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Question: 1
A thin rope hangs from dark high tower so that its upper end is not visible.How can the length of the rope be determined?
Answer: 1
Question: 2
What is wave moton? How wave can be catergorized?
Answer: 2
Wave motion: The transmissio of energy in a medium due to the oscillatory motion of the particles of the medium about their mean positions is called the wave motion.
Question: 3
Wrie Time Period"T" mf mass spring system.
Answer: 3
Question: 4
What is simple harmonic motion? What are teh conditions for an object to oscillate with SHM?
Answer: 4
Simple Harmonic Motion: Simple harmonic motion is the type of vibratory motion in which the acceleration is directly proportional to the displaement from the equilibrium position and is always directed towards the equilibriium postion.
Explanation: If "a" is the acceleration of the boyd and "x" represents the displacment of the body from its mean postion.
Conditions of SHM:
i. In SHM a body oscillates about a mean position 0.
ii. A restoring force is always directed towards the mean position 0. the acceleration produced by it is also directed towardsthe mean position.
iii. Its acceleration is directly proportionla to its displacement from the mean position i.e. a inversily - x.
Question: 5
Is the restoring force on a mass attached spring is simple harmonic motion ever zero? If so, where ?
Answer: 5
Question: 6
Define Longitudinal wave.
Answer: 6
A longitudinal wave is one is which the distrubance occur parallel to the line of travel of the wave.
Explanation: The longitudinal wave consists of compression and rarefactions which are produced one after teh other in a certain order. Compression represents the regions of high density and pressure relative to the equilibirum density or pressure of the medium. The rarefaction represent sthe regions of low density and pressure relative to the equilibrium density or pressure of the medium.
Question: 7
For a particle with simple harmonic motion, at what point of the motion does the velocity attain maximum magnitude? Minimum magnitude?
Answer: 7
Question: 8
Suppose you stand on a swing instead of sitting on it. Will your frequency of oscillation increase of decrese?
Answer: 8
Question: 9
Prove the relation between wave speed, wavelength and frequeny of wave.
Answer: 9
Question: 10
Explain the difference between the speed of tranerverse wave traveling along a cord and the speed of a tiny colored part of the cord?
Answer: 10
Question: 11
Define Transverse waves

Answer: 11
A transverse wave is one in which the distrubance occurs perpendicular to the direction of motion of wave.
The transverse waves consist of vrests and troughs which are produced one after the the other in a certain order.The crest represents the part of the wave above the equilibrium position while the trough represents the part of the wave below the equilibrium position.
Question: 12
Is every oscillatory motion simple harmonic? Give example.
Answer: 12
Question: 13
What is the effect on diffraction if the opening is made small?
Answer: 13
Question: 14
Why waves refract at the boundry of shallow and deep water?
Answer: 14