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Question: 1
Give three effects of water pollution?
Answer: 1
1-75a. It is damaging aquatic life, thus breaking a link of food chain.
b. It reduces the aesthetic quality of lakes and rivers.
3. It is unfit for cleaning or washing purpose.
Question: 2
Tell two reasons of importance of water.
Answer: 2
2-75firstly. It is essential and major component of each and every living cell
secondly. It provides an environment for animals and plants that live to water.
Question: 3
How pesticides cause water pollution?
Answer: 3
3-75Intensive cultivation of crops causes these chemicals from fertilizers to seep into the groundwater commonly called leaching process. The high nitrate contents in groundwater in mainly because of irrigation run off from agricultural field.
Question: 4
Define principle of froth flotation
Answer: 4
4-75Froth flotation is based on the wetting characteristics of the ore and gangue particles with oil and water respectively
Question: 5
If you add a lump of cesium to water in a glass tough,what will happen?
Answer: 5
5-75Trhe reaction is so vigorous that the tough will shelter into small pieces.
Question: 6
What are the names of types of the hard water.
Answer: 6
6-75There are two types of water hardness.
Temporary hardness
Permanent hardness.
Question: 7
What temporary hardness use.
Answer: 7
7-75Temporary hardness by boiling , by clark's method
Question: 8
What is capillary action?
Answer: 8
8-75Capillary action is the process by which water rises up from the roots of plants to leaves.This process is vital for the survival of the land plants.
Question: 9
Define refining
Answer: 9
9-75Refining process is the separation of crude oil mixture into various useful fractions
Question: 10
Name preventive methods of water borne diseases.
Answer: 10
10-75Provision of safe water.
Disposal of sewage
Control of toxic chemicals.
Question: 11
What is function of fertilizers?
Answer: 11
11-75Fertilizers are used to make up the deficiency of nitrogen, phosphorus, etc, of the soil because of intensive cultivation of crops in the recent years.
Question: 12
Name two ores of copper
Answer: 12
12-75Copper glance Cu2S
Chalcopyrite CuFeS2
Question: 13
Tell some use of water in our daily life?
Answer: 13
13-75Uses of water in our daily life are for drinking, cooking, washing purposes etc.
Question: 14
What is the percentage of nitrogen in urea ?
Answer: 14
14-75It consists of 46.6% nitrogen
Question: 15
Why use of detergents is increasing day by day?
Answer: 15
15-75Use of detergents is increasing day by day for cleaning purposes in houses and industries. It is because, detergents have strong cleaning action than that of soap even in hard water.
Question: 16
What permanent hardness removal.
Answer: 16
16-75By using washing soda
Using sodium zeolite.
Question: 17
In which field organic chemist work ?
Answer: 17
17-75Organic chemists have career in pharmaceutical , petroleum , petrochemicals , cosmetics , polymer and plastic industries
Question: 18
Give names of raw material used in Urea manufacturing ?
Answer: 18
18-751: Ammonia (NH3)
2: Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Question: 19
Why are pesticides used?
Answer: 19
19-75Pesticides are used either directly to kill or control the growth of pests. Pests may be weeds,herbe insects, fungi, viruses, etc.They all damage crops and transmit diseases both to human beings and animals.
Question: 20
Define water borne diseases.
Answer: 20
20-75Diseases that spread because of drinking polluted water or eating food prepared with polluted water are called water borne infectious diseases.
Question: 21
Describe preparation of ammonia by (Haber's Process) ?
Answer: 21
21-75Ammonia is prepared by the Haber's process . One volume of nitrogen (from air) and three volumes of hydrogen (obtained by passing methane and steam over heated nickel ) is passed over iron catalyst at 450℃ and 200 atm pressure
Question: 22
What is hepatitis?
Answer: 22
22-75It is liver inflammation commonly caused by one of five viruses called hepatitis A,BC,C, and E. Hepatitis A and E can be transmitted by contaminated water.
Question: 23
Differentiate between soft and hard water.
