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An important facility for 11th class students preparing for short questions english 11th class chapter unit 28 of BISE. Get hundreds of questions to prepare and get better marks in 11th english
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Question: 1
Why does the poet consider hollow men useless for a nation.
Answer: 1
The poet says that the hollow men are materialistic and selfish. They lack the spirit of love and are morally dead. Hollow men , apparently look powerfulbut inwardly they are cowardice and soulless. That is why , the poet considers hollow men useless for a nation.
Question: 2
What does the poet say in the last stanza of the poem.
Answer: 2
In the last stanza of the poem the poet tells us about the people of the past they were brave men with definite aims in life.
Question: 3
What does the phrase " gastures wihout motion" means.
Answer: 3
In this phrase, poet says that we pose to do something but our gastures are meaningless. We do not have real spirit and zeal. We are just like stagnant pools of water all still and motionless.
Question: 4
Why does the poet compare modern man write animals.
Answer: 4
The poet compares modern man with animals because according to him, voices made by the movement of animals has no meaning, like rats feet over broken glass. In the same way, words uttered by modern men has no wisdom in them That's why the poet compares modern man with animals.
Question: 5
Waht does the litle of the poem " The Hollow man".
Answer: 5
Hollow man mean characterless and irresponsible fellow. The poet calls teh people as hollow men who are apiritually dead. Hollow men, apparently look powerful but ineardly they are cowardic and souless.
Question: 6
What does the stuff men mean.
Answer: 6
The stuffed men means that modern men are without feeling .They are like robots or machines. They ae stuffed with ego, selfish jealousy and worthless idea.
Question: 7
Why does the poet give example of rat walking on broken glass.
Answer: 7
The poet give example of a rat walking on the broken glass the show the frivialking and the meaninglessness of the activities of modern men.
Question: 8
What has made the modern man paralysed.
Answer: 8
Materialistic ambitions has made the modern man paralysed. The poet tells us that apparetly we have powerful bodies but spiritully We are powerless and crippied persons. We pose to do something but out gestures are purposeless. We do not have real spirit and zeal.
Question: 9
Why does the poet call the modern men the hollow men.
Answer: 9
The poem says that the modern manis spiritually dead . He lacks the spirit of love. Due to these properties the poet calls modern man as Hollow man.
Question: 10
Why have we been termed as hollow man?
Answer: 10
The poet says that we hollow men. Everythign we say and do is meaningless. We are apiritually dead and characteriless fellows. That is why the poet termed us as hollow man.