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Question: 1
Why the amplitude of lead bob is greater than pith ball as the bobs having equal size and length set into vibration?
Answer: 1
It is because the mass of lead bob is much greater than the very light pith ball, so lead bob can travel to greater extent in air against the resistive and retarding forces. Lead bob has greater inertia.
Question: 2
Can we realize an ideal simple pendulum?
Answer: 2
No, we can't realize an ideal simple pendulum. Because an ideal simple pendulum should consist of a heavy but small metallic bob suspended from a frictionless rigid support by means of long, weightless and inextensible string.
Question: 3
Explain free and forced oscillations.
Answer: 3
Free oscillations; A body is said to be executing free vibrations when it oscillates without the interference of an external force.

Forced oscillations: If an oscillating system is subjected to an external periodic force, then forced vibrations will take place.
  • The vibrations of a factory floor caused by the running of heavy machinery is an example of forced vibrations.
  • The mass of a vibrating pendulum is struck repeatedly, the forced vibration are produced.
Question: 4
Define resonance.Write its one example.
Answer: 4
When the frequency of the applied force is equal to the natural frequency of simple harmonic oscillator, the periodic amplitude of the motion may become extraordinary large. This phenomenon is called resonance.
  1. A swing is a good example of mechanical resonance.
  2. Turning a radio is the example of electrical resonance.
Question: 5
Define vibratory motion.
Answer: 5
The to and fro motion of a body about a fixed point is called the vibratory or oscillatory motion.
Question: 6
Define (a) resonance (b) damping
Answer: 6
Resonance: When the frequency of the applied force is equal to the natural frequency of simple harmonic oscillator, the periodic amplitude of the motion may become extraordinary large. This phenomenon is called resonance.
Damping: The oscillations in which the amplitude decreases steadily with time are called damped oscillations and this phenomenon is called damping
Question: 7
What is driven harmonic oscillator?
Answer: 7
The physical system undergoing forced vibrations is known as driven harmonic oscillator.
Question: 8
Describe free vibrations.
Answer: 8
A Body is said to be executing free vibrations when it oscillates without the interference of an external force.
Question: 9
What do you understand by forced vibration? Explain with examples.
Answer: 9
If an oscillation system is subjected to an external periodic force, then force vibrations will take place.
  1. The vibrations of a factory floor caused by the running of heavy machinery is a example of forced vibrations.
  2. The mass of a vibrating pendulum is struck repeatedly, the forced vibrations are produced .
Question: 10
What is driven harmonic oscillator? Give example.
Answer: 10
A Physical system under going forced vibrations is called driven harmonic oscillator.
An example of forced vibration is loud music produced by sounding wooden boards of strings instruments.
Question: 11
What is the total distance travelled by an object moving with SHM in a time equal to its period, if its amplitude is A?
Answer: 11
The total distance travelled by an object moving with SHM in its time period is 4A, where A is amplitude of vibration.
Question: 12
Define driven harmonic oscillator and damped oscillations.
Answer: 12
Damped Oscillations: TheOscillations in which the amplitude decreases steadily with time are called damped oscillations.

Driven harmonic oscillator: The physical system undergoing forced vibrations is known as driven harmonic oscillator.
Question: 13
Described some common phenomena in which resonance plays an important role.
Answer: 13
Tuning of a radio: It is a good example of electrical resonance. For tuning we turn the knob of a radio which changes the natural frequency of electrical circuit of receiver until it becomes equal to the frequency of the transmitter. So resonance is produced and energy absorption is maximum. Hence a station is tuned and we can hear the transmission of desired station .
Microwave oven: The waves produced in this type of oven have a wavelength of 12cm at a frequency of 2450 Mhz at this frequency the waves are absorbed due to resonance by water and fat molecules in the food resulting in efficient and evenly heating and cooking of food.
Question: 14
How a particular station is tuned in radio?
Answer: 14
Tuning of a radio is the best example of electrical resonance. When we turn the knob of a radio, to tune a station , we are changing the natural frequency of electrical circuit of receiver, to make it equal to the transmission frequency of the radio station. When the two frequencies match, energy absorption is maximum and this is the only station we hear .
Question: 15
Differentiate between damped oscillation and undamped oscillations.
Answer: 15
Damped Oscillation: The oscillations in which the amplitude decreases steadily with time are called damped oscillations.
