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Question: 1
What is electronics.
Answer: 1
Electronics: "Electronics is the knowledge of behaviour and control of electric current." Electronics uses electric current to convert information into signals. These signals could be of sound, picture, numebr of other information.
Question: 2
Name some sued of semi-conductor diode.
Answer: 2
1- Rectifier
Question: 3
What are Input devices and output devices.
Answer: 3
Input Device: Devices to enter data in the computer are caled input devices.
Question: 4
Write teh steps for mail sending.
Answer: 4
1- You type the E-mail address of that person.
Question: 5
Name some output devices of computer.
Answer: 5
Question: 6
What is the difference between Graphic designs and Data Managing.
Answer: 6
Graphic Desingns: drawing pictures and designs on computer is called graphic designs.
Question: 7
What do you meant by telecommunication.
Answer: 7
The method used for instant communication of information to far off places is called telecommunication.
Question: 8
Write the name of four information storage devices.
Answer: 8
1- Audio and Video cassettes
Question: 9
What do you mean by Electromagnetic waves.
Answer: 9
When the waves of light pass through a vacuum, these are called electromagnetic waves.
Question: 10
What is Hardware and soft ware.
Answer: 10
Hardware: Components of computer which can be physically touched is called hardware.
Question: 11
Defien software of computer.
Answer: 11
The instructions given to the computer for some task by electronic method are called software.
Question: 12
What is floppy disk and Hard Disk.
Answer: 12
Floppy disk : Soft plastic disk for digital recording is caleld floppy disk.
Question: 13
What is Mobile Phone.
Answer: 13
Now -a -days the use of mobile is very common. A mobile phone sends and receive messages through radio waves. It carries a radio transmitter and a receiver inside it.
Question: 14
Define Rectifier:
Answer: 14
The eecltricity supplied to consumers in an A.C. but many appliances such as radio ,T.V. computer etc. work with D.C. voltage. Therefore, A.C has to be converted into D.C. This process is called rectification.
Question: 15
What is amplifiers.
Answer: 15
These signals are then amplified Audio signals goes to the speaker, which converts it into sound, video signal goes to the picture tube.
Question: 16
What is analogue and digital quantities.
Answer: 16
Analogue quantities:Such quantities, which increase or decrease continuously are known as analogue quantities. For example Distance, time velocity and temperature are good examples of analogue quantities.
Question: 17
Define N-type and P -Type semi conductors.
Answer: 17
N-Type semi conductor : When a pentavalent impurity such as arsenic is added to silicon crystals, then due to this process the number of free electrons in semi-conductor increased. Such a materials is caled N-Type semi conductor. Most of the current flow through N-Type semi conductor is due to free electorns.
Question: 18
What are radio waves.
Answer: 18
Sound waves require certain medium for the propagation to reach our ears.
Question: 19
What are semi-conductors.
Answer: 19
Semi conductor is such a substance whose ability to conduct current lies between conductors and insulators.
Question: 20
What is Information Technology.
Answer: 20
The scientific method of storing information processing and using them property and their communication is called information Technology.
Question: 21
What is meant by Semi-Conductor diode.
Answer: 21
If the semiconductor crystal is developed in such a way that one part becomes N-Type and the other P- Type, then it called P-N Junction diode or semi conductor diode. The part of diode is known an anode and N Part as cathode.
Question: 22
What is computer.
Answer: 22
Computer is an electronic machine that receives row data and process it into useful information under the vien instruction useful information includes.
Question: 23
Define Doping
Answer: 23
Semi-conductors are made more useful by increasing their conductivity. This is done by adding some quantity of trivalent or pentavalent atoms as impurity while growing the crystals of silicon or germanium. This process is called doping.
Question: 24
What do you mea by television system.
Answer: 24
Tele means far and vision means to see. Television helps in the seeing of far away things. The transmission of television also reaches far off places through carrier waves.
Question: 25
What is compact disk
Answer: 25
This is an aluminium or plastic disc with shinning surface. It is made for digital recording.
Question: 26
What is Internet.
Answer: 26
Internet is teh name of interconnection of millions of computers. Not only you can exchange information through internet but also you can get information of very type. The individual and organizations from all over teh world have stored informationon the internet in the form of web sites.
Question: 27
What is C.P.U.
Answer: 27
The brain of computer is central processing unit abbreviated as a C.P.U. It controls different parts of computer that includes.
Question: 28
Define Memory Unit
Answer: 28
The memory unit consists of RAM and ROM , which are observation of " Random Access Memory" and " Read only memory" respectively.
Question: 29
What is telex Machine.
Answer: 29
It consists of.
Question: 30
What is Cell
Answer: 30
The area of each station of the network is called a cell. When a cell reaches from one cell to another, it is connected to the required station by an automatic system cellular.
Question: 31
Define Email.
Answer: 31
A major use of internet is the quick mailing called electronic mail or simply E-mail.
Question: 32
Define A.L.U
Answer: 32
Arithmetic and logic unit does mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction , multiplication, divison etc and allow it performs logicla operations such as comparison betwene two things.
Question: 33
What is communication system.
Answer: 33
The electronic transfer of information from one place to another is known as communication.
Question: 34
Define Control Unit.
Answer: 34
Control Unit is the central part of CPU. It interprets instruction and directs other parts how to operate.
Question: 35
What is Phone.
Answer: 35
Mobile Phone is also called as cellular telephone by virtue of cell system. The receiver of mobile phone again changes the radio signals into sound.
Question: 36
Define Scanner
Answer: 36
Scanner is another importnat input device through which pictures and documents can be fed to the computer intheir original form. This is facilitated much inthe field of publishing.
Question: 37
What is Data management.
Answer: 37
The store data in different files and rearrange them to get requisiste result when needed in known as data management. Educational institutions, banks, libraries, hospitals, offices and big commercial organization store information make amendments in the, keep different records and run their systems with the data management.
Question: 38
Define word processing.
Answer: 38
The use of computer for writting matter, editing , storing and printing is known as word processing. IN word processing, major takss are to type matter by keyboard writing word in different styles and colour is possiblein it. Insuch, correct spelling and grammatical mistakes.
Question: 39
What is floppy disk.
Answer: 39
Floppy disk is a soft plastic disk over which a layer of magnetic material such as ferric oxide is coated. Information is stored on int in the form of magnetic pattern. It is kept in a plastic cassette for protection. When it is inserted in the computer the floppy driver rotates It fastly. A head read or writes data on the disk.
Question: 40
What is Graphics.
Answer: 40
There are certain programs, which provide facility to draw straight and curved lines these programs are used to draw diagrams and pictures, colours and shades can also to filled in pictures. Drawing lines, making pictures and designs by computer is called graphics.
Question: 41
What is Hard disk
Answer: 41
A hard disk consists of two or more plates made of hard metallic material. plates are mounted on a spindle that rotates fastly. Plates are kept in a case. Each plat is coated with magnetic material on which data in recorded in magnetic pattern.

9th Class General-science Chapters Short Questions