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Question: 1
Give three objects of genetic engineering.
Answer: 1
i. Production of particular RNA and protein molecules.
ii. production of varieties of plants having particular desirable
iii. Treatment of genetic defects in higher organisms.
Question: 2
Define biotechnology .
Answer: 2
The branch of biology which deals with study of use of living organisms in processes for manufacture of useful products or for service
Fermentation is the old biotechnology and genetic engineering in modern biotechnology
Question: 3
What is genetic engineering?
Answer: 3
Genetic engineering i.e. the artificial synthesis, modification, removal, addition and repair of the genetic material are considered as modern biotechnology. It is done to alter the characteristics of organisms.
Question: 4
What is fermenter ?
Answer: 4
Fermenter is a device that provide optimum environment to microorganisms to grow into a biomass , son that they can interact with a substrate , forming the product . Fermentation is carried out in fermenters
Question: 5
What is fermentation?
Answer: 5
Fermentation is the process in which there is incomplete oxidation reduction of glucose fermentation has been in the knowledge of mansicne centuries, but it was believed that it is purely a chemical process.
Question: 6
What is genetic engineering ?
Answer: 6
Genetic engineering i-e artificial synthesis , modification ,removal , addition and repair of the genetic material (DNA) are considered as modern biotechnology . It is done to alter the characteristics of organisms
Question: 7
Give three objectives of genetic engineering ?
Answer: 7
The important objectives of genetic engineering are as follows
1: Production of particular RNA and protein molecules
2: Production of various of plants having particular desirable characteristics
3: Treatment of genetic defects in higher organisms
Question: 8
Define biotechnology.
Answer: 8
The branch of biology which deals with study of use of living organisms in processes for manufacture of useful products or for services.
Question: 9
What is fermenter?
Answer: 9
Fermenter is a device that provides optimum environment to microorganisms to grow into a biomass, so that they can interact with a substrate, forming the product. Fermentation is carried out to fermenters.
Question: 10
Define transgenic organism .
Answer: 10
Transgenic organisms with modified genetic set-up are called transgenic , organisms
Question: 11
What is lactic acid fermentation?
Answer: 11
The process of fermentation in which pyruvic acid is reduced to lactic acid.It is carried out by streptococcus, lactobacillus species.
Question: 12
What is carbohydrate fermentation ?
Answer: 12
The initial steps of carbohydrate fermentation are identical to those of respiration . The process begins with glycolysis , in which the glucose , molecule is broken down into two molecules of pyruvic acid
Question: 13
In biotechnology , What is meant by genetically modified organism .(GNO) How is it made ?
Answer: 13
GMO are provided suitable culture medium for growth to give as much copies of the genes of interest as needed
Question: 14
Define fermentation in terms of biotechnology
Answer: 14
In biotechnology the term 'fermentation means the production of any product by the mass of culture of micro organism
Question: 15
In biotechnology, what is meant by Genetically Modified Organism. ? How is it made.
Answer: 15
GMO are provided suitable culture medium for growth to give as much copies of the genes of interest as needed.
Question: 16
How would you define fermentation with reference to biotechnology?
Answer: 16
In biotechnology fermentation means the production of any product by the mass culture of micro organisms is called fermentation.
Question: 17
What is the significance of single cell protein ?
Answer: 17
The microorganisms grow vigorously and produce high yield . It has been calculated that 50 kg of yeast produces 250 tons of proteins within 24 hours . Algae in pond produce 20 tons protein per acre /year . Which 10-15 times higher than soyabeans and and 20-50 times higher than corn
Question: 18
What is batch fermentation ?
Answer: 18
In this process, tank of fermenter is filled with raw materials to be fermented . The temperature and pH is properly adjusted and nutrients are added . All material is sterilized . Pure culture of micro organisms is added to fermenter are taken out . Fermenter is cleaned and the process is repeated
Question: 19
Define biotechnology ?
Answer: 19
Biotechnology is defines as the use of living organisms in processes for the manufacture of useful products or for services . Although the term biotechnology is new , the discipline itself is very old . Fermentation and other such processes , which are based on the natural capabilities of organisms , are commonly considered as old biotechnology
Question: 20
What is lactic acid fermentation ?
Answer: 20
The process of fermentation in which pyruvic acid is reduced to lactic acid . It is carried out by streptococcus , lactobacillus species
Question: 21
How Insulin is synthesized commercially?
Answer: 21
Human insulin gene was transferred into bacteria.The genetically modified bacteria became able to synthesize insulin. Diabetics are now receiving this insulin.
Question: 22
What is transgenic organism ?
Answer: 22
The organisms which have modified genetic step-up are called transgenic organisms . These organisms have derived characteristics
Question: 23
What are advantages of fermented?
Answer: 23
i. Fermenter provides monitored and controlled environment organisms.
ii. It optimizes the growth of organisms by controlling many factors like nutrient, oxygen growth inhibitor, pH. temperature.
Question: 24
What are advantages of fermentess ?
Answer: 24
1: Fermenter provides monitored and controlled environment organisms
2: It optimizes the growth of organisms by controlling many factors like nutrients , oxygen , growth inhibitor , pH , temperature etc
3: It may hold several thousand liters of growth medium
4: Massive amounts of medicine i-e insulin , human growth hormone etc
Question: 25
What is carbohydrates fermentation?
Answer: 25
The initial steps of carbohydrate fermentation are identical to those of respiration.The process begins with glycolysis, in which the glucose, molecule is broken into two molecules of pyruvic acid.
Question: 26
Name any two industrial products made by fermentation.
Answer: 26
Cereal products , Diary products.
Question: 27
What is beta endorphins?
Answer: 27
It is a pain killer produced by brain in human but it can also be produce by genetic engineering.
Question: 28
How insulin is synthesized commercially ?
Answer: 28
Human insulin genes was transferred into bacteria . The genetically modified bacteria become able to synthesize insulin . Diabetics are now receiving this insulin
Question: 29
What are beta endorphins ?
Answer: 29
It is a pain killer produced by brain in human but it can also be by genetic engineering
Question: 30
What is fermentation ?
Answer: 30
Fermentation is the process in which there is incomplete oxidation -reduction of glucose . Fermentation has been in the knowledge of man since centuries , but it was believed that it is purely a chemical process