Answer: 23
23-75Soft water: Soft water is that which produces good lather with soap
Question: 24
Define anode mud
Answer: 24
24-75In the process of refining of metal the impurities like gold and silver settle down at the bottom of electrolyte tank called anode mud
Question: 25
Describe the difference between diesel oil and fuel oil
Answer: 25
25-75Diesel oil : Fuel for buses , trucks railway engines , tube well engineers , well engines and other heavy vehicles
Question: 26
Define gangue
Answer: 26
26-75The earthly and other impurities associated with minerals are called gangue
Question: 27
What are the effects of temporary hardness in water?
Answer: 27
27-751. Hard water consumes large amount of soap in washing purposes.
2. Drinking hard water causes stomach disorders.
3.Hard water is unfit for use in steam engines. boilers and turbines because insoluble calcium and magnesium salts deposit inside.They are called scales. they are bad conductors of heat and hence more fuel is used insoluble calcium and magnesium sulphates not only reduce the efficiency of the engine but also cause the boiler toburst.
Question: 28
ICI stand for what ?
Answer: 28
28-75Imperial chemical industries
Question: 29
Which bacteria causes the cholera?
Answer: 29
29-75Cholera is an acute infection caused by the bacteria "Vibrio cholera"., which may be found in water contaminated by human faces, Cholera causes severs diarrhea and can be fatal.
Question: 30
Define smelting .
Answer: 30
30-75It is further heating of roasted ore with sand flux and coke in the presence of excess of air
Question: 31
Difference between biodegradable and non -biodegradable substances?
Answer: 31
31-75Biodegradable: the material which are decomposed by micro organism like bacteria and fungi
Example: Dead plants and animals.
Question: 32
Why a small amount ok coke is required in the smelting process ?How is slag formed during smelting
Answer: 32
32-75It is highly exothermic process , therefore , a small amount ok coke is required in the process . In the process , first ferrous sulphide oxidize to form ferrous oxide which reacts with sand to form iron silicate slag (FeSiO3) . It being lighter rise to the top and is removed from the upper hole
Question: 33
Why is lime added in the smelting process ?
Answer: 33
33-75Lime is used to separate the gangue in the form of slag
Question: 34
Define principle of solvay's process
Answer: 34
34-75Principle of solvay's process lies in low solubility of sodium bicarbonate at low temperature i-e 15℃ when CO2is passed through ab ammonical solution of NaCl called brine only NaHCO3precipitate
Question: 35
Define petroleum
Answer: 35
35-75Petroleum means rock oil . It is a complex mixture of several gaseous , liquid and solid hydrocarbons having water , salts and earth particles with it
Question: 36
What is the principle of functional distillation ?
Answer: 36
36-75Refining is the process of separation of crude oil mixture into various useful products (functions ) . It is carried out by a process called fractional distillation . The principle of fractional distillation is based upon separation depending upon their boiling points
Question: 37
State urea formation
Answer: 37
37-75When ammonium carbonate is evaporated with the help of steam . It dehydrates to form urea
Question: 38
How petroleum is extracted ?
Answer: 38
38-75Petroleum is extracted by drilling holes into earth's crust where the oil is formed
Question: 39
Define gravity separation method
Answer: 39
39-75Gravity separation:gravity separation is based on the differences of metallic ore and the gangue particles
Question: 40
Define blister copper
Answer: 40
40-75The molten matte is shifted from converter to sand moulds and is allowed to cool . The dissolved gasses escape out forming blister on the surface of the slod copper . It is called blister copper . It is 98% pure copper
Question: 41
Define concentration process used in metallurgy of copper
Answer: 41
41-75The process of removal of gangue from the ore is technically known as concentration and the purified ore is called the concentrate . Concentration of the crushed ore is carried out by the following methods
1: Gravity separation
2: Froth flotation process
3: Electromagnetic separation
Question: 42
Give names of raw material and used in solvay's process
Answer: 42
42-75The raw material are
1: Brine (NaCl)
2: Limestone (CaCO3)
3: Ammonia gas (NH3)
Question: 43
Define matte
Answer: 43
43-75Cuprous sulphide and ferrous sulphide form a mixture Cu2S . FeS called matte
Question: 44
What are the advantages of solvay's process ?
