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Question: 1
Answer: 1
1-58Simple Microscope:
A magnifying glass is a convex lens which is used to produce magnified images of small objects.Hence it is also called simple microscope.
Objects position:
The objects is place nearer to the lens then the principal focus such that an upright, virtual and magnified images is seen clearly 25cm from the normal eye.
Magnifying power:
It is the ratio of angular size of final image producd by magnifying glass to the angular size of object seen without magnifying glass.
M= Q/Q
Where Q is angular size of final image produced by magnifying glass and Q is angular size of object seen without magnifying glass.
Let Q is the angle substended at the eye by the object when it is placed at the near distance from eye.Let Q is the angle substanded by the final image at the eye when the object is placed close to the eye at a distance less then F.The angular magnification M is
M= Q/Q
It produced virtual image which is an larged and upright with respect to the object.
Question: 2
Answer: 2
2-58Given Data:
<I =30°
N== 1.52
<r =?
Sin <r
1.52in<r = sin 30°
Sin <r = sin30°/1.52
=19.3° Ans:
Question: 3
Answer: 3
3-58Given Data:
F =6cm
P= ?
M =-q/P
3p = - q
Q = -3p
According to lens formula:
I/f = I/p +I/q
I/f = I/p + I/( -3P)
I/f = I/p + I/3P
I/f = 3-1/3p
I/6 = 2/3p
3p =12
P =4cm
Question: 4
Answer: 4
4-58Human eye:
Eye is a organ used for vision.
Image formula:
The parts of human eye which play an important role in the image formation are described below.
Human eye acts like a camera, in place of the film, the ratina records the picture.The eye has refracting system containing a converging lens.The lens forms an image on the ratina.Ratina is the light sensitive layer at the back of the eye.
In the camera the distance of lens from film is adjusted for proper focus but in eye the lens change focal length. The lens of eye is flexible and accomdates object over a wide range of distance.
Light enters the eye through a transparent membrane called the cornea.
The iris is the color portion of the eye and controls the amount of light reaching ratina.The iris also controls the size of pupil.
Iris has an opening at its center called pupil.
Question: 5
Answer: 5
5-58Total internal reflection:
When the value of angle of incidence becomes greater then the critical angle, then ray does not enter into the second medium,but reflects back in the same medium such reflection of light is called total internal reflection.
Conditions of total internal
The ray of light should travel from denser medium to rarer medium.The angle of incidence should be greater then the critical angle.
When a ray of light passes from danser medium, the refracted ray bends away from normal and the angle of refraction is greater then angle of incidence.If we increase the angle of incidence ,the angle of refraction,also increase till at a particular value of angle of incidence,the corresponding angle of refraction becomes 90° and refraction ray becomes paralled to the surface.The angle of incidence that causes the refracted ray in the rare medium to bend through 90° is called critical angle.
Question: 6
Answer: 6
6-58Given data:
Object distance =p=20cm
Image distance =q=20cm
Focal length = f=?
According to the mirror formula:
I/f = I/p +I/q
By multiplying pqf on both sides
Pqf/f = pqf/p+pqf/q
Pq =f (q+p)
Pq/p+q= f
20*20/20+20 =f
400/40 = f
10 =f
F = 10cm
Question: 7
Answer: 7
7-58Endoscope is used for viewing and photographing of the internal structure of human body by using light pipes
Types: Grastroscope Bronchoscope Cystoscope
Question: 8
Answer: 8
8-58The mirror whose inner curved surface is reflecting is called concave mirror.
Question: 9
Answer: 9
9-58Radius of curvature is the radius of the sphere of which spherical mirror is a part.
Question: 10
Answer: 10
10-58Real image:
The image that can be obtained on screen is called real image rays of light actually converge to form image, image is inverted
Question: 11
Answer: 11
11-58The distance between principal focus and pole of the mirror is call focal length it is denoted by f.
Question: 12
Answer: 12
12-58The near point of an eye is the minimum distance of an objects from the eye at which is produce a sharp image on the retina.
Far point:
The far point of the eye is the maximum distance of a distant objects from the eye on which the fully relaxed eye can focus.
Question: 13
Answer: 13
13-58Power of lens is defined as the reciprocal of its focal length in meters.
Power of lens = P = I /focal length on meters .
Question: 14
Answer: 14
14-58Now a days America and other developed countries use gaint concave mirrors in their huge telescope, the dentists use concave mirror to observe large image of the teeth of the patients.
Question: 15
Answer: 15
15-58The focal length of a spherical mirror is one half of the radius of curvature i.e f= r/2 however the focal length of a convex mirror is taken as negative it is because the rays appear to come from the focal point behind the mirror.
