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Question: 1
Write function of ureter?
Answer: 1
Ureter is the tube which carry urine from kidney to urinary bladder.
Question: 2
What Is Hilus?
Answer: 2
It is a depression near centre of the concave are of kidney through which ureter leaves kidney are other structures center or leave kidney
Question: 3
What is location of kidney?
Answer: 3
they are located against the back wall of abdominal cavity just below diaphragm, one on either side of vertebral column.
Question: 4
Define osmoregulation.
Answer: 4
It is the maintenances of the amounts of water and salts in body fluids. It is done by kidneys and skin.
Question: 5
Write the function of kidney?
Answer: 5
Function of kidney. i. It filters water, salts, urea, uric acid etc from the blood and form urine. ii. It maintains salts and water balance in body fluids.
Question: 6
Define thermoregulation.
Answer: 6
It is maintenance of internal body temperature.
Question: 7
give function of urinary bladder?
Answer: 7
Function of urinary bladder It temporarily stores urine until it is released from body.
Question: 8
Define Homeostasis.
Answer: 8
Homeostasis may be defined as the maintenance of internal conditions of body at equilibrium, despite changes in the external environment.
Question: 9
What is guttation.
Answer: 9
the removal of water in teh form of drops though special pores present at leaf tips or edges is called guttation.
Question: 10
Write the parts of urinary system?
Answer: 10
A pair of kidneys. A pair of ureters A Urinary bladder iv A urethra
Question: 11
What is metabolic wastes.
Answer: 11
the wastes produced during the metabolism of body. That may harm the body is called metabolic waste.
Question: 12
What is halophytes.
Answer: 12
Halophytes are the plants which live in sea water and are adapted to salty environment.
Question: 13
What is the pH of blood.
Answer: 13
pH of blood is 7.3 to 7.45
Question: 14
What is kidney failure?
Answer: 14
It is partially or completely failure of kidney to function.
Question: 15
Write symptoms of kidney stones.
Answer: 15
Severe pain in kidney Vomiting Frequent urination Foul smelling urine Blood and pus in urine
Question: 16
What is renal medulla?
Answer: 16
Renal medulla is the inner part of kidney and is pale red in colour.
Question: 17
What are papillary ducts?
Answer: 17
Many collecting ducts join together to form several hundred papillary duct.
Question: 18
What are pyramids?
Answer: 18
Renal medulla consists of several cone shaped areas. Which are called pyramids.
Question: 19
What are the major causes of kidney stones?
Answer: 19
i. Diet containing more green vegetables, salts etc. ii. Recurring urinary tract infections. iii. Less intake of water. iv. Alcohol consumption.
Question: 20
What is renal cortex?
Answer: 20
Renal cortex is the outer part of kidney and has reddish colour
Question: 21
What are afferent and efferent arterioles?
Answer: 21
Afferent arterioles form glomerulus Efferent arterioles arise from glomerulus.
Question: 22
What are three main steps of urine formation?
Answer: 22
i. Pressure filtration. ii. Selective re absorption iii.tubuler Secretion
Question: 23
Differentiate between Glomerulus and Bowman's capsule.
Answer: 23
Glomerulus: glomerulus is a network of capillaries present inside the Bowman's capsule.
Question: 24
What is collecting duct?
Answer: 24
The distal convoluted tubules of many nephrons open in a single opening which collect the material, this opening is called collecting duct.
Question: 25
What is peritoneum?
Answer: 25
It is the membrane that lines the peritoneal cavity and contains blood vessels.
Question: 26
What is Dialyzer?
Answer: 26
It is an apparatus used for haemodialysis. Which helps artificial filtration of blood.
Question: 27
What is dialysis? What are its types?
Answer: 27
It is the cleaning of blood by artificial methods. i. Peritoneal dialysis ii. Haemodialysis