Answer: 44
44-751: It is a cheap process as raw material are available at very low prices
2: Carbon dioxide and ammonia are recovered and reused
3: Process is pollution free , because the only waste is calcium chloride solution
4: Sodium carbonate of very high purity is obtained
Question: 45
Define petroleum
Answer: 45
45-75Petroleum is a natural product found under the Earth's crust trapped in rocks . Petroleum means rock oil . It is a complex mixture of several gaseous , liquid and solid hydrocarbons having water salts and earth particles with it . It is lighter than water and is insoluble in it
Question: 46
Describe principle of fractional distillation
Answer: 46
46-75The principle of fractional distillation is based upon a separation of substances depending upon the boiling point
Question: 47
Explain process of electro refining ?
Answer: 47
47-75Refining the impure metal by electrolysis is the most widely used process of refining metals . Example , electrolytic refining of copper is carried out in an electrolytic tank having copper sulphate solution in it . . Two electrodes : one of impure copper metal that acts as anode and the other of pure copper metal that acts as cathode are suspended in the electrolytic solution
On passing the electric current through the solution, anode (impure coper ) dissolves to provide Cu2+ ions to the solution . These CU2+ions are discharged by gaining of electrons from the cathode . Thereby copper atoms deposit on the cathode , making it thick block of pure copper metal . The impurities like gold and silver settle down as anode mud
Question: 48
Give two advantages of solvay's process
Answer: 48
48-751: Carbon dioxide and ammonia are recovered and reused
2: Sodium carbonate of very high purity is obtained
Question: 49
Give use of petroleum ether
Answer: 49
49-75Used as laboratory solvent and for dry cleaning purpose
Question: 50
What is difference between slag and matte ?
Answer: 50
50-75Slag mixture of metals silicate and phosphates while cuprous while cuprous sulphide and ferrous sulphide form a mixture (Cu2S.FeS) .This molten mixture is called matte
Question: 51
How are slag and matte removed from the blast furnace ?
Answer: 51
51-75Cuprous sulphide also oxidize to form cuprous oxide which reacts with unreacted ferrous sulphide to form ferrous oxide and cuprous sulphide . In this way , cuprous sulphide and ferrous sulphide form a mixture (Cu2S.FeS) . This molten mixture is called matte . It is withdrawn from the lower hole . It contains about 45% of copper . Slag FeSiO3is light water and remove from upper hole
Question: 52
Give the advantages of Solvay's process
Answer: 52
52-751: It is a cheap process as raw materials are available at very low prices
2: Carbon dioxide and ammonia are recovered and reused
3: Process is pollution free, because the only waste is calcium chloride solution
4: Sodium carbonate of very high purity is obtained
5: Consumption of fuel is very less since no solution is to be evaporated
Question: 53
Give use of kerosene oil
Answer: 53
53-75Used as domestic fuel , a special grade of it is used as jet fuel
Question: 54
Fraction of residual oil
Answer: 54
Paraffin wax
Petroleum coke
Question: 55
Which element required by plants ?
Answer: 55
55-75Crops needs phosphors and nitrogen to grow well . Although there is 78% nitrogen in air yet it can't be assimilated directly by plants . Therefore fertilizer are used to provide these essential elements to soil and ultimately plants
Question: 56
What is residual oil and given the names of its fractions ?
Answer: 56
56-75The residual oil , which does not vapourize is collected and heat above 400° C for further fractional distillation . The four fractions of residual oil are lubricants ,paraffin wax , asphalt and petroleum coke
Question: 57
Name fraction of petroleum
Answer: 57
57-751: Petroleum gas
2: Petroleum ether
3: Gasoline
4: Kerosene oil
5: Diesel oil
6: Fuel oil
Question: 58
What role play technology in the production of common chemicals .
