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Question: 1
Answer: 1
1-32There are five pairs that must come together in order to
produce a computer based information system (CBIS)
The tern hardware refers to machinery this includes the central processing unit (CPU) and all of this support equipment.
Data are lod;s figures that are used by programs to produce useful information.
These are set of instructions and rules to design and use information system.
Every CBIS needs people if it is to useful who influence the success or failure of information system.
Question: 2
Answer: 2
2-32Nuclear Fusion:
When two lighter nuclear combine to from a higher nucleus,with the release of energy the process is called nuclear fusion.
The mass of the final nucleus is always less than the masses of the original nucleus according to mass energy relation this loss of mass converts into energy if an atom of deuterium is fused with an atom of tritium than a itelium nuclers or alpha particular is formed as given by:
Ih2+i3h_____4/3 He+on1+energy
Question: 3
Answer: 3
3-32Nuclear Fusion:
When two lighter nuclear combine to from a higher nucleus,with the release of energy the process is called nuclear fusion.
The mass of the final nucleus is always less than the masses of the original nucleus according to mass energy relation this loss of mass converts into energy if an atom of deuterium is fused with an atom of tritium than a itelium nuclers or alpha particular is formed as given by:
Ih2+i3h_____4/3 He+on1+energy
Question: 4
Answer: 4
4-32A floppy disk:
A floppy disk I s a small magnetically sensitive flexible plastic wafer housed in plastic case it is coated with a magnetic used to coat casseltes and video tapes, most personal computers include at leat one disk drive that allows the computer to write it and read from floppy disk.
Hard disk:
Most users rely on hard disks as their primary storage devices ,A hard is a rigid magnetically sensitive disk that spins rapidly and continuously inside the computer chassis or in a separate box connected to the computer housing.
Question: 5
Answer: 5
5-32Nuclear fission take place when a heavy nucleus such as U-235 splits or fission into to smaller nucles by absorbing a slow moving neutron
In nuclear fission to total mass of the products is less then the original mass of the heavens nucless Measurements of the showed that about 200 Mev of energy is released in each fission event.
Fission chain reaction is U-235
Question: 6
Answer: 6
6-32Electronic mail:
One of the most widely used application of internet is electronic mail which provides very fast delivery of message to any enabled site on the internet.
Fast communication:
We can send message anywhere in the world instantly
Cost free service:
If we have an internel access then wew can avail the mail services free of cost.
Simple to use:
After initial set up of e-mail account it is easy to use .
More efficient:
We can send our message to many friends or people only in one action.
Pictures or the other files can also be sent through e-mails internal has proved to be very beneficial to us.
Question: 7
Answer: 7
7-32Given data:
Half-life= II/2 = 10 minutes
Initial count rate= No 368/minutes
To find:
Time during which 23 cuourt /minute
Left = t=?
I st half- life =1/2 (368) =184 count/min
2nd half -life = ½ (184)
3rd half –life =1/2 (92)
=46 -
4th half-life =1/2 (46)
=23 count/min
= 4 half lives
So the time required by radianation element to attain count rate 23c/min =
T = 4th /12/
=4 *10
40 minutes.
Question: 8
Answer: 8
8-32SI unit Becquerel (Bq) the elements whose atomic number is greater than 82 are unstable and these elememt amit radiation naturally.
Question: 9
Answer: 9
9-32The important part of computer is CPU monitor keywords mouse etc.
Question: 10
Answer: 10
10-32The important part of computer is CPU monitor keywords mouse etc.
Question: 11
Answer: 11
11-32Alpha rays
Beta rays
Gamma rays
Question: 12
Answer: 12
12-32Data is raw unorganized facts that need to be processed raw material is called data.
When data are processed inter preled organized processed data is called information.
Question: 13
Answer: 13
13-32The number of protors in the nucleas is atomic number and denoted by Z sum of protors and neutrons is called atomic mass number and denoted by A.
Question: 14
Answer: 14
14-32A floppy iss a small magnetically sensitive flexible plastic unter housed in plastic case.
Question: 15
Answer: 15
15-32The phenomena by which radiatiors split matter into positive and negative ions is called ionization the strength of radiation to penetrate into the matter.
Question: 16
Answer: 16
16-32A fex machine basically scans a page to convert its text and graphic into electronic signals and transmits it to another fax machine through telephone line.
Question: 17
Answer: 17
17-32The time during which half of the instable radioactive nucler disintegrate is called to half life of the radioactive element.
Question: 18
Answer: 18
18-32Hard disk:
Host users rely on hard disks as their primary storage device.
Index hole:
A small hole punched into a hard sectored floppy disk that serves to mark the strait of the sector on each tract.
Question: 19
Answer: 19
19-32Yes radioactivity I spontaneous process radioactive decay involves the spontaneous trans formation of one element into another.
Question: 20
Answer: 20
20-32We can send message anywhere in the world instantly if we have an internet access then we can avail the email services free of cost.
Question: 21
Answer: 21
21-32Radiations present in atmosphere due different radioactive substance are called background radiatior.
Question: 22
Answer: 22
22-32The elements whose atomic number is greater then 82 are unstable and those element emit radiations naturally.
Question: 23
Answer: 23
23-32Central processing unit
Question: 24
Answer: 24
24-32It is concerned with the scientific methods and means to share and process vast amount of information instantly.
Question: 25
Answer: 25
25-32Modern version of photo phone or video phone is a telephone through which speakers can see the pictures of each other.
Question: 26
Answer: 26
26-32A particle representing a quantum of light or other electromagnetic radiation.
Question: 27
Answer: 27
The spontaneous emission of radiation by unstable nuclei is called natural radio activity.
Question: 28
Answer: 28
28-32The strength of radiation to penetrate into the matter is called penetrating ability /power.
Question: 29
Answer: 29
29-32In offices computer are used for preparing documents and reports, architects use them for building designing and city planning .
Question: 30
Answer: 30
30-32Medical treatment
Carbon dating
Question: 31
Answer: 31
31-32Such a use of computer through which we can write a letter prepare sports and book etc.
Question: 32
Answer: 32
32-32Fusion reaction:
The process of splitting up a heavy nuclei with release of large amount of energy
Fission fragments:
Where U* .236 is an intermediate state that lasts only for a fraction of second before splitting into nuclei x and y is called fussion fragment.