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Question: 1
What is alteration of generation?
Answer: 1
The phenomena in which two generation i.e gametophyte and sporophyte alternate with each other is called alternation of generation. sporophyte produce gametophyte and gametophyte produce sporophyte.
Question: 2
Differentiate between Sporophyte and gametophyte.
Answer: 2
Sporophyte : It us diploid generation,it produces spores.
Question: 3
Define kingdom plantae.
Answer: 3
Kingdom plantae mainly includes eukaryotic autotrophic,multicellular,non-motile organisms which develop from embryos.
Question: 4
What is protonema?
Answer: 4
Protonema is multicellular alga like structure from which new plants is produces it is found in bryopsida group of bryophytes.
Question: 5
Define bryophytes.
Answer: 5
Bryophytes can be simply defined as "Non vascular (vascular system absent),gametophyte dominant,sporophyte attached to gametophyte,homosporous.
Question: 6
How mosses differs from liveworth in development?
Answer: 6
Mosses: Spores of mosses develop into alga like structure the proteome,the buds on which develop into male or female haploid gametophytes.
Question: 7
Differentiate between antheridiophore and archegoniophore.
Answer: 7
Antheridiophore : It is a branch on which antheridia are produced.
Question: 8
Name the classes of division of bryophytes.
Answer: 8
Three classes of bryophytes are :HepaticopsidaBryopsidaAnthoceropsida
Question: 9
Why bryophytes are called amphibians plants?
Answer: 9
The bryophytes are said to be amphibians of the plants world because they can not live away from the water,They need water from reproduction.
Question: 10
Why Anthoceropsida are more advanced than other bryophytes?
Answer: 10
  1. Sporophyte of Anthoceros has stomata to obtain carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.
  2. Sporophyte contains chlorophyll so it is not dependent on gametophyte.
Question: 11
Write down four characteristics of bryophytes.
Answer: 11
Bryophytes have dominant gametophyte generation.They are homosporous plants.They need water for their fertilization.They have no vascular tissues.
Question: 12
Define paraphysis.
Answer: 12
Paraphysis are sterile hairs found among the reproductive organs of bryophytes for their protection.
Question: 13
Differentiate between leaf venation and circinate vernation.
Answer: 13
Leaf venation: Arrangements of veins and veinlets in the lamina of leaf is called leaf venation.
Question: 14
What are fronds?
Answer: 14
In ferns leaves are large size and are composed which is called fronds.It is character of fern group.
Question: 15
Name two vegetative and two reproductive evolutionary character of tracheophytes.
Answer: 15
Reproductive characters are formation of seed and fruit.Vegetative character are presence of vascular tissues and differentiation of plant body in to root stem and leaves.
Question: 16
Differentiate between homospory and heterospory.Give example .
Answer: 16
Homospory : Process of formation of spores of same kind is called homosporye.g Lycopodium
Question: 17
In what ways sporophyte of bryophytes and tracheophytes are different>
Answer: 17
Sporophyte of bryophytes : It is not differentiated into root,stem and leaves.
It produces all spores of same kind.It is dependent on gametophyte.
Question: 18
What is homospory? Give an example.
Answer: 18
The production of one type of spore in a plant is known as homospory.For example in Psilotum only one kind of spores are produced.
Question: 19
What is overtopping?
Answer: 19
The dichotomously branched aerial portion of the stem showed unequal branching.Some branches remains short other in different planes,Such an unequal development of various branches is called overtopping.
Question: 20
Name living and extinct representative of psilopsida.
Answer: 20
Extinct members of Psilopsida are Horneophyton,Psilophyton,Cooksonia.There are only two living genera of psilopsida Psilotum and Tmesipteris.
Question: 21
What is earliest group of vascular plant? Quote only two examples of its extinct plants.
Answer: 21
Psilopsida is the earliest group of vascular plants.Examples of extinct plants are Horneophyton and Cooksonia.
