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Question: 1
Why were the gifts of Jim and Della useless for them?
Answer: 1
Jim bought a costly comb for her wife Della as a Christmas gift by selling his watch. At the same time, Della had sold her hair to buy a gold chain for Jim. In this way, Jim's gift for Della and Dalla's gift for Jim proved to be useless for boty of them.
Question: 2
Why did Jim and Della want to present the gifts by each other.
Answer: 2
Della and Jim had great love for each other. They could not think of celerbrating Christmas without presenting the gifts. Therefore, they wanted to exchange the gifts.
Question: 3
What did Jim bring out of his coat.
Answer: 3
Jim brought a beautiful comb out of his coat for Della's hair He bought it for her as a Christmas gift.
Question: 4
Why did della feel pride int he beauty of her hair?
Answer: 4
Della had beautiful brown hair. It reached below here knees. They shone like a brown waterfall . She felf pride in the beauty of her hair.
Question: 5
Why did Jim sell the gold watch.
Answer: 5
Since Jim loved Della from the core of his heart. He wanted buy a gift for Della on Christmas. Since he had no money, therefore, he sold his watch to buy a gift for Della.
Question: 6
How much did Della save for Christmas.
Answer: 6
Della saved money cent by cent, in her careful buying of meat and other food. Thus, she was able to save one doller and eighty seven cents in three months.
Question: 7
Why was Della worried.
Answer: 7
Della was worried because he wanted to buy a gift for her husban, Jim,. But she had only one dollar and eighty-seven cents. and the next day would be Christmas.
Question: 8
How did the Magi celebrate their Christmas?
Answer: 8
The Magi celebrated their Christmas by exchangeing gifts. They wre teh first one who set the tratition of presenting gifts on Christmas.
Question: 9
Why did Della feel sad on losing her hair.
Answer: 9
Della had beautiful long brown hair. She had sold her hair to buy a gift for her husban, Jim. She knew that Jim liked her hair vwry much. That was why ,she felt very much sad and gloomy on loosing her hair.
Question: 10
How did Della arrange money to buy a gift from Jim.
Answer: 10
Della wanted to buy a gift for her husban Jim on the Christmas but she had no money. she therefore, sold her beautiful hair for 20 dollars to buy a gift for Jim.
Question: 11
Who were teh Magi.
Answer: 11
The magi were wisemen. They came to Bethlehem from the east to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
Question: 12
Why did the Magi want to exchange the gifts.
Answer: 12
The magi wanted to exchange the gifts as a sumbol of love and harmony. They wanted to celebrate their Christmas by having a look of the new born baby Jesus Christ.
Question: 13
What did Della tell Jim about her love for him.
Answer: 13
Della told Jim that may be the hairs on her head could be counted but no one could ever count her regards for Jim.
Question: 14
What did Della tell Jim about the growth of her hair.
Answer: 14
Della told Jim that her hair grow very fast.
Question: 15
What was the wisdom in selling the most valuable things.
Answer: 15
Love begets love. It does not count profit or loss. So there lies every wisdom in selling the most precious thing for the sake pleasing one's beloved or to win love of the people.
Question: 16
What did Della do after counting her savings.
Answer: 16
After counting her saving she did nothing but fall on the bed and cry.
Question: 17
How beautiful was trhe gold watch chain.
Answer: 17
The gold watch chain was made of rich and pure material it was very valuable and antique. It was very beautiful