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Question: 1
What is the meaning of half life?
Answer: 1
Half life: The time it takes for half of the radioactive nucleic atom in a sample to decay into daughter elemets is called half iife.
Question: 2
What are nuclear transmutations?
Answer: 2
The process through which an unstable nucleus changes into a more stable nuclide is called nuclear transmulation.
Explanation: IN radioactivity, an unstable nucleus emits radiations to beome more stable Among 3000 known nuclides, only 257 are stable In nuclear transmutations, the original elements in called parent and newly formed element is termed as daughter. Following changes are observed in the composition of nucleus, when alpha or beta particles are emitted.
Question: 3
Write Sources of Background Radiation.
Answer: 3
Question: 4
What are radioisotopes?
Answer: 4
Question: 5
What are backgraound radiations?
Answer: 5
Background Radiations: Radiations that come from environmental soruces includig earth's crust, the atmosphere, cosmic rays and radio isotopes are caleld as bakground radiations or naturally occuring radiations.
Question: 6
Define Nucleons atomic No. mass number, Neutron Number,Nuclides, Symbolic Represnetation of Nuclides.
Answer: 6
Question: 7
What is nucleus?
Answer: 7
Atomic Nucleus: A region consisting of protons and neutrons at the center of an atom is called atomic nucleus.
Explanation: As we know that atom consists of a small prositively charges heavy nuleus with negatively charged light electrons revolving around the nucleus in circular paths.
Question: 8
What are radiation hazards?
Answer: 8
Radiatons Hazard: The hazards because of nuclear radiations are called radiations hazards.
Explanation: Nuclear radiations are adangerous to human health because of its ionizing power which can alter the structure of molecules within a living cell leading to differnet diseases and finally death of the cell and even of the organism itself. The amount of biologicla damage produced by ionizing radiations is different for differnet kinds of radiations. Almost every person is exposed to background nuclear radiations.
Effects of radiations:
The effects of radiations on human can be grouped into two categories.
1- Acute effects of radiations:
Acuate effects are short term effects that appear within a matter of minutes, days or weeks when a person is exposed to nuclear radiations. A person with radiation sickness can exhibit nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea and loss of hair depending on the severity of the does.
Question: 9
What are fission and fusion?
Answer: 9
Nuclear Fission: The process of splitting of nuclei into intermediate size nuclei is called nucelar fission.
Explanation: The process of nuclear fission was first disvovered by otto Hahn and Fritz Stresemann in 1938. They found that the Uranium nucleus, after absorbign a low energy neutron, splits into two fragments of intermediate size.Teh splitting of a massive nucleus into two less massive fragments was termed as nuclear fission.
Question: 10
How is carbon-14 used to determine the ages of wood, bones and othe rartifacts?
Answer: 10
Question: 11
What is radioactivity? Give the nature, ionizing and penetration abilities of the three types of radioactive emissions.
Answer: 11
Question: 12
Uses of Radioisotopes
Answer: 12
Question: 13
Different isotopes of a given element have differnet masses but they have the same chemical properties. Explain why chemicla properties are unaffected by a change of isotopes.
Answer: 13
Question: 14
Ir ia poaaible for a form of heavy hydrogen to decay by emitting an alpha particles? Explain.
Answer: 14
Question: 15
Can Carbon-14 dating give the age of fossil dinosaur skeletons?Explain?
Answer: 15
Question: 16
The atomic number of one particular isotop is equal to its mass number. Which isotope is it?
Answer: 16
Question: 17
Write Safety Measures.
Answer: 17
Question: 18
Radioactie a- emitters are relatively harmless outside the body, but cna be dangerous if ingested or inhald. Explain.
Answer: 18
Question: 19
Which is more likely to expose, a film kept in a cardboard box, a-particles or b-particles? Explain.
Answer: 19
Question: 20
If nuclear ratiation is harmful , how it can be used for treatment of diseases?
Answer: 20
The nuclear radiations are used for the treatment of various diseases, But when these radiations are exposed to human body, they may cause severe burns and other diseaes. To avoid such harmful effects, these radiations should be used carefully by expert doctors. Like very small amount of radiations are sued for imaging scanse. The radiations disappears in a very short tie due to which it is not harmful forr hunmans. So the radiations should be focused on the germs. of affected area in order to kill them and other healthly parts of thebody should keep safe from falling of radiaoactive radiations.
Question: 21
Some food is treated with gamma radiation to kill bacteria. Why is there not a concern that people who eat such food might be consumign food containing gamma radiation?
Answer: 21