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Question: 2
Answer: 2
2-39Question: 8
Answer: 8
8-39Question: 9
Answer: 9
9-39Question: 10
Answer: 10
10-39The fermentation is carried out many types of great of yeast such as saccharomyces cerevisiae this process is quite important and is used to produce bread beer wine and distilled spirits in this process carbon dioxide is removed from phruvic acid the product acetaledehyde is then reduced to ethanol the carbon dioxide prodeuced during this fermentation cause the rise of the bread
Lactic acid
In this process phruvic acid is reduced to lactic acid it is carried out by many bacteria e.g streptococius and many lactobacillus species it is quite important in dairy industry where it is used for saiving milk and also for production of various types of cheese.
Question: 11
Answer: 11
11-39Various achiement of genetic engineering are as follow. Human insulin gene was transferred into bacteria the genetically modified bacteria become able to synthesize insulin .Diabetics are now receiving this insulin this type of genetic engineering for the production of insulin are shown in figure.In 1977 on E.cat bacterium was created that was capable of synthesizing the human growth harmone the harmone thymosin which may parse effective against brain and lungs cancer has been produced by genetically modified micro organisms .
Beta Endorphin:
A pain killer produced by the brain has also been produced by genetic engineering techniques genetic engineering produced a safe vaccine against foot and mouth diseases similarly many vaccines have been produced against human diseases such as hepatits B.
Question: 12
Answer: 12
12-39Various diseases have been made easier to treat in recent year by the production of medicinal drugs are abstained from the following source.
Addictive drugs:
Some drugs often make person dependent on them or addicate these may be called as addictive drug by using such drugs the person body becomes familiar to it, and the user cannot function well without it in this chapter we will learn about the functions of pharma ceutical drugs and the damages of the addictive drugs .
Question: 13
Answer: 13
13-39The fermentation maximum growth of on organisms is obtained for the production of desired products of commercial value traditionally only food and beverage products were produced by using fermentation now many other products industrial chemical are also being produced.
Fermented food:
Fermentation aften make the food more nutritions more digestible and tastier it also tends to preserve the food lowering the need for refrigeration the following groups are reduced in the fermented foods.
Careal products:
Bread is the commonest type of fermented careal products wheat dough is fermented by S, cerevisiae along with some lactic acid bacteria.
Dairy Products:
Cheese and yougurt are important fermentation products cheese is c a milk protein is coagulated this happens when the acid produced by lactic acid bacteria reacts with milk protein Yougurt is made from milk by different lactic acid bacteria.
Fruits and vegetable
Fermentation is usually used along with salt and acid to preserve pickle fruits and vegetables.
Beverage Products:
Beer is produced from cereal grains which have been malted dried and ground into fine powder fermentation of the powder is done by yeast this process breaks the glucose present in powder into pyruvic acid and then into ethanol grapes can be directly fermented by yeasts to wine.
Industrial products:
The following are the important industrial products produced through the process of fermentation.
Formic acid/ Ethamol
Microorganisms used:
Aspergillues/ Saccharomyces
Some uses:
Used in textile dyeing leather treatment rubber /used as solved used in the production of vinegar and beverages.
Question: 14
Answer: 14
14-39In genetic engineering we have studied about the transformation of microorganisms by the introduction of genes of beneficial protein insulin single cell protein refers to protein content extracted pure or mixed culture of algae yeasts fungi or bacteria for the production of single cell protein the microorganisms are grown in fermenteos these micro organisms utilize a variety of substrate like agriculture wastes industrial wastes natural gas like methane etc. Microorganisms graw very vigorously and produced a high field of protein we know that due to overpopulation the world is facing the problem of food shortage in future the conventional agricultural methods might not be able to produce a sufficient supply of food for a better managements of food shortage problem the use of microbes as the producers of single cell protein has been successful l on experimental basis this technique was introduced by prof scrimshaw of massachusetts institute of technology scientist and food technologsits all scientists recognize the significance of the production of single cell protein the micro organisms grew very vigorously and produce a high yield It has been calculated that 50 kilogram of yeast produces about 250 tones of protein with in 24 hour. Algae grown in pens produce 20 tons of protein per can acre/year this yield of protein is 10-15 time higher then say beans and 20-50 times higher than can when single cell protein are produced by using yeasts the products also contains high vitamin content more ever the production of single cell proteins in independent of seasonal variations.