Answer: 58
58-75Technology is considered a consequences of science and engineering . Common chemicals such as acids alkalies , salts ,soaps , detergents etc are being produced on commercial scale by chemists or chemical engineers since centuries . Technology began to influence human efforts to produce common chemicals since people began using different tools and machineries . Now it is because of use of technology that needs of people are being fulfilled . Use of technology has increased the production with improved quality of products
Question: 59
How CO2prepared in the Solvay's process ?
Answer: 59
59-75CO2 is prepared by heating limestone in a lime kiln . Then it is carried to carbonating tower
Question: 60
What role is played by pine oil in the forth floatation process ?
Answer: 60
60-75Oil coated or partials begins lighter come to the surface in the form of forth that can be skimmed
Question: 61
Write down the the names of four fractions obtained by the fractional distillation of residual oil ?
Answer: 61
61-751: Lubricant
2: Paraffin wax
3: Asphalt
4: Petroleum
Question: 62
Give the reaction of formation of ammonia in the process ?
Answer: 62
62-75Ammonia is recovered in this tower from ammonium chloride solution produced in the carbonated tower and calcium hydroxide formed in lime kiln
Question: 63
Mention the chemical reactions for the formation of metallic copper in the bessemerization process
Answer: 63
63-752Cu2S(I) + 3O2 → 2Cu2O(I) + 2SO2(g)↑
2Cu2O(I) + Cu2S(I)→ 6Cu(l) + SO2(g) ↑
Question: 64
Give use of fuel oil
Answer: 64
64-75It is used in ships and industries to heat boilers and furnaces
Question: 65
Which petroleum fraction is used in dry cleaning ?
Answer: 65
65-75Petroleum ether and gasoline or petrol is used in dry cleaning
Question: 66
In which field physical chemist work ?
Answer: 66
66-75Physical chemists have working opportunities in energy transformation industries . They develop new an better energy sources . They explore renewable energy fields
Question: 67
What happen when ammonical brine id carbonated ?
Answer: 67
67-75Ammonical brine is fed into carbonating tower and carbon dioxide is passed through it . Following reactions takes place in the carbonating tower
Question: 68
Name the various metallurgical operations
Answer: 68
68-751: Concentration of the ore
2: Extraction of the metal and
3: Refining of the metal
Question: 69
In which field inorganic chemist work ?
Answer: 69
69-75Inorganic chemist work in metallurgical industries , manufacturing industries like textile , cement sugar and chemicals , manufacturing plants like fertilizer , acids and caustic soda
Question: 70
In which field analytical chemist work ?
Answer: 70
70-75Analytical chemists work in almost all fields of industry . They identify the materials , measures their quantities and control the quality of the products . They evaluate the efficiency and devise techniques to enhance the production
Question: 71
How is ammonia prepared for the synthesis of urea ?
Answer: 71
71-75Ammonia is prepared by the Haber's process . One volume of nitrogen (from air ) and three volumes of hydrogen (obtained by passing methane and steam over heated nickel catalyst ) is passed over iron catalyst at 450° C AND 200 atm pressure
Question: 72
Give a use of kerosene oil
Answer: 72
72-75Used a domestic fuel , a special grade of it is used as jet fuel
Question: 73
How NaHCO3(S) is converted intoNa2CO3?
Answer: 73
73-75Sodium bicarbonate is heated to get sodium carbonate
NaHCO3(S) → Na2CO3(s) + CO2(g) +H2O(g)Question: 74
What happens when ammonium carbonate is heated with steam ?
Answer: 74
74-75When ammonium carbonate is evaporated with the help of steam , it dehydrates to form urea
Question: 75
How is the roasting carried out ?
Answer: 75
75-75It is a process of heating the concentrated ore to a high temperature in excess of air .
Example : copper pyrite (CuFeS2) is strongly heated in excess of air to covert it into a mixture of cuprous sulphide and ferrous sulphide (Cu2S+FeS) .Whle impurities react with oxygen to form 2 volatile oxides