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Question: 1
If two quantities have different dimensions, is it possible
Answer: 1
Question: 2
What are teh advantages of usng intenartional systemof units. (SI)
Answer: 2
Advanteges system of Units
1- It consists of only seven base quantiteis, most of the derived quantities are obtaines by multipling and dividing the base units.
2- Each quantity has only one standard unit, so we donot seed to specify a quantity with different units.
3- They are no numericla definitions or constant for students to memorieze. For example, the quanity power is defined as energy per unit time. . Therefore , the SI unit SI unit of power is defined as the unit of energy per the unit of time i.e. Joule/second.
4- SI unit are coherently derived as the simple algebraic devision or multiplication of a few base unit usin the same equation as the quantity being measured.
5- SI uses decimals excluslvely, eliminating difficult frations and mixed numbers.
Question: 3
What is least count error? How can least count error be reduced?
Answer: 3
Question: 4
The humna pulse and the swing of a pendulum are possible time units. Why are they not of used?
Answer: 4
Question: 5
Name the physical quantities which have the same dimension but different units.
Answer: 5
> Work and torque have same dimenstion
> S-I Unit of work is Joule but torque is Nm
Question: 6
Prove that followings equations are homogeneous w.r.t dimensions.
Answer: 6
ac= V2/r
Question: 7
How many rediance account for elremuferenceof circle? How many steradiane account for circumference of a sphere?
Answer: 7
Question: 8
What are teh uses of dimenstions?
Answer: 8
i- Checming the correctness of possible formula.
2- Derving a relationship between different Physicla equaties in a physical problem
3- Conversion of one system of units into another.
Question: 9
If an equation is dimanalonalty correct, is that equation a right equation?
Answer: 9
Question: 10
Why including more digits in answere, does not make it more accounts?
Answer: 10
Question: 11
.The uiit need to be specifiedl. Why?
Answer: 11
Question: 12
Whadetermines the precision of a measurement?t
Answer: 12
Question: 13
What do you understand by " Assignable errors" and " Un-assignable errors"?
Answer: 13
Question: 14
Define Angstrom and Micron
Answer: 14
Angsrom: The angstrom or Angstrom is also non -SI of length."It is unit of length equal to 1 x 10-16meters or 0.1 nanometer for example
a- A helium atom has a size of about 1 Angstrom
b- Nucleusof heliumis only 1 femtometer in diameter.
Micron: A micron is an obsolete name of a micrometer. It is equal to
1 x 10-6 meters
For example:
a. Red Blood Cells are approximately 10 microns is diameter.
b. Human hair is between 10 and 100 microns in diameter.
Question: 15
Define Angular Acceleration
Answer: 15
Definaton: The rate or change of angular velocity is called angular acceleration.
Notaton: It is denoted by a

Question: 16
What is system of units.
Answer: 16
A complete set of untis for allphysical quantities is calle dsystem of units.
However, to form a system we do not need to define every quantitye, We takenonly and base units to agree on accessible and invraibel standard such that all other quantities and units are expressed in terms of those quanties.
The International systme of units Si system internationas,the system is a scientific method of expressing the magnitude or quanties of the phenomena.
Question: 17
Show taht equations of motions.
Vi2 = 2as +Vi2
Answer: 17
Question: 18
How much work is being done by upward force when a personis holding the bucket and moving forward?
Answer: 18
Question: 19
Prove ac = v2/r
Answer: 19