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Question: 1
Explain the force on a current carrying wire in a magnec field.
Answer: 1
Question: 2
Write Right hand rule- ii for a solenoid
Answer: 2
Right and rule : Curl the fingers in teh direction of current around he coil or solenoid and the extended thumb will ponint in the direction of north of a magnet. This rule is for direction of conventional current flow of positive charges. For electronic current , flow, the same rule is applied but with left band.
Question: 3
Write Fleming's left hand rule and right -hand rule
Answer: 3
Question: 4
Sketch and derscribe the constuction and working of AC generator.
Answer: 4
Question: 5
Write factors affecting induced emf.
Answer: 5
Question: 6
Describe the phenomena of mutual induction
Answer: 6
Question: 7
Define Magnetic field due to a solenoid
Answer: 7
If a long straight wire is wrapped into a coil of several closely speace loops, the resulting device is called solenoid or an electromagnet.
Solenoid as a magnet:
When current is passed through a solenoid, a uniform magnetic field setup by solenoid mostly resmbles to the field of a bar magnet. This means that one end of the solenoid acts as the South Pole of a magnet and the other end acts as the North Pole of a magnet.
Strength of magnetic field of solenoid:
The magnetic field is srrong along the axis of solenoid and weaker outside. For a tightly wound solenoid, the field in the interior space is very uniform and strong. So, the strengh of magnetic field inside a solenoid increases with current and depend upon number of coils per units length.
Question: 8
Define Magnetic field,
Answer: 8
Magnetic Field: Teh region around a magnet where the effect of that magnet can be feld is known as magnetic field . The magnetic field can be represented by magnetic field lines.
Question: 9
Explain the working of DC moter.
Answer: 9
Question: 10
Describe the phenomena of electromagnetic induction.
Answer: 10
Question: 11
Write magnetic force and minimum magnetic force and unit of magnetic field with direction force.
Answer: 11
Question: 12
Explain the torque .
Answer: 12
Question: 13
Differentiate between Electric and magnetic fields.
Answer: 13
Question: 14
Which is ore likely to show deflectin in compass needle, AC current or DC current. Explain.
Answer: 14
Direct Current is more likely to show deflection in compass than Alternating current as we know that when there is a current in the wire, magnetic field produce around it. When the direction of current is reversed, teh direction of magnetic field will also be reversed.
In case of DC current, magnetic , field will have only one single direction and also does not change due to whihc the compass needle will be deflected in the direction of magnetic field. While in case of AC, current changes its direction cintnuously, and hene the magnetic field produces by AC also changes dueto which the compass needle will show almost no deflection.
Question: 15
Write down Step-up-Transormer.
Answer: 15
Question: 16
The primary coil of a transormer is connected to a DC battery. Is there an emf induced in the seondary coil? Why?
Answer: 16
Question: 17
Write down construction of transformer. and working of transformer. Mathamtical form.
Answer: 17
Question: 18
Define Transformers. Working Pinciple
Answer: 18
A transformer is a device which is used to increase or decrease an AC voltage or currentleve.
Working Principle:
A transformer works on the principle of mutual induction i.e. changing current in primary coil produces an INduced emf in the secondary coil.
Question: 19
What would happen if we used a slip ring to drive a DC motor.
Answer: 19
Question: 20
Why does a compass needle point North?
Answer: 20
Question: 21
How can a magnetic field be used to generate electric current.
Answer: 21
Question: 22
Can an electron at rest be set into motion with a magnetic field?
Answer: 22
Question: 23
A constant magnetic field is applied to a current carrying conductor. What angle shoul dbe wire.
Answer: 23