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Question: 1
Define Metallurgy.
Answer: 1
The process of extraction of a metal in pure form on a large scale with minimum case from its ore by physical or chemical mean is called metallurgy.
Question: 2
Define refining?
Answer: 2
Refining process is the separation of crude oil mixture into varios useful fractions.
Question: 3
Define gangue.
Answer: 3
The earthly and other impurities associated with minerals are called gangue.
Question: 4
Give names of raw material used in Urea manufacturing?
Answer: 4
Ammonia Carbon dioxide
Question: 5
Give names of raw material used in solvay's process.
Answer: 5
Brine NaCl Lime stone CaCO3 Ammonia gas Nh3
Question: 6
State Urea formation:
Answer: 6
When ammonium carbonate is evaporated with the help of steam. It dehydrates to form Urea. NH3COONH4 ⟼ NH2CONH2 + H2O
Question: 7
Give two advantages of solvay's process.
Answer: 7
1. Carbon dioxide and ammonia are recovered and reused. 2. Sodium carbonate of very high purity is obtained.
Question: 8
Define blister copper.
Answer: 8
the molten matte is shifted from converter to sand moulds and is allowed to cool.the dissolved gases escape out forming blister on the surface of solid copper. It is called blister copper. It is 98% pure copper.
Question: 9
Define principle of froth floatation.
Answer: 9
Froth flotation is based on the wetting characteristics of the ore and gangue particles with oil and water respectively.
Question: 10
Define principle of solvay's process.
Answer: 10
Principle of solvay's process lies in low solubility of sodium bicarbonate at low temperature. ie.e. 15 oc when, CO2 is passed through an ammoniacal solution of NaCl called brine only NaHCO3 precipitate.
Question: 11
Nate two ores of copper.
Answer: 11
Copper glance Cu2S Chalcopyrite CuFeS2
Question: 12
Describe principle of fractional distillation.
Answer: 12
The principle of fractional .Distillation is based upon a separation of substance depending upon their boiling point.
Question: 13
ICI stand for.
Answer: 13
Imperial chemical industries.
Question: 14
Name fraction of petroleum.
Answer: 14
Petroleum gas Petroleum ether Gasoline Kerosene oil Diesel oil fuel oil
Question: 15
Give the advantages of Solvay's process.
Answer: 15
1. It is a cheap process as raw materials are available at very low prices. 2. Carbon dioxide and ammonia are recovered and reused. 3. Process is pollution free, because the only waste is calcium chloride solution. 4. Sodium carbonate of very high purity is obtained.
Question: 16
Which fraction of petroleum is used in the form of LPG?
Answer: 16
Liquid petroleum gas.
Question: 17
How petroleum is extracted?
Answer: 17
Petroleum is extracted by drilling holes into earth's crust where the oil is formed.
Question: 18
Why is lime added in the smelting process?
Answer: 18
Lime is used to separate the gangue in the form of slag.
Question: 19
Give use of kerosene oil
Answer: 19
Used as domestic fuel, a special grade of it is used as jet fuel
Question: 20
Give use of petroleum ether.
Answer: 20
Used as laboratory solvent and for dry cleaning purpose
Question: 21
Give use of fuel oil
Answer: 21
It is ues in ships and industries to heat boilers and furnaces.
Question: 22
What is difference between slag and matte?
Answer: 22
Slage mixture of metals silicate and phosphates while cuprous sulphide and ferrous sulphide form a mixture . This molten mixture is called matte.
Question: 23
Fraction of residual oil.
Answer: 23
Lubricants Asphalt Paraffin wax Petroleum coke