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Question: 1
What are different sources of drugs?
Answer: 1
i. Synthetic drugs ii. Plants and fungi iii. Bacteria iv. animals v. Minerals
Question: 2
What are antiseptic.
Answer: 2
Antiseptic reduce possibility of infection of skin.
Question: 3
What are vaccines?
Answer: 3
Vaccine are used to develop immunity against bacterial infections e.g. Vaccine against small pox, whooping cough, hepatitis B etc.
Question: 4
Define Bronchus?
Answer: 4
The part of air passage way formed by the division of the trachea.
Question: 5
Define diaphragm?
Answer: 5
The muscular structure that form the floor of the chest cavity present below lungs.
Question: 6
Define drugs?
Answer: 6
Any substance that can absorbed into the body of living organisms alter the normal function is called drug.
Question: 7
What are the pharmaceutical drugs?
Answer: 7
A pharmaceutical drug is define as any chemical substance intended for use in medical diagnosis cure, treatment or prevention of diseases.
Question: 8
Define pharmacology .
Answer: 8
It is the study of drugs composition , properties and medical applications
Question: 9
What are sedatives?
Answer: 9
Induce sedation by reducing the irritability or excitement e.g. Diazepam
Question: 10
Define pharmacology?
Answer: 10
It is the study of drugs composition, properties and medical application.
Question: 11
What are antibiotics.
Answer: 11
Antibiotic inhibit or kill the bacteria and treat bacterial infections e.g. Tetracycline, cephalosporin.
Question: 12
What are analgesic ?
Answer: 12
Analgesic are painkiller that reduce pain e.g Aspirine , paracetamol
Question: 13
What is emphysema?
Answer: 13
Emphysema is the destruction of the walls of the alveali. It result in larger sacs but with less surface area for gaseous exchange.As long tissue break down the lung do not come back to their original shaped after enhalation.
Question: 14
What are analgesic?
Answer: 14
Analgesic are painkiller that reduce pain e.g. Aspirine, paracetamol
Question: 15
What is pharmacy?
Answer: 15
It is the term used for the profession related to drugs synthesis.
Question: 16
What are synthetic drugs?
Answer: 16
Such drugs don't occur naturally but are synthesized in laboratory, Pharmaceutical companies produce these drugs.
Question: 17
What are sedatives ?
Answer: 17
Induce sedation by reducing the irritability or excitement e.g Diazepam
Question: 18
What do you know about antigens .
Answer: 18
Pathogene contain protein called"antigen which stimulate the immune response in host i.t. synthesis of"antibiotics".
Question: 19
What drugs are obtain from minerals ?
Answer: 19
Several drugs produce from minerals . The mineral iodine is used for making a tincture of iodine a liquid that help to prevent infection . Powder from silver nitrate use to stop bleeding
Question: 20
What are sulfonamides ?
Answer: 20
Sulfa drugs are synthetic antibiotics that contains sulfonamides group sulfonamides are broad spectrum bacteriostatic agent which inhibit folic acid synthesis in bacteria . They are used to treat pneumonia and urinary tract infection
Question: 21
What are the types of drug?
Answer: 21
There are two types of drugs.
i. Pharmaceutical drugs ii. Addictive drugs
Question: 22
What lenticals. Describe their function
Answer: 22
The woody stems and mature roots the entire surface is covered by bark which is impervious to gases or water.However These are certain pones in the layer of bark.These are called the lenticels. The lenticels allow air to pass through them.
Question: 23
What is meant by antibiotic resistance ?
Answer: 23
Antibiotics are extremely important in medicine but unfortunately bacteria are capable of developing resistance to them . Such bacteria are not killed by antibiotics
Question: 24
What is heroin?
Answer: 24
The most commonly abused narcotics heroin is semi synthetic drugs from morphine. It effect on central neurons system . Heroin cause downsiness.
Question: 25
What are cephalosporin ?
Answer: 25
Cephalosporin interferes with synthesis of bacterial cell wall and so are bactericdal cephalosporinare used to in the treatment of infection of respiratory tract , urinary tract , intestine etc. tetracycline are not used under age of eight
Question: 26
What is contribution of E-Ecenner?
