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Question: 1
Define Thermal power and Geothermal power.
Answer: 1
Productionof electricity from the burning of fossil fuels is called thermal power, while productionof electricity by steam or hot water coming from the earth is called geothermal power.
Question: 2
What is the difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.
Answer: 2
Obtaining nuclear energy by the breakdown of nuclei of heavy atoms is called nuclear fission while the release of nuclear energy during the fusion of the nuclei or small atoms is called nuclear fusion.
Question: 3
Define Environment.
Answer: 3
The living place of people and all physical and social factors around that affect their living and working conditions is called environment.
Question: 4
Define the unit of electrical energy.
Answer: 4
The unit of electrical energy is kilowatt hout, which is denoted as KWh. The electricity meters measure electricity in this unit.
Question: 5
What are fossil fules.
Answer: 5
The ancient remain of plants and animals buried for millions of years under the Earth are changes into fuels, called fossil fuels. coal, oil nad natural gas are examples of fossil fuels.
Question: 6
What is teh law of conservation of energy.
Answer: 6
"Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but it can be transformed from one form to another form of energy.
Question: 7
Define power and unit of power.
Answer: 7
The energy consumed in one second is called power. Power = Energy/time
Question: 8
What is meant by degradation of environment.
Answer: 8
"When pollution more than a certain limit is added to the environment, it is known as degradation of the environment.
Question: 9
State the law of conservation of energy.
Answer: 9
The law of conservation of energy states that " Energy can neither be created nor destroyed."
Question: 10
Define hydroelectric power.
Answer: 10
The converstion of the kinetic energy of running water to electrical energy is known as hydroelectric power.
Question: 11
Write down the names of three conventional methods and five non conventional methds of producting electricity.
Answer: 11
Conventional Methods:
1- Hydroelectric power
2- Thermal power
3- Nuclear power.
Question: 12
What is nuclear fuel.
Answer: 12
Any material, which is utilized to obtain nuclear energy is called nuclear fuel. For example, uranium 235 or plutonium is used as fuel in nuclear.
Question: 13
Define Light energy.
Answer: 13
Energy due to which we see things.
Question: 14
Define British thermal unit.
Answer: 14
These days gas bill are being charged on the base of Btu instead of cubic meters. The Btu instead of cubic meters. The Btu is teh unit of energy called British Thermal Unit.
Question: 15
Define work and energy. Write their units.
Answer: 15
Work: " Work is the product of force and distance in the direction of force."
Question: 16
Define degradation of Environment.
Answer: 16
When pollution more than a certain limit is added to environment it is known as degradation of the environment.
Question: 17
What is the unit of natural gas.
Answer: 17
Natural Gas is measrued in cubic meters.
Question: 18
Define Kinetic and potential energy.
Answer: 18
Kinetic energy: Energy pressed by abody due to its motion is called Kinetic energy.
Question: 19
Defien Heat Energy.
Answer: 19
Energy produced due to chemical reaction.
Question: 20
Define Hydro electric power.
Answer: 20
"The converstion of kinetic energy of runnign water to electricla energy is known as hydroeletric power.
Question: 21
Define Elastic potential energy.
Answer: 21
Energy stored due to pressing, stretching or twisting.
Question: 22
What is solar power.
Answer: 22
Production of electricity from solar energy.
Question: 23
Define Thermal power.
Answer: 23
Coal, oil and natural gas are burnt to obtain thermal power. These fuels are known as fossil fuels, which are remains of plants and animals buried millions of years under the earth and are changed into fossil fuels.
Question: 24
What is the unit of electical energy.
Answer: 24
kWh. The electricity meters measures electricity in this unit.
Question: 25
Define Radiation.
Answer: 25
Alpha, beta and gamma rays called radiation.
Question: 26
Define Bio mass.
Answer: 26
Organic materials and their residues.

9th Class General-science Chapters Short Questions