Question: 16
Answer: 16
16-58We see a page of a book because light reflects from each part of the page in all direction so that some of the light rays from each part of the page enter our eye because almost no light is reflected by the printed words , so we see them as black areas.
Question: 17
Answer: 17
The study of light behavior is called optics.
Geometrical optics:
The branch of optics that focuses on the creation of image is called geometrical optics .
Question: 18
Answer: 18
18-58Compound microscope is used to investigative the structure very small objects ,objects lens has smaller focal length then the eyepiece distance between the objective lens and the eye piece is greater then fo+fe.
Question: 19
Answer: 19
19-58A spherical mirror is a part of a sphere the center of this sphere is called center of curvature.
Radius of curvature:
Radius of curvature is the radius of the sphere of which spherical mirror is a part.
Question: 20
Answer: 20
20-58The ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence ‘’I’’ to the sine of the angle of refraction ‘’r’’ is always equal to a constant i.e,
Sini/sinr = constant
Where the ratio sini/sinr is equal to the refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first medium.
Question: 21
Answer: 21
21-58A smooth surface of silver reflect rays of light in one direction only the reflection by this smooth surface is called regular , reflection the rough surfaces of these objects reflect the rays of light in many directions such a type of reflection is called irregular reflection.
Question: 22
Answer: 22
22-58The angle of incidence must be greater than critical angle in order to get total internal reflection.
Question: 23
Answer: 23
23-58Principal focus is a point on the principal axis of lens where a bean of light parallel to the principal axis converges to or diverges after refraction from the lens.
Question: 24
Answer: 24
24-58Lenses of many different types are used in optical devices such as cameras, eye glasses etc, they also enable millions of people to use clearly and read comfortably.
Question: 25
Answer: 25
25-58Power of lens is defined as the reciprocal of its focal length in meters.
Power of lens = p = I / focal length in meters
The S.I unit of power of lens is ‘’Dioptre’’ denoted by a symbol D. If f is expressed in meters so that 1D = 1m-1.
Question: 26
Answer: 26
26-58The angle of incidence that causes the refracted ray in the rare medium to bend through 90° is called critical angle.
Question: 27
Answer: 27
27-58When object is placed at 2F from converging lens the image is shown in figure below.
Question: 28
Answer: 28
28-58If the opticians room is small then for testing the patient’s eye sight original words are placed at the back side of patient and mirror is placed in front of the patient , so that image of words is formed at the distance doubled then the size of room.
State law of refraction:
There are two laws of refraction:
First law of refraction:
The incident ray, the refracted ray and the normal at the point of incidence all lie in the some plane.
2nd law of refraction:
The ratio of the sin of the angle o incidence I to the in of the angle of refraction r is always equal to a constant i.e
Sini/sinr= constant= n
Question: 29
Answer: 29
29-58When the value of angle of incidence becomes greater than the critical angle , then the ray does not enter in to the second medium but reflects back in the same medium such reflection of light is called total internal reflection.
Question: 30
Answer: 30
30-58Question: 31
Answer: 31
31-58Reflection of light:
We see objects if light from it
enters our eyes. Some objects such as the Sun, electric lamps and candles make
their own light. We call these luminous sources. Most things that we see do not
make their own light but reflect it from a luminous source they are
non-luminous objects for example this page, teaching board and the Moon.
Reflection of light is same as for other types
waves, such as reflection of water waves in ripple tank. Most object reflect a
certain portion of the light falling on them, mirrors reflect more light and
in a regular manner. An ordinary mirror is made by depositing a thin
layer of silver on oner side of a piece of glass and protecting it with paint.
The silver at the back of the glass - acts as the reflecting surface.
Suppose that a ray of light is incident
on a flat, shiny surface, The following terms are used in describing the
reflection of light
1- Incident ray: The approaching ray of light
2 Reflected ray: The ray of light reflected
from a reflecting surface.
3 Point f incidence: The point at which the
incident ray strikes the reflecting surface
4 Normal: The line drawn at right angles to
the reflecting surface at the point of incidence.
5 Angle of incidence (0): The angle between
the incident ray and the normal.
6 Angle of reflection(0) : The angle between
the reflected ray and the normal
Question: 32
Answer: 32
32-58To determine the magnification of the image, and its
position with precision, it is necessary to draw very accurate scaled diagrams.
