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Question: 1
Define and explain the following Terms
Resultant vector , Negative of vector , Unit vector , Null vector , equal vectors , unequal vectors
Answer: 1
Question: 2
Explain the multipliation of vector with a scalar.
Answer: 2
Question: 3
What is value of torque if the body is at rest or rotating with uniform angular velocity
Answer: 3
Question: 4
What are geometic vecotors, Co-ordinate axes and algebreic vectors?
Answer: 4
Question: 5
What are different methods o multiply vecors with vectors?
Answer: 5
When two vectors are multiplied than we get either a scalar quantity or vector quantity.
* If two vectors are multiplied and we get a scalar quantity than it is called scalar product.
* If two vectors are multiple we get vector quantity than it is called vector product.
Question: 6
What re steps to represent a vector in cartesian coordinate
Answer: 6
Question: 7
Define and explain the term torque or moment of force.
Answer: 7
Question: 8
How is a vector represented?
Answer: 8
Question: 9
What is couple? Derive its formula
Answer: 9
Question: 10
Define and explain the terms concurrent forcces and equilibrant force.
Answer: 10
Question: 11
Define the following terms: Magnitude, Salars, vectors.
Answer: 11
Magnitude: It is the numerical value of a physical quantity with suitable unit.
SCalars: A physical quantity which canbe completely decribed by magnitude only is called salars quantity
Examples: Time, distance, mass, temperature ,speed, energy,work, volume , area ,electric charge etc.
Vector: A physical quantity which can be completly described by both magnitude and direction is called vector quantiy
Note that the vector quantiteis also obey the laws of vector addition
Examples: Force, velocity displacement, torque, momentum acceleration weight , angalr velocity, electric intensity etc.
Question: 12
Is it possible to add three vectors of equal magnitude but different direction to get a vector? Lillustrate with a diagram.
Answer: 12
Question: 13
Define Rectangualr componetsn of vector.
Answer: 13
Question: 14
Defone product of Vectors.
Answer: 14
Question: 15
Can a scalar product of two vectors be negative? Provide a proof and give an example.
Answer: 15
Question: 16
Explain the warning 'Never use a large wrench to tighten a small bolt'?
Answer: 16
Question: 17
Why a particle experincing only one force cannot be in equilirbium.
Answer: 17
Question: 18
Write the solution stpes of a numerical problem of equilibrium.
Answer: 18
1- First draw vector diagram for all forces involved in problem.
2- Draw their rectangular components.
3- Apply 1st condition of equilibrium ie. Sigma F = 0
4- Then apply 2nd conditions of equilibrium i.e. Sig torque = 0
5- Then solve the obtained equation of get results.
Question: 19
What units are associated with the unit vectors I, j, and K?
Answer: 19
Question: 20
Explain in detail whether for two vectors of equal magnitude is it possibleto give resuce magnitude equal to their individual magnitude . Justify your answer mathematically.
Answer: 20
Question: 21
The magnitude of three vectors are 2 m1 3 m2 and 5 m3, respectively. The directions are at yur disposal, Can these three vecors be added to yield zero? Illustrate with a diagram.
Answer: 21
Yes it is possible
Explaination: If the three vectors are represented by the sides of tringle joined by head to tall rule i.e. they form a closed triangle, heir vecor sum will be zero vector.
Consider three vectors A, B and C as shown in figure. It is clear that sum of he vector is zero because tall of the first vecor scolucldes with the head of the last vecor. There is no space to draw the resultant vector, so resultant willbe a null vector.