Answer: 26
In 1796 a British physician Edward Jenner infected a young boy with cowpox by injected pus cell. After the boy had recovered from cowpox. Jenner inject him wioth small pox by same method.They boy did not get small pox.
Question: 27
What are the different sources of drugs ?
Answer: 27
1: Synthetic drug
2: Plants and fungi
3: Bacteria
4: Animals
5: Minerals
Question: 28
What are alveolar ducts?
Answer: 28
Alveolar ducts fine tubules at the end of bronchioles open into alveali.
Question: 29
Define drug?
Answer: 29
Any chemical or substance that, when absorbed in body of living organisms that alters normal body functions is known as drug.
Example : Morphine is a drug that absorbed in body and alters its functions drugs are of two types.
i. Pharmaceutical drugs/Medical
ii. Addictive drugs.
Question: 30
Define Nostrils?
Answer: 30
The nose encloses the nasal cavity.It opens to the outside through the openings called the nostrils.
Question: 31
What are disinfectants?
Answer: 31
Disinfectants destroy micro organisms found on non living objects.
Question: 32
What are the types of drug ?
Answer: 32
There are two types of drugs
1: Pharmaceutical drugs
2: Addictive drugs
Question: 33
What is difference between pharmacy and pharmacology?
Answer: 33
Pharmacology: It is the branch of biology that deals with suty of drug composition, properties and medical application Sources of drugs are also studied in pharmacology.
Question: 34
What is gaseous exchange?
Answer: 34
The carbon dionide produced during cellular respiration is taken out of the cells and ultimately from the body taking in oxygen and giving out of carbon dionide is termed as gaseous exchange.
Question: 35
What are narcotics ?
Answer: 35
Narcotics are strong painkiller . These drugs are often prescribe in conjunctions which other less potent pain killer . They are used to relieve pain for patient with disease such as cancer and also . Relieve acute pain after operations . But some people may abuse narcotics for their ecstatic effect
e.g Marphine, Codein
Question: 36
What are narcotics?
Answer: 36
Nascotics are storng painkillers. These drugs are often prescribe in conjunction with other less potent pain killers. They are used to relieve pain for patient with chronic diseases such as cancer and also, Relieve acute pain after operations. But some people may abuse narcotics for their ecstatic effect, e.g Morphine, Codeine
Question: 37
Define breathing.
Answer: 37
The process through which animals take air in their boelies to get oxygen and then give out the air for getting rid of carbon dionide.
Question: 38
What is Antibodies.
Answer: 38
Antibodies bind to pathogens & destroy them In addition to memory cell are produce which remain in blood and provide protection against future infection with same pathogens.
Question: 39
Define Exhalation.
Answer: 39
The phase of breathing in which is enpelled from the lungs is called enhalation.
Question: 40
What are addictive drugs ?
Answer: 40
Some drugs often make person dependent on them , or addicted . These may be called as addicted . These may be called as addictive drugs by using such drugs , the person's body become familiar to it and user cannot function well without it
Question: 41
What are stomata?
Answer: 41
The leaves and young stems have stomata in their epidermis.The gareous occur through these stomata. The inner cells of leaves and stems also have air spaces among them which help in the exchange of gaves.
Question: 42
What is marijuana?
Answer: 42
Marijuana is hallucinogens, which is smoked, It is obtain fro stem and leave of marijuana plants.
Question: 43
What are antiseptic ?
Answer: 43
Antiseptic reduce possibility of infection on skin
Question: 44
What is Laryun?
Answer: 44
The larynn is a bon made of cartilage.It is present between phouynn and trachea.It is also called voice bon two pairs of fibrous bonds called vocal cords are stretched across the larynn.
Question: 45
What are synthetic drugs ?
