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Question: 1
HCL and H2SO4 are strong acid while their solutions are equal molar , they have different pH value , why?
Answer: 1
The basis of pH scale is the concentration of hydrogen ion (H+). As HCL and H2SO4 produce one and two H+ on dissociation respectively that is why they have different value of pH
Question: 2
What is the difference between Arrhenius and lowery base
Answer: 2
Arrhenius base :The substance which dissociate in aqueous solution to give hydroxyl ions
e.g : NaOHaq+HCLaq→ H2Oaq+NaClaq
Question: 3
Water is amphoteric specie according to Bronsted-Lowry concept . What is its nature according to Lewis concept
Answer: 3
According to Lewis concept water is Lewis base , as it has lone pair in central atom (oxygen ) which can be donated to any electron deficient species e.g
H2O + H+ → H3O
Base Acid adduct
Question: 4
Name an alkali in alkaline batteries
Answer: 4
Potassium hydroxide (KOH) is used in alkaline batteries
Question: 5
How can you justify that NH3 is bronsted Lowry base but not Arrhenius base ?
Answer: 5
NH3 is bronsted-lowry base as it has the ability to accept the proton but not the ability to accept the proton but not a arrhenius base because it can tot give out hydroxyl ion on dissociation
e.g: NH3 +H2O→NH4++OH
Question: 6
Differentiate p and pH
Answer: 6
p: p before the symbol means negative logarithm of the symbol
Question: 7
Why pure water is not a strong electrolyte ?
Answer: 7
Water is a weak electrolyte as it ionizes very slightly into ions in a process called autoionization due to strong forces of attraction in it
Question: 8
When acid react with carbonate and bicarbonate , which gas evolves out ?
Answer: 8
When acid react with carbonate and bicarbonate , it will produce CO2 (g)

Question: 9
Give uses of sulphuric acid
Answer: 9
1: Sulphuric acid is used to manufacture the fertilizers e.g ammonium sulphate , calcium superphosphates
Question: 10
Why BF3 behave as a Lewis acid ?
Answer: 10
The central atom in BF3has only six electrons around it . In order to complete its valence shell it needs two or more electrons . So it can accept electron pair and act as Lewis acid
Question: 11
State and explain the neutralization reactions according to Lewis acid
Answer: 11
According to Lewis concept neutralization reactions occur by accepting the lone pair by an acid donated Lewis base
e.g : H3N + H+ NH4+
Lewis base Lewis acid adduct
Question: 12
Name the gas librated when alkalies react with ammonium salt
Answer: 12
When alkalies react with ammonia gas is evolved

Question: 13
How the salts are named ?
Answer: 13
The salts are given the names of their metals and the acids respectively

