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Question: 1
Define apoplastic pathway.
Answer: 1
It is the pathway involving system adjacent cell walls which is continuous throughout the plant roots.
Question: 2
Define facilitated diffusion with example.
Answer: 2
Movement of substance or the ions with the help of carrier proteins of the plasma membrane is called facilitated diffusion.
For example : some nutrients are taken up by the root cell by facilitated diffusion.
Question: 3
What are plasmodesmata?
Answer: 3
Plasmodesmata are the cytoplasmic strands that extend through pores in adjacent cell wall.In the cell of root the cell membrane and cytoplasm can be regarded as acting together as one partially permeable membrane.
Question: 4
Why root pressure is not enough to push water upwards to require height in most of the plants?
Answer: 4
Due to root pressure the sap in the xylem does not rise to enough height in most plants.The root pressure is least effective during the day,when the transpiration pull is the active force involved in pulling the sap in xylem cell upwards.
Question: 5
What is pressure potential?
Answer: 5
Pressure exerted by the protoplast against the cell wall is called pressure potential.
Question: 6
Differentiate between apoplast and symplast pathway.
Answer: 6
Apoplast Pathway : It is the pathway involving system of adjacent cell walls which is continuous throughout the plant root.
Question: 7
Differentiate between water potential and solute potential.
Answer: 7
Water potential : The total kinetic energy of water molecule in a cell is called water potential.
Question: 8
Compare diffusion and osmosis.
Answer: 8
Diffusion : It is the movement of molecules from a region of high concentration to lower concentration.It does not involve any membrane.
Question: 9
What is plasmolysis ? How it occurs?
Answer: 9
It can be defined as the shrinkage of protoplast due to exosmosis potential.When a living cell is placed in a solution having lower water potential than that of the cell,the cell is called plasmolysed.
Question: 10
Write a note on bleeding.
Answer: 10
Sometimes it so happens that certain plants,when cut,pruned ,tapped or otherwise wounded,show a flow of sap from the cuts ends or surfaces quite often with considerable force.This is called bleeding.
Question: 11
What is imbation? Write its significance for the germination of seeds.
Answer: 11
When a substance absorb water and its volume is increased without being dissolved in it this is called imbibition.
Plants get advantage of this phenomena that cell can absorb water without being dissolved of cell wall.
Question: 12
What are blood platelets ? Give their function.
Answer: 12
There are not cells,but are fragments of cells called megakaryocytes.There is no nucleus in them,There is no pigments in them.Platelets help in conversion of fibrinogen,a soluble plasma proteins into insoluble form,fibrin.The fibrin threads enmesh red blood cells and other platelets in the area of damages tissues,ultimately forming a blood clot.
Question: 13
What is facilitated diffusion?
Answer: 13
Movement of substance or the ions with the help of carrier proteins of the plasma membrane is called facilitated diffusion.
Question: 14
Define pressure flow theory.
Answer: 14
It states that the flow of solution in the sieve elements is drives by an osmotically active generated pressure gradient between source and sink.It was purpose by E.Munch uceolus.
Question: 15
Define Thrombus and embolus.
Answer: 15
Thrombus : It is solid mass or plug of blood constituent in a blood clot vessel,This may block wholly or partially in which it forms.
Question: 16
How systolic pressure differ from diastolic pressure.
Answer: 16
Systolic Pressure : Pressure of blood at the time of ventricular contraction is called systolic pressure.
Question: 17
What are Hydathodes?
Answer: 17
These are the pores or the glands which are present at the tips or margins of the leaves are called hydathodes.
Question: 18
Give the location of bicuspid and tricuspid valve in the human heart.
Answer: 18
Bicuspid valves are present at the base of left atrium from where oxygenated blood passed from left atrium to left ventricle while tricuspid valves are present at the base of right atrium from where deoxygenated blood passed fom right atrium to right ventricle.
Question: 19
What are guard cells? Give their functions.