Question: 22
What are arthrophytes?Give example.
Answer: 22
Plants are belonging to group sphenopsida are also called arthophystes because the whole plant body is composed of large number of joints.
Question: 23
Name four subdivision of Tracheophyta.
Answer: 23
For subdivision of tracheophyta are
  1. Psilopsida
  2. Lycopsida
  3. Sphenopsida
Question: 24
What is prothallus?
Answer: 24
It is gametophyte of ferns which is not true thallus.It bears female and male reproductive organs of ferns.
Question: 25
Give four example of gymnosperms from your book.
Answer: 25
Cycas,Pinus,Thuja and Cedrus.
Question: 26
Define flower.
Answer: 26
A flower is a modified shoot which consists of a pedicel,thalamus or torus and floral leaves.The parts of flower which are directly involved in reproduction of plants are called essential parts of flowers i.e stamens and carpels.
The part of flower which are not involved in the reproductive process are called non essential part of flower.
Question: 27
Give four example of ferns?
Answer: 27
Question: 28
Define circinate vernation.Which plant group does show this feature?
Answer: 28
When frond is immature and young it is coiled;this pattern of development is called circinate vernation.This is characteristics of group fern.
Question: 29
Define ovule and seed.
Answer: 29
Seed: Ripened ovule is called seed.
Question: 30
Give literal meaning of gymnosperms and angiosperms.
Answer: 30
Gymnosperms mean nacked seeded plants.
Question: 31
Define ovule.
Answer: 31
It is an integumented indeshisdent megasporangium.
Question: 32
Give common name of Adiantum?
Answer: 32
The common name of adiantum is Maiden hair fern.
Question: 33
What are fronds?In which groups they are found?
Answer: 33
Large pinnately compound leaves or fronds arise from the upper side of the rhizome.Group is Pteropsida.
Question: 34
Differentiate between microphylls and megaphylls.
Answer: 34
Microphylls : The leaves which bear microsporangia on their surface are called microphylls.
Question: 35
What is rhizome?
Answer: 35
It is a type of underground stem which is branched and grows horizontally.It is covered with brown hairs called ramenta.
Question: 36
Define pollen grain.
Answer: 36
A microscope of seed plant that contain microgametophyte or male gametophyte including gametes is called pollen grain.
Question: 37
Give the medicinal importance of Bambosa.
Answer: 37
Bamboo leaves are given to horses as a cure of cough and cold etc.
Question: 38
Define ovule and embryo sac.
Answer: 38
Ovule is indehiscent megasporangium.
Question: 39
Differentiate between monocots and dicots.
Answer: 39
Dicots: Dicots have two cotyledons in their seed.
Leaves have reticulate venation.
They sho secondary growth.
Question: 40
Write down botanical name of peanuts and sweet pea.
Answer: 40
Arachis hypogaea is botanical name of peanus and that of sweet pea is Pisum sativum
Question: 41
Give the medicinal importance of Acacia nilotica.
Answer: 41
Tender leaves of Acacia nilotica are used as blood purifier.
Question: 42
Write down botanical name of sheesham.
Answer: 42
Botanical name of sheesham is Dalbergia sissoo.
Question: 43
Write down botanical name of Tomato.
Answer: 43
Lycopersium esculentum is botanical name of tomato.
Question: 44
What function of thorns and tendrils in plants?
Answer: 44
Thorn is an outgrowth which may be present on stem or leaves and thorn has protective function,
Tendril is a modification of leaf and stem.It helps in climbing of plant over a support.
Question: 45
Differentiate between Floret and Spikelet.
Answer: 45
The whole lemma,palea and flower is called floret.
Question: 46
Give botanical name of two plants belongs to family solanaceae.
Answer: 46
Lycopersium esculentu and Solanum nigrum
Question: 47
What are the Monoecious Plants?
Answer: 47
If male and female sex organs are found on the same planed,it is known as monoecious plants.For example :prothallus of Adiantum.