Question: 15
Answer: 15
15-39In genetic engineering we have studied about the transformation of microorganisms by the introduction of genes of beneficial protein insulin single cell protein refers to protein content extracted pure or mixed culture of algae yeasts fungi or bacteria for the production of single cell protein the microorganisms are grown in fermenteos these micro organisms utilize a variety of substrate like agriculture wastes industrial wastes natural gas like methane etc. Microorganisms graw very vigorously and produced a high field of protein we know that due to overpopulation the world is facing the problem of food shortage in future the conventional agricultural methods might not be able to produce a sufficient supply of food for a better managements of food shortage problem the use of microbes as the producers of single cell protein has been successful l on experimental basis this technique was introduced by prof scrimshaw of massachusetts institute of technology scientist and food technologsits all scientists recognize the significance of the production of single cell protein the micro organisms grew very vigorously and produce a high yield It has been calculated that 50 kilogram of yeast produces about 250 tones of protein with in 24 hour. Algae grown in pens produce 20 tons of protein per can relyear this yield of protein is 10-15 time higher then say beans and 20-50 times higher than can when single cell protein are produced by using yeasts the products also contains high vitamin content more ever the production of single cell proteins in independent of seasonal variations.
Question: 16
Answer: 16
16-39Drug abusers go through withdrawal of social content or communication many studies by the expents of social science prove that there axists a close relationship between drug addcition and crime the compulsion for narcotic drug makes every drug addict a law violator and a criminal Mere possession of a narcotic drug is a violation of the law. Thus every drug addict is subject to arrest by the police.
Most narcotic addicts get involved in various types of crime e.g robbery shoplifting burglary embezzlement etc drug addict may commit violent crimes since so many becomes psychic patients the addicts are very weak in their social behavior they face social stigma i.e the society dislikes them because of their unpredictable behaviours.
Question: 17
Answer: 17
17-39Any substance that when absorbed into the body at a living organism alters normal body function is known drug aspirin.
Question: 18
Answer: 18
18-39The study of drug of drug composition and properties and medical and application.
Pharmacy is the science and technique of preparing and dispensing drugs.
Question: 19
Answer: 19
19-39Several common drugs are produced from minerals the mineral iodine is used in making tincture of iodine a liquid that helps prevent infection when applied to cuts and bruises the powder form of silver nitrate is applied on wands be stop bleeding and prevent infection.
Question: 20
Answer: 20
20-39A device that provides aptimum environment in which organisms can graw to produce biomass and to perform the product.
The process in which there is incomplete oxidation reduction of the organic substrate glucose.
Question: 21
Answer: 21
21-39Drug that causes changes in perception thought emation and consciousness.
Strong painkiller drugs also used as addictive drugs commonly abused narcotics include herion morphine methadone etc.
Question: 22
Answer: 22
22-39In this process pyruvic acid is reduced to lactic acid it is carried out by many bacteria strepto occurs and many lactobacillus species.
Question: 23
Answer: 23
23-39The GMO contains the gene of interest and manufactures the desired product which is isolated from culture medium
Question: 24
Answer: 24
24-39A commonly abused narcotic derived from morphine affects the central nervous system and cause drousiness disorientation, hypotension.
Question: 25
Answer: 25
25-39Any substance chemical medical diagnose cure treatment or prevention of disease.
Addictive drug:
Some drug often make person depend on them or addictive these may be called as addictive drugs.
Question: 26
Answer: 26
26-39In the first step the genetic engineer identifies the gene of interest to the host in a donar organisms.
Question: 27
Answer: 27
27-39Production of particulars RNA and protein mlolecules treatment of genetic defect in higher organisms .
Question: 28
Answer: 28
28-39The DNA or bacteriophage etc that transfers the isolated gene of interest to the hot cell.
Question: 29
Answer: 29
29-39The material used to produced immunity to a disease by stimulating the production of anti bodies.
Question: 30
Answer: 30
30-39Vaccines are used to develop immunity against ural and bacterial infect vaccines against small pox unhaping caugh hepatitis B.
Question: 31
Answer: 31
31-39Marijunna is a hallucinogens high doses increase heart rate it is also effects the production of sperms in men and also weaknes the short term memory.
Question: 32
Answer: 32
32-39The praticn content extracted from pure or mixed cultures of algae yeasts fungi or bacteria the microorganisms are grown in fermenters where they produce a high yield of proteins.
Question: 33
Answer: 33
33-39Morphine acts directly on control nervous system to relieve pain morphine has a high potential for addiction.
Question: 34
Answer: 34
34-39The harmone thymosin which may prove effective against brain and lungs cancer has been produced by genetically modified microorganisms.
Question: 35
Answer: 35
35-39Medicines for giving strength to heart muscles.
Question: 36
Answer: 36
36-39The fermentation in which substrate is added to the fermenter continuously at a fixed rate.
Question: 37
Answer: 37
37-39Sulpha drugs synthetic antibiotics inhibit bacterial pratcin synthesis.
Question: 38
Answer: 38
38-39The vactor DNA and the attached gene of interest.
Question: 39
Answer: 39
39-39The mineral iodine is used in making tincture of iodine.