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Question: 1
What is refraction of light?
Answer: 1
1-45the process of bending of light as it passes from air into glass and vice versa is called refraction of light.
Question: 2
What is meant by the term total internal reflection?
Answer: 2
2-45When a ray of light from denser medium enters a rare medium in such a way that angle of incident is greater then critical angle, then the ray is reflected totally inside and does not emerge out from the denser medium.This phenomenon is called total internal reflection.
Question: 3
Defnie Angle of reflection:
Answer: 3
3-45Define angle of reflection: the angel between normal N and the reflected ray OB i.e. <NOB is called angle of reflection. r
Question: 4
Define Angle of incidence:
Answer: 4
4-45The angle between incident ray AO and normal N i.e. <AON is called angle of incidence.i
Question: 5
Define Angle of incidence.
Answer: 5
5-45The angle <i made by the incident ray with the normal is called angle of incidence.
Question: 6
State the conditions for total internal reflection.
Answer: 6
6-45i. Lights rays should travel from denser medium to rare medium.
ii. Angle of incidence i. should be larger than critical angle.
Question: 7
Define angle of refraction:
Answer: 7
7-45The angle<r made by the refracted ray with the normal is called angle of refraction.
Question: 8
What is the Snell' law.
Answer: 8
8-45Snell's law: The ration sini/sinr is known as the refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first medium.
Question: 9
What is the reflection of light?
Answer: 9
9-45When light travelling in a certain medium falls on a surface of another medium a part of it turns back in the same medium. It is called reflection of light.
Question: 10
State the laws of refraction.What is the Snell' law/
Answer: 10
10-45i. The incident ray, refracted ray and the normal at the point of incidence all lie in the same plane.
ii. The ratio of sine of angle of incidence to the sin of angle of refraction r is always equal to the constant
Question: 11
Define the refractive index in terms of speed of light.
Answer: 11
11-45The refractive index 'n' of a medium is the ratio of the speed of light 'c' in the vacuum to the speed of light 'v' in the medium.
Question: 12
State and explain laws of reflection.
Answer: 12
12-45Reflection of light occurs according to following two laws called laws of reflection.
i. The incident ray, reflected ray and normal at the point of incidence, all lie in the same plane.
ii. The angle of incidence and the angle of reflection are equal. i.e.<i =<r
Question: 13
Define power of lens. Give its mathematical form and SI unit.
Answer: 13
13-45It is defined as 'the reciprocal of focal length(f) of a lens when focal length is taken in meters.
The SI unit of power of lens is dioptre denoted by D.
Question: 14
Define center of curvature:
Answer: 14
14-45A spherical mirror is a part of a sphere. The center of this sphere is called center of curvature.
Question: 15
What is meant by principal concave lens?
Answer: 15
15-45The light rays travelling parallel to the principal axis of a concave lens after refraction appear to come from a point behind the lens is called principal focus."F"
Question: 16
What is meant by the principal focus of convex lens.
Answer: 16
16-45the light rays travelling parallel to the principal axis called principal focus or focal point. F.
Question: 17
What do you mean by resolving power?
Answer: 17
17-45Resolving power of an instrument is its ability to distinguish between two closely placed objects or point sources.
Question: 18
Define Radius of curvature:
Answer: 18
18-45It is the radius of the sphere of which spherical mirror is a part.
Question: 19
Define regular reflection.
Answer: 19
19-45The reflection by the smooth surface is called regular reflection. e.g. Reflection of silver surface.
Question: 20
Define pole:
Answer: 20
20-45It is the midpoint of the curved surface of spherical mirror.It is also called vertex.
Question: 21
What is critical angle?
Answer: 21
21-45When ray of light travel from denser medium to rare medium then the angle of incidence for which the angle of refraction becomes 90 degre is called critical angle.
Question: 22
Compare the characteristics of image formed by concave mirrors and convex mirror.
Answer: 22
22-45Concave mirror: i. In concave mirror the size of the image depends on the position of the object.
ii. A convex mirror the size of the image is always smaller than the object.