Answer: 45
Such drugs don't occur naturally but are synthesized in laboratory . Pharmaceutical companies produce these drugs
Question: 46
Write drug classification according to sources
Answer: 46
Classification is as following
1: synthetic drugs i-e aspirin
2: Drugs from plants and fungi i-e digitalis
3: Drugs from animals i-e fish liver oils
4: Drugs from minerals i-e iodine tincture
5: Drugs from bacteria i-e streptomycin
Question: 47
What is pharmacy ?
Answer: 47
It is the study used for the profession related to drugs synthesis
Question: 48
What are bronchioles?
Answer: 48
With in the lungs the bronchi divide into fine tubules called as bronchioles.
Question: 49
What is contribution of Joseph Lister ?
Answer: 49
Joseph Lister was English surgeon . He promoted the idea of sterile surgery for first time . He introduce carbolic acid to sterilise surgical instruments to clean wound
Question: 50
What are non-prescription ?
Answer: 50
Non-prescription drugs are sold over the counter between these are considered self enough . These include aspirin and some cough medicines
Question: 51
Define drugs ?
Answer: 51
Any substances that can absorbed that can absorbed into the body the body of living organisms alter the normal function is called drug
Question: 52
What do you know about antigens and antibondies ?
Answer: 52
Pathogene contain protein called 'antigen' which stimulate the immune response in host i-e synthesis of 'antibiotics '
Question: 53
What is marihuana?
Answer: 53
Marijuana is hallucinogens , which is smoked . It is obtain from stem and leave of marijuana
Question: 54
What are antibiotics ?
Answer: 54
Antibiotics inhibte or kill the bacteria and treat bacterial infection e.g Tetracycline cephlosporine
Question: 55
What are pharmaceutical drugs ?
Answer: 55
A pharmaceutical drug is define as any chemical substances intended for the use in medical diagnosis cure , treatment or prevention of disease
Question: 56
Define drug
Answer: 56
Any chemical or substance that , when absorbed in body of living organisms that alters normal body function is known as drug

Question: 57
What are hallucinogen ?
Answer: 57
Hallucinogen are the drugs that cause changing in percetion , thought , emotions and cons ciousness e.g Mescaline come from cactus , psilocin from mushroom
Question: 58
What are prescription drugs ?
Answer: 58
Prescription drugs are sold only on physicians synthesized in laboratory . These includes barbiturates , antitiotics , certain tranquillizers etc
Question: 59
What are vaccine ?
Answer: 59
Vaccine are used to develop immunity against bacterial infection e.g Vaccine against small pox , whooping cough , hepatitis B etc
Question: 60
How does bacteria develop resistance against antibiotics ?
Answer: 60
Bacteria have number of ways of developing resistance . Sometime their internal mechanisms stop the working of antibiotics . Some infection cannot be treated by these antibiotics
Question: 61
Differentiate between 'broad spectrum ' and narrow-spectrum' antibiotics .
Answer: 61
Some antibiotics can be used to treat wide range of infections and are known as broad-spectrum antibiotics . Others are only effective against a few types of bacteria and are called narrow-spectrum antibiotics
Question: 62
What are antiseptics and disinfectants ?
Answer: 62
Antiseptics are the chemicals , That reduces possibility of infections on skin .
Question: 63
What are disinfectants ?
Answer: 63
Disinfectants destroy micro-organism found on non-living object .
Question: 64
What is contribution of E-Jeenner ?
Answer: 64
In 1796 a British physician Edward Jenner infected a young boy with cowpox by injected pus cell . After the boy had recovered from cowpox . Jenner inject him with small pox by same method . The boy dos not get small pox
Question: 65
What is heroin ?
Answer: 65
The most commonly abused narcotics heroin is semi synthetic drugs from morphine . It effects on central nervous system . Heroin cause drowsiness
Question: 66
What is the difference pharmacy and pharmacology ?
Answer: 66
Pharmacology : It is the branch of biology that deals with study of drugs composition , properties and medical application . Sources of drugs are also studies in pharmacology
Question: 67
Write classification according to sources .
Answer: 67
1: Analgesics i-e aspirin , paracetamol
2: Antibiotics i-e tetracyclines
3: Vaccine i-e polio vaccine
4: Sedative i-e diazepams