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Question: 1
What is electric potential? and Units.
Answer: 1
Electric Potential: The electric potential energy "U" per unit charge "q" in an electri cfield is called electric potential V.
V = u/q = w/q
Question: 2
Why neutral objects are always attracted by charged object ? Not repelled.
Answer: 2
Question: 3
What is the function of Electroscope?
Answer: 3
Question: 4
How does shuffing feet across a carpet cause hair to stand on our body?
Answer: 4
Question: 5
Wrie kinds of Electric charge.
Answer: 5
1- Postive Charge
2- Negative Charge
Question: 6
Define Electric Field lines
Answer: 6
Question: 7
What is Electric Charge and unit of eletric charge.
Answer: 7
Eletric Charge: It is the property of a substances due to which it can attract or repel another substance.
Unit: The unit of charge is Coulomb (C)
Question: 8
What is electrostatic induction?
Answer: 8
Elecric Induction: A change in distribution of electrical charge in an object, caused by the influence of nearby charge is called electrostatic induction
Question: 9
Normally, objects with large numebrof electrons are electrically neutral Why?
Answer: 9
An electrically neutral object contains the same amount of positive charge as negative charge, resulting in no net charge i.e.
Number of elecrons = Numebrof protons.
Under such conditions the potential differnce will be zero and electric field intensity"E" will be zero, Thus, the objects with large numebr of elecrons will remain neural
Question: 10
What is capacitor? Define capacitance and its units.
Answer: 10
Units of Capacitance: The SI unit of capacitanceis coulombs per volt or the farad , named in honoru of Michael Faraday, such that
IF = I C/V
The farad is a very large unit of capaitance. In practive, typical devices have capacitances anging from microfarad to pico farads.
Question: 11
What is meant by electric field and electric field intensity?
Answer: 11
Electric Field: The region around a charge in which an electric test charge would experience an electric force is called electric field.
Explanaion: An electric field exists in he region of space around a charged object in hree dimensions. When anoher charged object enters this electric field, an electric force acts on it even without any physical contact between the charges.
Question: 12
State and explain Coulomb's law.
Answer: 12
Question: 13
Why are lighting rods normally at a higher elevation than the building they protect?
Answer: 13
Question: 14
Is it necessary for a charged body actually to touch the ballof the electroscope for the leaves to diverge? Defendyour anwer.
Answer: 14
Question: 15
If you wish to store a large amountof energy in a capacitor bank, would you cnnnect capacitors in series or parallel? Expoain.
Answer: 15
Question: 16
Why the pieces of paper initially attracted by charged comb fly away when they touch it?
Answer: 16
Question: 17
The su of the charges on both plates of a capacitor is zero. What does a capacitors store?
Answer: 17
The capacitor stores electficl energy in the form of its eletric field between its plates. Because the plates are equal but oppositely carged, a otential differenceexists between them. That means there is energy available to do work. And since there is a potential differene , there is an eleclric field which points from the positive pate to the negative one.
Question: 18
How elecrostatic painting is better than conventional spray painiting?
Answer: 18
Question: 19
What would happen if two insulating plates were used instead of conducting plate to construct a capacitor?
Answer: 19
A capactor is maee of two conducting plates and ain insulating material in between themThe etal plates lie very close to each other. but insulating material prevents them from touching When a potential difference or battey is connected to the plates of the capacitor,its Positive terminal drws free electrons from the plate to which it is connected.Thus, this plate acquires a not positive charge on it.
Due to electrostatic induction equal and opposite chargeis induced on the other plate of the capacitor. Thus, a capacitor stores equal and opposite charges on its two plates facing eah other. This accumulation of charge is very less in cse of insulting plates, as insulators have no free electrons.There fore, only conducting plates are used in a capacitor not insulting ones.