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Question: 1
Write a name of application of LASER
Answer: 1
Now a day, use of laser has become very common.
Question: 2
What do you mena by Radar System?
Answer: 2
RADAR: The word radar is derived from radio-detection and ranging.
Question: 3
Write the name of different section in textile industry.
Answer: 3
1- Spinning
Question: 4
What are called the elements, which emit radiations.
Answer: 4
The elements which are emitting radiations naturally called radioisotopes, These element are called natural radioactive.
Question: 5
How steel is made harder.
Answer: 5
Iron is mixed with carbon or sometimes with other elements to produce extra hardness according to necessity.
Question: 6
From whre the satellites get electric power.
Answer: 6
Electrical power for the satellites is povided from panels of solar cells. These panels convert solar energy to electriciyt. The spaceraft traveling for away from the sun carry small nuclear reactors with them to generate the required power.
Question: 7
What is hologram and Holography.
Answer: 7
Laser is used to produce three dimensional images called hologram. This process is called holography.
Question: 8
What do you mena by Satellites
Answer: 8
Satellites are spacecrafts, which revolve around a planet in specific orbits.
Question: 9
Define total internal reflection.
Answer: 9
When a ray of light passes form a denser to rare medium it bends away from the normal to the interface. Now if we go on increasing the angle of incidence then at a particular angle of incidence, then angle of refration will become 90o , when the angle of incidence is made greater than, x, they ray doest not refract but reflect into the same medium. It is reflects into the same medium. It is called the Total Internal Reflection.
Question: 10
Difference between E.C.G and E.E.G.
Answer: 10
E.C.G: Is electrocardiogram while E.E.G .Electroencephalography.
Question: 11
Which objects are used for laser.
Answer: 11
Usually crystals e.g. ruby , glass or semi-conductors are used to make lasers. Beside these, some gases are also used for this purpose.
Question: 12
What is Laser.
Answer: 12
Laser is an abbreviaton of the " Light amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation" The first laser ever used is ruby crystal. which is excited by a powerful flask of light. Laser is anintense beam of light in which all the waves hve the same wavelength and all are in phase. Such a beam of light is called monochromatic.
Question: 13
What is Electro Cardiogram
Answer: 13
Electrocardiogram is the test that measures the electrical activity of the heart. The heart beat in a peculiar way so that blood may be pumped through the whole body.
Question: 14
What is Aniography.
Answer: 14
Angiography is a way to produce inside x-ray pictures of arteries.When arteries are bloocked or suffer any loss of any irregularity developed in them, then chest pain, heart attack, stroke or any other problem may occur.
Question: 15
Define Isotopes.
Answer: 15
Isotopes are teh nuclei of the same atomic number and different mass number and have the same chemical properties. e.g. chlorine 35 and chlorine 37 are the two isotopes of chlorine.
Question: 16
Give the charactertistics of Alpha Radiation.
Answer: 16
1- Alpha radiations comprises of fast moving helium nuclei.
Question: 17
Characteristics Gamma Radiaton.
Answer: 17
1- Gamma rays are high energy carrying electromagnetic radiations.
Question: 18
Write types of radions
Answer: 18
There are three types of radiation.
Question: 19
What is MRI.
Answer: 19
MRI is the special medical diagostic technique that creates imaging of the body using the principle of nuclear magnetic resonace. This generates thin section images of any part of the body using the principles of nuclear magnetic resonance.
Question: 20
Define Scanner.
Answer: 20
The machine used for the purpose is called C.T. scanner. Scanner look like a doughnut.
Question: 21
What is C.T. Scane.
Answer: 21
C.T.Scane is special type of x-ray , which is obtained by sending several beames of x-raays at different angles through the body instead ofpassing a signal x-ray beam.
Question: 22
Characteristics Beta Radiations.
Answer: 22
1- Beta particles are fast moving electonrs.
Question: 23
What is Radioactivity.
Answer: 23
The element having atomic number greater than 82 continuously go on emitting radiations. These elements are called radio active element.
Question: 24
What are Ultrasound.
Answer: 24
Ultrasound is the sound that can not be heard because its frequency is much greater than, the frequency, which is normal car can hear. Sound having frequency greater than 20 K Hz are said to be ultrasound or ultrasonics.
Question: 25
What is weaving.
Answer: 25
Here the fabric is made on looms.
Question: 26
What is Natural fibre.
Answer: 26
Natural fibre is obtained by natural resources e.g. cotton, jute, wool silk etc.
Question: 27
Define Spinning.
Answer: 27
Cotton balles are sent to the textile mills where cotton fibres are change into yarn.
Question: 28
Define Stainless Steel.
Answer: 28
Stainless steel is a mixture of chromium, nickel, molydenum, which is used its make sugery tools and home applicance and very type of light and heavy machinery.
Question: 29
What is Artificial fibre.
Answer: 29
Artificial fibre is that fibre which is prepared by the man himself using different material e.g. polyesters, nylon, rayon, viscose, acrylic etc.
Question: 30
Define Sugar Industry.
Answer: 30
Sugar Industry is one of the vital industries. Sugar is naturally present in most of the sugar green plants and fruits. It is formed throgh a natural process called photosynthesis two main sources of sugar is sugarcane and sugar beet.
Question: 31
What is Pharmaceutical industry.
Answer: 31
Pharmaceuticla are medical products which are prescribed by doctors for different diseases. The place where these products, are prepared is called pharmacy Pharmacy simply is the preparation of medicine. The industry linked with the preparation of medicine is called as pharmaceutical industry.

9th Class General-science Chapters Short Questions