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Question: 1
Differentiate between virion and prions.
Answer: 1
Virion: Complete infection and mature viral particle is called virion.Virion are composed of nucleic,either RNA or DNA which is known as the genome and is surrounding bu a protein coat the capsid.Capsid gives the shape to the virion.
Question: 2
Differentiate between capsid and capsomeres.
Answer: 2
Capsid: The nucleic acid core is surrounding by a protein coat called capsid.Capsid gives definite shape to virion.
Question: 3
What is meant by phylogenetic system of classification?
Answer: 3
A classification system which is based on ancestral history of the organism is called phylogenetic system of classification or when organism are arranged from ancestor to descendant this is called phylogenetic system of classification.
Question: 4
Write scientific name of amaltas.
Answer: 4
Cassia fistula.
Question: 5
What are nacked viruses?
Answer: 5
Non enveloped viruses are called naked viruses.
Question: 6
Define species with example.
Answer: 6
A species is a group of natural populations which an interbreed freely among themselves and produce fertile offsprings,but are reproductively isolated from all other such groups in nature.
Question: 7
Define virology.
Answer: 7
Study of viruses is called virology.It relates with structure,replication and transmission of virus into host body.
Question: 8
Define binomial nomenclature with two example.
Answer: 8
Linnaeus system of giving scientific names to the organisms,which consists of two words is called binomial nomenclature.e.g Cassia fistula.
Question: 9
What are capsomeres and what is their number in adenovirus?
Answer: 9
Capsid or protein coat of virus is made up of protein subunits called capsomeres.252 capsomeres are present in adenovirus.
  1. Cubical Form
  2. Helical Form
Question: 10
What are intracellular obligated parasites?
Answer: 10
Obligate intracellular parasites are those which are capable of growing and reproducing inside the cells of host.Some parasites can cause disease.
Example :Some virus e.g influenza virus.
Question: 11
Of which material capsid is made.
Answer: 11
Capsid is made up of repeating protein units called capsomere.
Question: 12
What are prions?
Answer: 12
Prion:The most recently discovered (1983)and least understood micro-organism and lease which may be infectious proteins.Their nature is very controversial.They are composed of protein only that contain the information that codes for their replication.Prions are responsible for mad cow infection and mysterious brain infection in man.
Question: 13
Write a note on polio.
Answer: 13
Poliomyelitis is caused by polio virus.It is found all over the world.It occurs mostly in childhood.The age in which primary infection occurs varies with social and economic factors.The polio viruses are the smallest known viruses and contain RNA in a spherical capsid.
Question: 14
What are pocks?
Answer: 14
In small pox raised fluid filled vesicles are called onco viruses.For example RNA viruses,AIDS and onco viruses.
Question: 15
Differentiate between virulent phage and temperate phage.
Answer: 15
Virulent phage: The virulent phage or lytic phage is called lytic phage.
Question: 16
What is induction?Give factors that cause induction.
Answer: 16
Some time in lysogenic cycle the viral DNA gets separated from Bacterial DNA and starts lytic cycle again this is called induction.Main factors which cause induction are change in pH,temperature.
Question: 17
What are onco viruses?
Answer: 17
The single stranded RNA tumor virus are called onco viruses.For example RNA virus,AIDS and onco virus.
Question: 18
What is lysogenic of cycle of phage?.
Answer: 18
The type cycle in which phage DNA peacefully replicate in the host cell and transferred to next generation along with the host DNA is called lysogenic cycle.
Question: 19
What is herpese complex?
Answer: 19
The disease is caused by herpes virus (DNA is naturally occurring disease of mankinf.In this vascular lesions in the epithelial layer of ectodermal tissues are formed.Most commonly this disease occurs in mouth,on lips and at other skin sites.
Question: 20
What is phage?
Answer: 20
When viral DNA is incorporated into bacterial chromosomes it is called recombinant DNA or prophage.
Question: 21
What are retroviruses?
Answer: 21
The RNA viruses which can convert their single stranded RNA into doubled stranded DNA are known as retroviruses.
Question: 22
What is reverse transcriptase?Give its function.
Answer: 22
It is an enzyme present in retroviruses or RNA containing viruses.
Its function is to convert single stranded RNA in to double stranded DNA by reverse transcription.
Question: 23
Write the name of four common human viral disease.
Answer: 23
Viral disease are polio,small pox,measles,mumps and influenza.
Question: 24
Explain briefly small pox.
Answer: 24
Small pox is caused by pox virus.It is an accident disease which is known to have occured in epidemics in china as early 12th century B.C until the early 20th century small pox was common disease throughout the world.In small pox raised fluid filled vesicles are formed on the body which becomes pustules later on and form pitted scars,the pocks.
Question: 25
What are symptoms of AIDS?
Answer: 25
  1. A rare vascular cancer
  2. Sudden weight loss
  3. Swollen lymph nodes
  4. General loss immune functions
  5. Severe Pneumonia
Question: 26
What are the rules of binomial nomenclature?
Answer: 26
Scientific name should be comprising of two words.
  1. The first name refers to the genius and is called generic name and always begins with a capital letter.
  2. The specific name must follows the generic name and begins with smallest letter.
Question: 27
How hepatitis A is transmitted?
Answer: 27
It is transmitted by contact with faeces from infected person.
Question: 28
What is Hepatitis?How How it caused?
Answer: 28
Inflammation of liver is called hepatitis.
Cause of hepatitis are
  1. Blood transfusion from infected to healthy person
  2. By sexual contact with infected person
  3. By using surgical instruments and syringe of infected person.