Answer: 19
The guard cells are dumble oe bean seed shaped,The inner concave side of guard cell has very think cell wall but the outer convex side has thin cell wall.Guard cell also have chloroplasts,When guard cells are turgid,the stoma between them opens and when guard cells are flaccid,the stoma between them closes.
Question: 20
Define artherosclerosis.
Answer: 20
Artherosclerosis is the degenerative arterial change associated with advancing age,Primarily a thickening of middle layers of arteries and usually associated with some degree of artheroma.
Question: 21
Where the human heart is located in the body?
Answer: 21
The heart of human is located in the chest cavity.The wall of heart is composed of three layers.
Question: 22
What do you know cell mediated response?
Answer: 22
Thymus cells recognize antigens then combat microorganism or effect the rejection of foreign tissues.This is called mediated response.
Question: 23
What is stroke?
Answer: 23
If the normal flow of blood is blocked by an embolus ,in a blood vessel in the brains and cause necrosis or death of the surrounding neural tissues,the condition is called stroke or cerebral infarction.
Question: 24
What is meant by systemic circulation?
Answer: 24
In humans the systemic arch distributes blood to different part of the body and then the blood from the body return to the heaty, in the right atrium via precaval and postcaval.This is systemic circulation.
Question: 25
Define blood pressure.Give normal blood pressure of human.
Answer: 25
Blood pressure is the measure of force with the blood pushes up against blood vessels walls,Systolic pressure for a normal person is 120 mm Hg and diastolic pressure is 75-85 mmHg so it can be written as 120/80 mmHg.
Question: 26
What is honey dew?
Answer: 26
Aphids insert their stylets into stem or leaf and extend them to puncture a sieve tube,The pressure in the sieve tube cell forces sap through aphids digestive tracts and out of its posterior end as droplets called Honeydew.
Question: 27
What is meant by hypertension or high blood pressure.
Answer: 27
It is condition of high blood pressure,damaging the lining of the blood vessels and also leads to the weakening of heart muscles.
Question: 28
Define source and sink.
Answer: 28
Source : The area of plant part from where food is transported to the other parts of plants is called source.
Question: 29
How we can avoid heart attack?
Answer: 29
By taking regular exercise,By avoiding smoking and alcohol drinking and by avoiding too much fatty food and maintain normal body weight.
Question: 30
Define stomatal transpiration.
Answer: 30
Transpiration which occur through the stomata of leaves is called stomatal transpiration.It accounts about 90% of the total transpiration.
Question: 31
What is blue baby?
Answer: 31
Failure of interatrial foramen to close or ductus arteriosus to fully constrict result in cyanosis of newborn baby.This is due to mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood which is supplied to the body of newborn babies resulting in blueness of skin this the name blue babies.
Question: 32
What is single circuit heart?
Answer: 32
In single circuit heart the blood flows in one direction only from sinus venosus to atrium then to ventricle and to venral aorta via bulbus arteriosus to the gills and then to the body.
Question: 33
Define hypertensions.
Answer: 33
It is a condition of high blood pressure,damaging the lining of the blood vessels and also leafs to the weakening of heart muscles.
Question: 34
What are leucocytes?
Answer: 34
Leucocytes are types of white blood cells which are silightly larger than red blood cell.Leucocytes protects against foreign invaders and use circulatory system to travel the site of invasion.
Question: 35
Define Guttation? What factors affect it?
Answer: 35
Loss of liquid water through water secreting or hydathodes is called guttation,Root pressure and transpiration are the main factors which affact guttation.
Question: 36
Define heart attack and its cause.
Answer: 36
Blockage of blood vessel in the heart by an embolus cause necrosis or damage to portion of heart muscles,a condition known as heart attack.
Cause : It occurs when : There is a blood clot in coronary arteries.
Question: 37
What are organic nutrients present in the human blood?
Answer: 37
Organic nutrients of the human blood include glucose,fats,phospholipids amino acids,lactic acid and cholesterol.
Question: 38
Define passive immunity.
Answer: 38
Immunity in which antibodies are injected in the form of antisera to make a person immune against a disease is called passive immunity.