Question: 23
Define Irregular reflection.
Answer: 23
23-45The reflection by the rough surface is called irregular reflection. e.g. reflection of paper or wall or rough surface.
Question: 24
Difference between real and virtual images?
Answer: 24
24-45Ral image: i. It can be formed on screen.
ii. Rays of light actually meet at a point after refraction.
iii. Focal length of real image is taken positive.
Question: 25
What is meant by angle of deviation?
Answer: 25
25-45When a ray is refracted through some refracted surface it deviates from its original path. The angle D made by the deviated ray with the normal is called angle of deviation.
Question: 26
What are the uses of endoscope?
Answer: 26
26-45An endoscope is used to explore the interior organs of body. Due to its small size it can be inserted through the mouth and thus eliminates the invasive surgery.
Question: 27
Define focal length:
Answer: 27
27-45The distance from the pole to the principal focus, measured along the principal axis is called focal length.
Question: 28
Define principal focus.
Answer: 28
28-45After reflection from a concave mirror rays of light parallel to the principal axis converge to a point F. this point is called'The principle focus' of the mirror.
Question: 29
What is lens? How it works ?
Answer: 29
29-45A lens is a transparent material having two surfaces of which at least one is curved.
Working lenses: Lenses refract light in such a way that an image of the object is formed.
Question: 30
What is Gastroscopy.
Answer: 30
30-45the endoscope used to diagnose the stomach is called Gastroscope.
Question: 31
How many types of lens.
Answer: 31
31-45There are two types of lens.
Question: 32
What kind of nature light have?
Answer: 32
32-45Light has dual nature wave as well as particle nature.
Question: 33
Define principal axis
Answer: 33
33-45It is the line joining center of curvature and pole of the spherical mirror.
Question: 34
Define concave and diverging lens.
Answer: 34
34-45The lens which causes incident parallel rays of light to diverge from a point is called concave lens.
Shape: This lens is thin at the centre and the thick at the edges.
Question: 35
Define convex lens.
Answer: 35
35-45The lens which causes incident parallel rays to converge at a point is known as convex or converging lens.
Shape: This lens is thick at the centre but thin at the edges.
Question: 36
Define Aperture.
Answer: 36
36-45The size of spherical mirror is called aperture.
Question: 37
Define optics.
Answer: 37
37-45The study of light behaviour is called optics.
Question: 38
Give the uses of compound microscope;
Answer: 38
38-45It is used to study bacteria and other micro objects.
i. It is used to research in several fields of science like microbiology, biology, geology and genetics etc.
Question: 39
What is Bronchoscope.
Answer: 39
39-45The endoscope used to diagnose the throat is called bronchoscope.
Question: 40
What are geometrical optics.
Answer: 40
40-45The branch of optics that focuses on the creation of images is called geometrical optics, because it is based on relationship between angles and lines that describe light rays.
Question: 41
Define Astronomical telescope.
Answer: 41
41-45Astronomical telescope.:
i. Objective lens has larger focal length than the eyepiece.
ii. Distance between the objective lens and the eyepiece is equal to f0+fe.
iii. It is used to see distant astronomical objects.
Question: 42
What is Cystoscope.
Answer: 42
42-45The endoscope used to diagnose the bladder is called cystoscope.
Question: 43
What is pinhole camera?
Answer: 43
43-45Pinhole camera is simpler than a camera with one lens is a pinhole camera . To make a pinhole camera, a tiny pinhole is made in one side of a box. An inverted real image is formed on the opposite side of the box.
Question: 44
What is magnifying glass?
Answer: 44
44-45Magnifying glass is a lens that form s a virtual image that is larger than object and appears behind the lens.
Question: 45
What is the use of contact lens?
Answer: 45
45-45Contact lens show the same result as eyeglasses do .These are small thin lenses are placed directly on cornea a thin layer of tears between the lens and cornea keeps the lens in place.