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Question: 1
Define Thermionic emission
Answer: 1
The emissionof elecrons from certain meal due to heat is known as thermionic emission
Question: 2
If the electron beam in a television tube striking just one point on the screen at a time, how can we get a full picture? Explain.
Answer: 2
Question: 3
What are cathode rays? How are cathode rays produced?
Answer: 3
Cathode Rays: Electron beam produced by elecron gun is also called cathode rays
Nature of Cathode Rays:
From he experiments of deflection of cathode rays by both elecric and magnetic fiedl, it is concluded that cathode rays are neatively charged electrons.
Production of Cathode rays:
For the production of electrons beam, we will examine an experiment performed by J.J. Thomson in discovering the properties of elecrons. for this purpose ,an electron gun is used through which the electrons are produced by the thermionic emission from a ungsten filament heated by 6 V supply as

Question: 4
Describe the consruction and working of elecrons gun.
Answer: 4
Question: 5
Define Logic gates.
Answer: 5
Logic gates: Logic gate are basic building block for forming digital electronic circuitry.
Question: 6
Describe the working rinciple of Cathode Ray Oscilloscope and make list of its uses.
Answer: 6
The cathode ray oscilloscope is an electronic test instrument that is used o observe the waveforms of repetitive electric singals.
Question: 7
What is the difference between analogue and digital electronics?
Answer: 7
Question: 8
Write types of logic gates
Answer: 8
Some important types of logic gates are described below along with their Boolean equation and trught table.
Question: 9
What conditions produce a high 1 output for an AND gate and NOR gate?
Answer: 9
Question: 10
What are free electrons?
Answer: 10