Academic Year of 10th Class
Students who have passed the 10th class examination and, now, going towards the 10th class study session are offered with the best wishes for their best performance. At the same time, here at this page, we are offering them with a complete academic schedule or year. Students can find here all the important dates of 10th class study session:
10th Class Registration Date
Students are to inform that at 10th class you are not required to apply for registration. This is because 10th class is the final part of matric study session and students appear for admission or examination with the same registration they applied in the 10th class.
10th Class Admission Date
Both private and regular candidates will call to submit their admission forms in the month of November or December. Students are required to submit the admission through online procedure.
10th Class Roll Number Slips
February is the month when students are offered with their date sheets.
All the students of matric level are offered with 10th class date sheets almost a month ago. At the same time, students are to inform that the exact date may change every year. Students are to inform that date sheet or roll number slip is actually a reminder of the final examination.
10th Class Final Examination
In the month of March, 10th class final examination session starts and it has seen that every year the month is the same. Students are to inform that the exact date for the examination may vary. However, the examination season will lead for at least a month. After the 10th class examination, the 10th class exam procedure will start.
10th Class Final Result
The result announces in the month of August.
Every year, after performing the examination, students are asked to wait for at least 03 to 04 months. During these months or time duration boards of education, work to arrange the final result of the 10th class. Actually, there are thousands of students appear for the examination, this is why boards of education require a longtime of 03 to 04 months. Students are to inform that they will offer an exact date when the result will near to publish.
10th Class Supply Admission Date
In the month of August or September, the admission of the 10th class supply examination starts.
A student who will pass the matric class examination will able to get enrollment in the intermediate classes. However, every year students also appear with the failure status. But, those students are to inform that they do not worry at all because the boards of education offer them further chances to improve their class.
10th Class Supply Roll Number Slip
In the month of October or November students offer with 10th class supply roll number slips. Students are to inform that after declaring 10th class date sheet, the students within a month will be a call to appear for the examination.
10th Class Supply Examination
In the month of December, students appear for 10th supplementary examination.
10th Class Supply Result
Almost a month or 40 days after examination conduction the 10th class supplementary result announces by the boards of education.