as well as direction of motio of pooint executing SHM. It determines the state of motion of vibrating body.
No , it is acturally, the angle which the rotating vector makes with reference line.
Question: 11
What happens to the time period of the imple pendulum if tis length is doubled? What happend the suspended mass is doubled
Answer: 11
The time period of a simple pendulum is.
Question: 12
What is he total distance traveled by an object moving with SHM in a time equal to its period, If its amplitude is A?
Answer: 12
The total distanc ecovered by the boyd is 4A.
Time period is the time during which the virbrating body completes one round trip is one round trip
Question: 13
What is the total distance covered by a simple harmonic oscillator in a time equal to its period? The amplitude of oscillation is A.
Answer: 13
The total distance covered by a simple harmonic oscillator in a time equal to its period willbe 4 A, if the amplitude of oscillation is A.
Question: 14
Show that in SHM the acceleration is zero when the velocity is greatest and the velocity is zero who the accelaration is greatest?
Answer: 14
Question: 15
A singer, holding a note of right frequeny, can shatter a glass, Explain.
Answer: 15
Yes , it is possible for a singer toshatter a glass through resonance.
Question: 16
What happens to the frequency of a simple pendulum as its oscillations die down from large amplitude to small?
Answer: 16
The frequency first increases and then become constnat when the oscillations die down from large amplitude ot small.
Question: 17
Answer: 17
Question: 18
What happens to the time peiod of a simple pendulum if its length is doubled?
Answer: 18
Question: 19
A wire hangs from the top of a dark high tower, so that the top of the tower is not visible. How you would be able to determine the hight of that tower?
Answer: 19
Hight of the tower cna be determined by making the wire a simple pendulum.
A bob is connected with the visible lower end of the wir eso that it is converted into simple pendulum.
By finding the time peirod of this pendulum, the length of the wire can be determined as follow:
Question: 20
Give two application in which responsce plays an important role.
Answer: 20
Working of microwave oven and tuning of radio station are two examples of applications of resonsnce.
Microwave Oven: When food is placed in oven, the water moleculer resonate and start absorbing energy from the microwafes and consequently give heated up
Tunign or Radio: When we turn the knob of a radio, to tune a station, we are changing the natural frequency of the electric circuit of the reciver to make it equal to the transmissed frequency of the radio station.
Question: 21
Why in S.H.M. the acceleration is zero, when the velocity is greates?
Answer: 21
In S.H.M. accelertion is zero at mean position because it is proportionalto the displacement which is also zero at mean position.
Question: 22
How can you compare teh masses of gtwo bodies by observing their requencies of oscillation when supported by a spring?
Answer: 22
There is an inverse relationship between frequency and mass of the body is spring mass system.
Explnation: We can compare the masses of two bodies by obsrving their frequenfies i.e. the mass with low frquencey willbe large ascompared to the mass with high frequencey.
Question: 23
What will be the frequency of a simple pendulum if its length is '1 m'?
Answer: 23
The frequeny of simple pendulum whose length is 1 m is 0.5 Hz.