The mirror equation on the other hand is a precise mathematical relationship
between the object distance and the image distance for a given mirror. The following
quantities are included in mirror formula:
F = the focal
length of the mirror
Ho =
the height of the object
H1 =
the height of the image
Do =
the distance of the object form the mirror
D1 =
the distance of the image from the mirror
M = the
magnification of the image
To obtain this relation, we use the ray in normal to the
mirror. As a result, the ray reflects at an angle below the principal axis that is equal to its
incident angle
above the axis. Therefore, the two green
triangles in this diagram are similar, form which it follows that ratios of
equivalent sides of similar triangles are equal.
Ho/-hi=do/di eq
The image height is negative because it
is inverted. Its is clear that the two yellow triangles in this diagram are
also similar, since they are both right triangles and share the common angle ϕ.
Thus , by using the same rule of similar triangles we get.
Ho/-hi=do-f/f eq
Comparing equation no (1) and eq (2) we
get do/di = do- f/f
To isolate `f’ , cross multiply do
f= di (do – f)
eq (3)
Divide both sides of equation 3 by do
di f, we get do f/di do f = di
do/di do f – di f / di do
Or 1/di=1/f-1/do hence it is know as mirror formula. It relates
the distances of the object and the
image to a concave mirror , in terms of the mirror, in terms of the mirror’s
focal length. The ratio of the height of the image to the height of the object
is define as the magnification, M;
M =hi/ho =di/do
We derived the magnification and mirror equations for a concave mirror forming
a real image, but the equations apply as well to convex mirrors and to virtual
images if we use the sign conventions described below.
Question: 33
Answer: 33
33-58 Light travels in straight lines in a transparent material, such as air,
if it passes into a different material, such as water, it changes direction at
the boundary of the two material i.e it is bent.
Refraction of light is the change of
direction of light as it moves from one material (called medium) to another.
Refraction of light is same as for other
types such as refraction of water waves, in ripple tank.
The following terms are used describing
the refraction of light
1. Incident ray:
The ray of light approaching the boundary ( refracting surface )
between two media.
2. Refracted ray:
The ray of light moving away from he boundary between the two media.
3. Point incidence:
The point at which the incident ray strikes the refracting surface
4. Normal:
The line drawn at right angles to the refracting surface at the point of
incidence .
5. Angle of incidence ():
The angle between the incident ray and the normal
6. Angle of refraction ():
The angel of refraction ’ is the angle between
the refracted ray and the normal.
7. Optically denser medium :
Question: 34
Answer: 34
34-58The angle of refraction is larger than
the angle of incidence when light passes
into a medium of a lower index of
refraction, This leads to an interesting phenomenon. As the angle of incidence
increases, the angle of refraction also increases.
a certain angle of incidence known as the critical angle, the refracted light ray
lies along the boundary of the two media. When light strikes a transparent
boundary, even though much of the light is transparent boundary, even though
much of the light is transmitted some is reflected. Total internal reflection
occurs when light traveling form a region of a higher index of refraction strikes
the boundary at an angle greater than all light reflects back into the region
of the higher index of refraction.
To construct an equation for the critical
angle of any boundary, you can use
Snell’s Law and substitute 1
N1 sinc
= n2 sin90°
Since sin90° = 1
n1 sinc=
n2/n 1
we can define critical angle as `
the sine of the critical angle is equal to the index of refraction of the refraction of the refracting medium divided
by the index of refraction of the incident medium
NO transmitted ray ≥
The two condition s required for total
internal reflection to occur are as follows.
The light must travel from an optically more dense medium into an optically less dense medium

Question: 35
Answer: 35
35-58Optical fibers: light can be trapped by
total internal reflection inside a bent glass rod and `piped’ along a curved
path called optical fiber.
Various glasses and plastics can be used to
make optical fibers, Optical fiber transmits a beam of light by means of total
internal reflection. Total internal reflection can occur in any transparent
medium that has a higher index of refraction than the surrounding medium.
An optical fiber cable has a cylindrical
shape and consists of three concentric sections: the core, the cladding and the jacket.
The core is the innermost section and
consists of one or more very thin strands, made of glass or plastic. Each strand
is surrounded by its own cladding, a glass or plastic coating that has optical
properties different form the core
Question: 36
Answer: 36
36-58Power of lens:
The degree of convergence or divergence of light rays falling on lens is
called power of lens. Instrument makers often quote the power of a lens rather
than its focal length. The power of a lens D, in diopters, a dimensionless number,
is given by the equation
D = 1/f
Where f is the focal length of the lens
expressed in meters. Eyeglass lenses are typically characterized in terms of
diopters. The power of a lens in diopters should not be confused with the
familiar concept of power in watts. It is an unfortunate fact that the word “power”
is used for two completely different concepts. If you examine a prescription
for eyeglasses, you will note lens powers given in diopters.
If you examine the label on a motor, you
will note energy consumption rate given as a power in watts.