Question: 14
Define stomach acidity .
Answer: 14
Sometimes stomach produces too much acid . It causes stomach acidity also called hyperacidity . Symptoms of this disease are feeling burning sensation throughout the gastro intestinal track . These feelings sometimes extend towards the chest , this is called heart burning
Question: 15
Name an alkali used in alkaline batteries.
Answer: 15
potassium hydroxide is sued in alkaline batteries.
Question: 16
What type of reaction takes place when acid react with metal and what product is formed ?
Answer: 16
When acid react with metal then hydrogen gas is produced in addition to a salt . The name of the reaction is 'Direct displacement reaction '
Question: 17
Define Acid Rain.
Answer: 17
Acid rain is formed by dissolving acidic air pollutants like oxides of sulphur and nitrogen by rain water as a result pH of the rain water decreases, i.e. it becomes acidic when this acid rain falls down it damages animals, plants, buildings, water bodies and even soil.
Question: 18
Who are analytical chemists ?
Answer: 18
Analytical chemist examine substances qualitatively and quantitatively . They identify substances and evaluate their properties
They have a wide area for working ranging from basic research in laboratories to analytical research in industries . They work in almost all industries including manufacturing , pharmaceuticals , healthcare , forensics and public protection , where they test air , water , industrial waste , drugs and food to make sure they are safe . They ensure the quality of the product in industry
Question: 19
Define and give the characteristics of a Lewis acid.
Answer: 19
The substance which can accept the lon epair is called lewis acid. Characteristics. Incomplete octet: The molecules in which central atom has the incomplete octet e.g. BF3, ALCl3, Fecl3
Question: 20
Name the salts which are formed when Zn metal react with nitric acid , phosphoric and acetic acid ?
Answer: 20
1:With nitric acid :
When Zn react with nitric acid it will produce zinc nitrate Zn(NO3)2
2: With phosphoric acid : When zinc reacts with phosphoric acid then zinc phosphate Zn(PO4)2 is produce
Question: 21
What is the function of HCL in stomach ?
Answer: 21
Stomach secretes chemicals in a regular way to digest food . These chemicals mainly consists of hydrochloric acid along with other salts . Although , hydrochloric acid is highly corrosive , but stomach is protected from its effects because it is lined with cells that produce a base . The base neutralized stomach acid . The important function of this acid is to break down chemical bonds of foods in the digestion process . Thus big molecules of food are converted into small ones . It also kill the harmful bacteria of certain foods and drinks
Question: 22
Why pure water is not a strong electrolyte.
Answer: 22
Water is a weak electrolyte as it ionizes very slightly into ions in a process called autoionization due to strong forces of attraction in it.
Question: 23
What are process of Etching in air and industry ? how it is carried out ?
Answer: 23
The process of etching on glass is carried out by using a wax stencil . Stencil is placed on areas of glass or mirror that are to be saved from acid . The glass or mirror is dipped into hydrofluoric acid . The acid dissolves the exposed part of the glass thus etching it . This process has been very dangerous because the acid would damage the skin and tissues of artist's body . Although it is dangerous to deal with acid , yet etching done with acid is very attractive as compared to using other chemicals
Question: 24
Give Uses of Sulphuric acid.
Answer: 24
1. Sulphuric acid is used to manufacture the fertilizers e.g. ammonium sulphate, calcium superphosphates. 2. It is uses in explosive materials. 3. They are used in dyes and paints. 4.sulphuric acid used in the preparation of drugs.
Question: 25
How basic salts turns into normal salts ?
Answer: 25
Basic salts are turn into normal salts by further reaction with acids
Question: 26
What is difference between Arrhenius and Bronsted Lowry base.
Answer: 26
Arrhenius base: The substance which dissociate in aqueous solution to give hydroxyl ions. e.g. NaOh, Ca(OH2),KOH
Question: 27
What are complex salts ?
Answer: 27
These salts on dissociation provides a simple cation and a complex anion or vice versa . Only simple ions yields the characteristics test for cation or anion e.g
K4 {Fe(CN)6}→ 4K+1+ {Fe(CN)6}-4
Question: 28
Define preservatives in food.
Answer: 28
Chemicals used to prevent food spoilage are called preservatives. Food spoiling way be due to microbial action or chemical reactions.So preservatives serve as either anti microbial or antioxidants or both. 1. Manufacturers add preservatives mostly toprevent spoiling may be due to microbial foods for a period of time. 2. Natural food preservatives are salts, sugar, alcohol, vinegar, etc they efficiently control the growth of bacteria in food.they are used to preserve meat,fist, etc.
Question: 29
What do you mena by neutralization reaction according to Arrhenius acid -base concept.
Answer: 29
According to Arrhenius concept neutralization reaction occur when an Arrhenius acid donate H+ which is accepted by Arrhenius base.
Question: 30
How many water of crystallization are present in ?
Answer: 30
It has five water of crystallization
Question: 31
Define stomach acidity.
Answer: 31
Sometimes stomach produces too much acid it cause stomach acidity also called hyperacidity. Symptoms of this disease are feeling burning sensation throughout the gastrointestinal track.These feelings sometimes extend towards the chest, that is called heart burning.
Question: 32
How will you justify salts are neutral compounds?
Answer: 32
Although salts do not compose of equal number of positive and negative ions , but they have equal number of positive and negative charges e.g
NaCl : It has equal number of positive and negative ions as well as equal no.of charges
Question: 33
Na2SO4 is a neutral salt . What are its uses
Answer: 33
Na2SO4is used for the production of glass , paper , and detergents
Question: 34
State and explain the neutralization reaction according to Lewis concept.
Answer: 34
According to Lewis concept neutralization reaction occurs by accepting the lone pair by an acid donated by Lewis base.
Question: 35
Give preventive measures of hyperacidity
Answer: 35
The best prevention from hyperacidity is :
1: Avoiding over-eating and staying away from fatty acids and spicy foods
2: Simple and regular eating, remaining in an upright position for about 45 minutes after taking a meal
3: Keeping the head elevated while sleeping
Question: 36
How many water of crystallization are present in?
Answer: 36
CuSO4.5H2O. It has five water of crystallization. CaSO4.2H2O It has two water of crystallization.
Question: 37
Define acid rain
Answer: 37
Acid rain is formed by dissolving acidic air pollutants like oxides of sulphur and nitrogen by rain water . As a result of pH of the rain water decreases i-e it becomes acidic . When this acid rain falls down , it damages plants animals , building , water bodies and even soil
Question: 38
Name the type of salts?
Answer: 38
I. Normal/neutral salts. 2.Acidic salts 3.Basic salts 4.Double salts. 5.Mixed salts 6.Complex salts.
Question: 39
Define preservatives in food
Answer: 39
Chemicals used to prevent food spoilage are called preservatives . Food spoiling may be due to microbial actions or chemical reaction . So preservatives serve as either anti-microbial or antioxidants or both
1: Manufactures add preservatives mostly to prevent spoiling during transportation and storage of foods for a period of time
Question: 40
What are complex salts.
Answer: 40
These salts on dissociation provides a simple cation and a complex anion or vice versa only simple ions yields the characteristics test for cation or anions.