For Example, shock absorber of a car and motion of any microscopic system.
Undamped Oscillations: The oscillations in which the amplitude remains same with time are called undamped oscillations. For Example, oscillations in an ideal simple pendulum.
Question: 16
Define Simple Harmonic Oscillator and driven harmonic oscillator.
Answer: 16
The oscillator motion taking place under the action of restoring force is known as simple harmonic motion.A body such as simple pendulum , executing SHM is called simple harmonic oscillator
A physical system undergoing forced vibrations is know as driven harmonic oscillator.
Question: 17
Briefly give two phenomena in which resonance plays an important role.
Answer: 17
1) Tuning a radio, we turn the knob to make the natural frequency of the electric circuit of receiver equal to the transmission frequency of the radio station. When the two frequencies match, energy absorption is maximum and this is the only station we hear.
2)Food can be easily cooked in a microwave oven. The waves produced in this type of oven have a frequency of 2450 Mhz. At this frequency the waves are absorbed due to resonance by water and fat molecules in the food.
Question: 18
How the phenomenon of resonance is produced?
Answer: 18
When the frequency of the applied force is equal to the natural frequency of simple harmonic oscillator, the periodic amplitude of the motion may become extraordinary large. This phenomenon is called resonance.
  1. A swing is a good example of mechanical resonance.
  2. Tuning a radio is the example of electrical resonance.
Question: 19
What are damped oscillations?Give some of its applications.
Answer: 19
The oscillations in which the amplitude decreases steadily with time are called damped oscillations
For example
  • The shock absorber of a car
  • Motion of any microscopic system
Question: 20
Why the enthalpy of neutralization has the same value for any strong acid with any strong base?
Answer: 20
Question: 21
How cooking of food is possible in micro-wave oven?
Answer: 21
Food can be easily cooked in a microwave oven. The waves produced in this type of oven have a frequency of 2450 MHz. At this frequency the waves are absorbed due to resonance by water and fat molecules in the food.
Question: 22
What are damped oscillations?
Answer: 22
The oscillations in which the amplitude decreases steadily with time are called damped oscillations.
Fro example
  • The shock absorber of a car
  • Motion of any microscopic system
Question: 23
The amplitude of simple pendulum should be small, Why?
Answer: 23
If amplitude of simple pendulum is large then force of air friction changes its time period, Therefore amplitude should be kept small.
Question: 24
Why soldiers are advised to break their steps when marching on a bridge?
Answer: 24
The column of soldiers, while marching on a bridge of long span is advised to break their steps. Because their rhythmic march might set up oscillation of dangerously large amplitude in the bridge structure.
Question: 25
Explain relation between total energy, potential energy and kinetic energy for a body in simple harmonic motion.
Answer: 25
When the K.E of the mass is maximum, the p.e of the spring is zero. Conversely, when the P.E of the spring is maximum, the K.E of the mass is zero. The interchange occurs continuously from one form to the other but the total energy remains conserved.
Question: 26
What is sharpness of resonance?
Answer: 26
The amplitude s well as its sharpness< both depend upon the damping. Smaller the damping, greater will be the amplitude and more sharp will be the resonance.
Question: 27
If a heavy and light masses of same size are set into vibration, which of them will stop first?
Answer: 27
Light mass will stop first.
The damping effect for the light mass due to air resistance is much greater than the heavy mass. Therefore, it will stop first.
Question: 28
What is slinky spring ?
Answer: 28
A large and loose spring coil is called slinky-spring. It can be used to demonstrate the effect of the motion of the source in generating waves in a medium.
Question: 29
Write one advantage and one disadvantage of resonance.
Answer: 29
Advantage: A swing is a good example of mechanical resonance. If a series of regular pushes are given to the swing , its motion can be built up enormously .
Disadvantages: The rhythmic march of column of soldiers on a bridge of long span might set up oscillations of dangerously large amplitude in the bridge structure. Bridge can be collapsed due to violent resonance oscillations. They are advised break their steps.
Question: 30
Describe some common phenomena in which resonance plays an important role.
Answer: 30
  • A swing is a good example of mechanical resonance.
  • Tuning of the radio is the best example of electrical resonance.
  • Another good example of resonance is the heating and cooking of food very efficiently and evenly by microwave oven.
Question: 31
Define frequency and give its unit.
Answer: 31
Number of vibrations per second is called frequency .
Its S.I unit is Hz.