A great video lecture conducted by experienced physics teacher on 10th class physics chapter 14 topic14.1 direct alternating current. Get full understanding or ask any questions.
Direct and Alternating Current, ch 14, lec 14.12, Direct & Alternating Current - 10th Class Physics
Physics Chapter 14 Topics
- 14.1 Electric Current
- 14.2 Potential Difference
- 14.3 Electromotive Force
- 14.4 OHM'S Law
- 14.5 V-I Characteristics of Ohmic & Non Ohmic Conductors
- 14.6 Factors Affecting Resistance
- 14.7 Conductors in Physics
- 14.8 Insulators in Physics
- 14.9 Combination of Resistors
- 14.10 Electrical Energy & Joule's Law
- 14.11 Electric Power
- 14.12 Direct & Alternating Current
- 14.13 Hazards of Electricity
- 14.14 Safe Use of Electricity In Homes
- Examples
- Exercise
- Numericals